Letters Home
Date Sent | Relevant Year / Group | Subject Matter |
14 Feb 2025 | Whole School | EYFS Donations |
7 Feb 2025 | Whole School | FONS AGM Invite |
7 Feb 2025 | Whole School | Charity Day Thursday 13th Feb 25 |
7 Feb 2025 | Year R | Spring 1 Week 5 |
5 Feb 2025 | Year R, Year 1 and Year 2 | FONS Skittleman |
31 Jan 2025 | Year R | Spring 1 Week 4 |
31 Jan 2025 | Year 4 | Superstars |
24 Jan 2025 | Year R | Spring 1 Week 3 |
23 Jan 2025 | Whole School | Punctuality Letter |
20 Jan 2025 | Whole School | EPINS Parent Workshop |
20 Jan 2025 | Year 5 Boys | KEGS Tours |
20 Jan 2025 | Year R and Year 3 | Dental Check Letter |
17 Jan 2025 | Year R | Spring 1 Week 2 |
14 Jan 2025 | Year 3 | History Workshop - Saxons and Vikings |
10 Jan 2025 | Reception | Spring 1 Week 1 |
10 Jan 2025 | Years R-6 | Uniform Letter and Slip |
9 Jan 2025 | Apple Bay | New Staffing |
18 Dec 2024 | Reception and Year 6 | Height and Weight Checks R Y6 |
29 Nov 2024 | Reception | Autumn 2 Week 4 |
27 Nov 2024 | Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 | Nativity Ticket Letter |
22 Nov 2024 | Reception | Autumn 2 Week 3 |
21 Nov 2024 | Year 1 | Costumes |
20 Nov 2024 | Whole School | FONS - Volunteers and Donations |
20 Nov 2024 | Whole School | FONS - Hamper Donations |
15 Nov 2024 | Reception | Road Safety |
15 Nov 2024 | Whole School | TLC Feedback |
15 Nov 2024 | Reception | Autumn 2 Week 2 |
8 Nov 2024 | Reception | Autumn 2 Week 1 |
7 Nov 2024 | Year 5 | Planetarium Activity |
7 Nov 2024 | Whole School | Lateness Letter |
5 Nov 2024 | Whole School | Termly Learning Conference |
5 Nov 2024 | Years R-6 | Flu Immunisation |
22 Oct 2024 | Whole School | FONS Winter Artwork |
22 Oct 2024 | Whole School | FONS Non Uniform Day |
18 Oct 2024 | Reception | Week 5 Phonics |
11 Oct 2024 | Reception | Week 4 Phonics |
4 Oct 2024 | Reception | Week 3 Phonics |
27 Sep 2024 | Year 6 | PGL Final Reminders |
26 Sep 2024 | Reception | Week 2 Phonics |
20 Sep 2024 | Reception | Week 1 Phonics |
20 Sep 2024 | Year 6 | Bikeability |
19 Sep 2024 | Year 2 | Hedingham Castle |
17 Sep 2024 | Whole School | Harvest Festival, Foodbank List |
16 Sep 2024 | Year 5 | Greek Day |
13 Sep 2024 | Year 6 | Meet the Teacher and PGL |
13 Sep 2024 | Year 5 | Meet the Teacher |
12 Sep 2024 | Year 3 | Meet the Teacher |
11 Sep 2024 | Year 1 | Meet the Teacher |
11 Sep 2024 | Year 4 | Meet the Teacher |
10 Sep 2024 | Year 2 | Meet the Teacher |
6 Sep 2024 | Year 4 | Colchester Zoo |
4 Sep 2024 | Year 6 | Arrangements Letter |
4 Sep 2024 | FS and Year 1 | Phonics Workshop |
3 Sep 2024 | Whole School | Photo Subscription |
3 Sep 2024 | Whole School | Welcome Back |
Date Sent | Relevant Year / Group | Subject Matter |
22 Jul 2024 | Whole School | In The Spotlight Summer 2024 |
17 Jul 2024 | Whole School | Changes to Fines Term Time Holiday |
5 Jul 2024 | Whole School | September Classes |
4 Jul 2024 | Year 6 | Year 6 Puberty Letter |
3 Jul 2024 | Year 5 | Year 5 Puberty Letter |
13 Jun 2024 | Whole School | Charity Day 28th June |
11 Jun 2024 | Year 5 | Junior Music Festival Details |
7 Jun 2024 | Year 6 | Production Letter |
6 Jun 2024 | Whole School | Springers Holiday Flyer |
5 Jun 2024 | Year 6 | Forest School |
4 Jun 2024 | Whole School | Protect our Planet - Tickets |
4 Jun 2024 | KS2 Girls | New After School Football Club |
3 Jun 2024 | Year 1 | Parent Phonics Meeting |
24 May 2024 | Year 5 | School Trip - Jimmy's Farm |
17 May 2024 | Elm Bay | Letter to Parents of Elm Bay |
15 May 2024 | Whole School | Non Uniform Day 23rd May 2024 |
15 May 2024 | Year 5 | World Environment Day and Junior Music Festival Tickets |
1 May 2024 | Lime Bay | Lime Bay Class Teacher |
30 Apr 2024 | Year 5 & Year 6 | CVHS Summer Camp |
30 Apr 2024 | Year 5 | Junior Music Festival |
26 Apr 2024 | Year 1 | Year 1 Class Teacher |
26 Apr 2024 | Year 1 | Phonics Screening Meeting |
23 Apr 2024 | Foundation Stage | School Trip - Call of the Wild |
26 Mar 2024 | Year 5 | Arrangements Letter |
25 Mar 2024 | Year 3 & Year 4 | Attain Arts Festival |
12 Mar 2024 | Whole School | MyHappyMind |
28 Feb 2024 | Year 3 & Year 4 | Production Ticket Letter |
1 Mar 2024 | Whole School | Termly Learning Conferences |
27 Feb 2024 | Whole School | World Book Day Competition |
16 Feb 2024 | Whole School | Tersha Visit, Leaflet 1, Leaflet 2 |
16 Feb 2024 | EYFS - Year 6 | Reading Cafes |
16 Feb 2024 | Whole School | Author Visit |
9 Feb 2024 | Year 3 | Performance Costume Letter |
9 Feb 2024 | Whole School | World Book Day 2024 |
8 Feb 2024 | Foundation Stage | Week 4 and Week 5 Homework |
26 Jan 2024 | Foundation Stage | Week 3 Homework |
24 Jan 2024 | Year 6 | WhatsApp Flyer and Email |
24 Jan2024 | Year 5 | KEGS Prospective Tours |
24 Jan 2024 | Foundation Stage | Grapheme Mat |
1 Dec 2023 | KS1 | Nativity Ticket Letter |
22 Nov 2023 | Whole School | Ofsted Report and Letter |
20 Nov 2023 | Whole School | TLC Feedback |
20 Nov 2023 | Year 1 | Costume Letter |
17 Nov 2023 | Foundation Stage | Autumn 2 Week 3 |
13 Nov 2023 | Foundation Stage | Autumn 2 Week 2 |
13 Nov 2023 | Whole School | TLCs Information Letter |
6 Nov 2023 | Year 5 | Planetarium Activity |
3 Nov 2023 | FS - Willow Bay | Class Teacher Change |
3 Nov 2023 | Year 4 - Birch Bay | Class Teacher Change |
2 Nov 2023 | Whole School | FONS - Bag2School |
2 Nov 2023 | Whole School | FONS - Christmas Hamper Donations |
2 Nov 2023 | Whole School | Termly Learning Conference (TLCs) and Information Leaflet |
31 Oct 2023 | Year 3 | Message from Class Teachers |
31 Oct 2023 | Year 6 | Bikeability |
19 Oct 2023 | Whole School | FONS Winter Artwork and Non Uniform Day |
17 Oct 2023 | Foundations and KS1 | Phonics Resources - Attachment one, two. three and four. |
17 Oct 2023 | Foundation Stage | FS Pronounciation Guide Autumn |
17 Oct 2023 | Foundation Stage | |
13 Oct 2023 | Foundation Stage | Homework Week 4 and Week 5 |
10 Oct 2023 | Whole School | Ofsted Letter to Parents, Parent Guide |
9 Oct 2023 | Foundation Stage | Reception Newsletter |
9 Oct 2023 | Choir | Royal Albert Hall |
6 Oct 2023 | Foundation Stage | Week 3 Homework |
6 Oct 2023 | Year 5 | Residential Trip Details |
29 Sep 2023 | Year 6 | Arrangements Next Week |
29 Sep 2023 | Whole School | Attendance Matters |
28 Sep 2023 | Foundation Stage | Height, Weight and Vision Check |
28 Sep 2023 | Foundation Stage | Week 2 |
26 Sep 2023 | Year 5 | Ancient Greek Day |
22 Sep 2023 | Willow Bay | Letter to Willow Bay Parents |
22 Sep 2023 | Foundation Stage | Week 1 |
22 Sep 2023 | Whole School | Police Incident |
22 Sep 2023 | Whole School | Harvest Festival 2023 |
19 Sep 2023 | Whole School | Flu Vaccination Consent Form |
14 Sep 2023 | Year 6 | Meet the Teacher Autumn 2023, PGL Information |
14 Sep 2023 | Year 4 | School Trip - Colchester Zoo |
14 Sep 2023 | Year 5 | Meet the Teacher Autumn 2023 |
13 Sep 2023 | Year 4 | Meet the Teacher Autumn 2023 |
13 Sep 2023 | Year 3 | Meet the Teacher Autumn 2023 |
12 Sep 2023 | Year 2 | School Trip - Hedingham Castle |
12 Sep 2023 | Year 2 | Meet the Teacher Autumn 2023 |
12 Sep 2023 | Year 1 | Meet the Teacher Autumn 2023 |
8 Sep 2023 | Whole School | Attain Letter to Parents and Home School Agreement |
8 Sep 2023 | Whole School | Letter to Parents 08.09.23 |
Date Sent | Relevant Year / Group | Subject Matter |
21 July 2023 | Whole School | Data Summary 23 - 24 |
21 July 2023 | Whole School | CEO Message to Parents |
21 July 2023 | Whole School | In The Spotlight - Summer 23 Edition |
6 July 2023 | Year 6 | Puberty and Sex Education Letter |
29 June 2023 | Whole School | Industrial Action |
27 June 2023 | Year 5 | Puberty Talk |
26 June 2023 | Year 3 | Classes Next Year |
19 June 2023 | Whole School | September Changes |
16 June 2023 | Year 3 | Viking Day |
16 June 2023 | Year 6 | Crucial Crew |
12 June 2023 | Whole School | FONS Hamper and Fruit Donations |
6 June 2023 | Foundation Stage and KS1 | Sports Week |
6 June 2023 | Whole School | FONS Summer Fayre Token Letter |
6 June 2023 | Whole School | FONS Summer Fayre Raffle Letter |
23 May 2023 | Whole School | New Payment App - User Guide |
23 May 2023 | Selected Year 4 and Year 5 | Quad Kids |
23 May 2023 | Year 2 | Mini Games Row |
23 May 2023 | Year 2 | Stave House Level 2 Exam |
22 May 2023 | Choir | Junior Music Festival Tickets |
22 May 2023 | Year 2 | School Trip - Naze Discovery Centre |
19 May 2023 | Year 1 | Barleylands Details |
9 May 2023 | Whole School | Parent Survey |
4 May 2023 | Year 4 | Fajitas |
3 May 2023 | Choir | Upcoming Concerts |
2 May 2023 | Year 1 | School Trip - Barleylands |
2 May 2023 | KS2 | KS2 Sports Week |
2 May 2023 | Selected Year 6 | Kwik Cricket |
26 April 2023 | Whole School | FONS Bag2School |
25 April 2023 | Whole School | Letter to Parents - Industrial Action |
19 April 2023 | Year 6 | School Trip Epping Forest |
19 April 2023 | Year 5 | School Trip - Jimmy's Farm |
18 April 2023 | Years 2 - 6 | Glee Club Summer Term |
18 April 2023 | Year 1 | Stave House Music Award |
10 November 2022 | Whole School | Dean's Break the rules Day (fundraiser for Children in Need) |
8 November 2022 | Whole School | FONS Bag2School |
8 November 2022 | Year 6 | Height and Weight Checks Letter |
7 November 2022 | Whole School | FONS Hamper Donations |
7 November 2022 | Whole School | TLCs Autumn 2022 Letter and Information flyer for parents |
21 October 2022 | Whole School | FONS Pumpkin Decorating Competition; See the Light (Messy Play, St Andrew's Church) |
21 October 2022 | Whole School | FONS Non-Uniform Day (4 November 2022) |
21 October 2022 | Whole School | Reading Spine: Letter and Reading Soine 22-23 |
21 October 2022 | FS and Year 1 | Phonics Workshop for parents (21 October 2022) |
6 September 2022 | Years 2 - 6 | Glee Club |
6 September 2022 | Whole School | Faith Letter |
6 September 2022 | Year 6 | Open Event The Boswells |
6 September 2022 | Year 2 | Hedingham Castle |
6 September 2022 | Year 6 | Secondary Schools Open Days |
6 September 2022 | Year 6 | Chelmer Valley High School Open Day |
6 September 2022 | Year 4 | Colchester Zoo School Trip |
Date Sent | Relevant Year / Group | Subject Matter |
21 July 2022 | Whole School | Before and After Shool Clubs |
20 July 2022 | Whole School | Letter to Parents from CEO |
18 July 2022 | Whole School | Online Safety Briefing |
15 July 2022 | Whole School | Data Summary 2021/22 |
15 July 2022 | Whole School | Essex SEND Summer activities; 2022 Artistic Swimming Display poster; Summer Holiday workshops |
12 July 2022 | Year 2 | Year 3 trip to Buckingham Palace |
11 July 2022 | Whole School | New Classes 2022-2023 |
11 July 2022 | Whole School | FONS - Thank you Fayre 2022 |
11 July 2022 | Whole School | Individual Reports |
11 July 2022 | Year 4 (Beech Bay) | Message from Miss Carpenter |
8 July 2022 | Year 6 | Sex Education Letter |
1 July 2022 | Years 1 to 6 | Reading Letter |
4 July 2022 | Whole School | FONS Summer Disco |
4 July 2022 | Whole School | Music in school tuition |
24 June 2022 | Year 5 | DT Project |
24 June 2022 | Year 5 | Victorian Day |
24 June 2022 | Whole School | Trustee Vacancies Letter to Parents |
23 June 2022 | Whole School | School Council Bake Sale Poster |
23 June 2022 | KS1 (Foundation Stage to Year 2) | Parent Letter Skipping Workshop |
20 June 2022 | Year 6 | FONS Year 6 BBQ request 2022 |
17 June 2022 | Whole School | Summer Fayre Tokens Letter |
16 June 2022 | Year 5 | Puperty Letter |
16 June 2022 | Year 5 | Open Evening ColchesterRoyal Grammer School |
15 June 2022 | Whole School | FONS Summer Fayre Hamper letter |
15 June 2022 | Whole School | FONS Summer Fayre Raffle Letter |
13 June 2022 | Whole School | Springers Holiday Flyer |
25 May 2022 | Whole School | FONS Non-Uniform Day |
25 May 2022 | Foundation Stage | Multi-Skills Club |
23 May 2022 | Whole School | Springers Summer Holiday Club |
23 May 2022 | Year 5 & 6 | CCFC After-School Football Club (Tuesdays) |
23 May 2022 | Years 2, 3 & 4 | CCFC After-school Football Club (Fridays) |
19 May 2022 | Year 5 | Jimmy's Farm |
19 May 2022 | Year 4 | Superstars |
18 May 2022 | Whole School | Letter to Parents (Parents survey feedback) |
17 May 2022 | Whole School | Jubilee Letter |
17 May 2022 | Year 5 | KEGS tour Summer 2022 |
13 May 2022 | Year 1 | Kimmy's Petting Zoo Letter |
12 May 2022 | Wole School | CCFC Whitsun Football Courses Leaflet and ECC Written Letter to Parents |
11 May 2022 | Year 3 | Abberton Reservoir Trip |
10 May 2022 | Year 4 | Times Table Letter |
10 May 2022 | Choir | Choir Fest 2022 |
10 May 2022 | Foundation Stage | Homework |
9 May 2022 | Year 6 | Crucial Crew Letter |
5 May 2022 | Year 1 | Writtle Minor Taster Session |
4 May 2022 | whole School | FONS Preloved Uniform Sale |
3 May 2022 | Whole School | Parent Survey |
3 May 2022 | Years 3 to 6 | KS2 Sports Day |
29 April 2022 | Year 6 | SATS Letter to Parents |
28 April 2022 | Whole School | Love your Library Day; Essex Book Festival; Messy Church; Girls Football |
21 April2022 | Foundation Stage | Apple Bay School Trip |
20 April 2022 | Foundation Stage | FS- Local Church Visit |
1 April 2022 | Years 2 to 6 | Glee Club |
30 March 2022 | Whole School | FONS Newsletter |
29 March 2022 | Year 2 | Stave House Violin Exams (Level 2) |
29 March 2022 | Whole School | FONS Bag2School Letter |
24 March 2022 | Year 4 | Ancient Egyptian Day (change of date) |
24 March 2022 | Year 3 (Holly Bay) | Letter to Parents |
23 March 2022 | Years 2 to 4 | CCFC Afterschool Football Club |
23 March 2022 | Years 5 & 6 | CCFC Afterschool Football Club |
22 March 2022 | Year 5 | Muffins |
21 March 2022 | Whole School | FONS Decorated Easter Egg Competition |
17 March 2022 | Years 1-6 | Summer Term Sports Clubs Cover Email and Poster |
7 March 2022 | Foundation Stage and Year 4 | Swimming Letters for Oak, Willow and Beech |
3 March 2022 | Whole School | Essex Primary SCITT Recruitment Flyer |
1 March 2022 | Whole School | TLCs Spring 2022 |
24 February 2022 | whole School | Letter to Parent Letter - update from Clare Kershaw |
22 February 2022 | Whole School | World Book Day |
21 February 2022 | Year 2 | Great Fire of London Day |
8 February 2022 | Year 6 | Leavers Yearbook Consent Letter |
8 February 2022 | Years 2, 3, & 4 | Friday Afterschool Football Club |
8 February 2022 | Year 5 & 6 | Tuesday Afterschool Football Club |
7 February 2022 | Year 6 | KEG Tours |
4 February 2022 | Year 5 | School Trip: Jimmy's Farm |
4 February 2022 | Whole School | Road Safety |
27 January 2022 | Whole School | FONS School Lottery: How it works; Launching a Lottery |
26 January 2022 | Foundation Stage | Reading at Home Letter |
17 January 2022` | Whole School | FONS Newsletter |
10 January 2022 | Year 4 (Chestnut) | All about me: Miss Edwards; Mrs Cross |
4 January 2022 | Whole School | Letter to parents - Young Carers |
14 December 2021 | Whole School | Parent Letter from Claire Kershaw |
14 December 2021 | Years 2 to 6 | Glee Club Letter |
8 December 2021 | Year 5 & 6 | Tuesday After School Football Club |
8 December 2021 | Years 2, 3 & 4 | Friday Football Club |
8 December 2021 | Year 4 | Times Table Letter |
8 December 2021 | Year 3 | Times Table Letter |
7 December 2021 | Whole School | Letter to Primary Parents & Carers |
3 December 2021 | Whole School | Parent Governor Vacancy, Parent Governor Nomination Form, Annex A Qualification and Disqualification |
3 December 2021 | Whole School | Letter re Reading Guide and Reading Guide |
2 December 2021 | Years 3 & 4 | Cheerleading Club |
1 December 2021 | Year 3 & 4 | Dodgeball Club |
1 December 2021 | Year 3 & 4 | Gymnastics Club |
1 December 2021 | Year 3 & 4 | Dodgeball Club |
1 December 2021 | Year 5 & 6 | Basketball Club |
1 December 2021 | Year 5 & 6 | Dodgeball Club |
30 November 2021 | Year 5 & 6 | Gymnastics Club |
30 November 2021 | Year 5 & 6 | Cheerleading Club |
26 November 2021 | Year 6 | Bikeability Interest Form |
24 November 2021 | Year 1, Year 3 | Spring Term Swimming: Ash; Lime; Holly; Pine |
22 November 2021 | Whole School | Flue Vaccine: Electronic consent invitation Letter |
22 November 2021 | Whole School | FONS Christmas Raffle |
15 November 2021 | Whole School | FONS Christmas Hamper Donations and FONS Bag2School |
5 November 2021 | Whole school | Termly Learning Conference Letter: 17th and 18th November 2021 |
5 November 2021 | EYFS and KS1 | Reading Letter to EYFS and KS1 Parents |
5 November 2021 | Club Participants (Choir) | Royal Albert Hall - Final Trip Letter |
5 November 2021 | Whole School | PE Days - Correction Letter |
4 November 2021 | Year 3 | Year 3 Design and Technology |
2 November 2021 | Year 5 and 6 | High 5 Training |
2 November 2021 | Nursery (Apple Bay) | Parent Letter wkb 1 November 2021 |
1 November 2021 | Whole School | FONS Non-Uniform Day |
1 November 2021 | Whole School | Covid: Update to Parents and Primary Testing Parent Letter |
1 November 2021 | Years 3 to 5 | Swan Lake - School Trip Letter |
21 October 2021 | Years 5 and 6 | Football Club Letter |
21 October 2021 | Years 2, 3 and 4 | Football Club Letter |
21 October 2021 | Whole school | FONS Christmas Fundraiser Letter |
20 October 2021 | Apple Bay | Message to parents Week Beginning 18 Ocotber 2021 |
20 October 2021 | Year 5 | PGL Trip: Year 6 Residential to Bawdsey Manor Initial letter |
20 October 2021 | Whole School | FONS Bag2School |
20 October 2021 | Selected pupils | Boccia and Kurling Tournament |
20 Ocotber 2021 | Years 3 to 6 | After School Clubs: Dance and Netball clubs |
18 October 2021 | Foundation Stage | Plant Pots: Good afternoon, Please can the children in Willow and Oak bay bring a 10-15cm plastic plant pot into school this week. Thank you very much Mrs Perry and Mrs Randall |
18 October 2021 | whole School | FONS Non-Uniform Day 5.11.2021 |
15 October 2021 | Year 5 | Stem Planetatium |
14 October 2021 | Whole School | |
14 October 2021 | Whole School | FONS PTA Calendar of Events |
14 October 2021 | Year 6 | Height and Weight Check |
14 October 2021 | Foundation Stage | Height, Weigth and Vision Check |
11 October 2021 | Year 4 (Selected Pupils) | Archery Tournament |
11 October 2021 | Year 5 | Reminder: Ancient Greek Day Dear parents and carers, Please be reminded that today is the deadline for payment for the above activity if you have not already done so. I have attached the initial letter for reference. If you have any questions about this, please email reception@newlandsspring.essex.sch.uk. Many thanks, Mrs Giles |
7 October 2021 | Whole School | FONS Halloween Disco |
4 October 2021` | Year 2 | Stave House level 1 Music Award |
1 October 2021 | Year 5 | Ancient Greek Day |
30 September 2021 | Year 6 | Residential Trip: PGL Trip |
29 September 2021 | Year 3 |
Dear parents and carers, Please can your child bring in their Big Cat book and reading record on the day that they have been given. The day has been stuck on the front of their reading record. The books they are given should be read in one week. Many thanks The year 3 team, |
29 September 2021 | Year 3 | Tag Rugby Tournament |
29 September 2021 | Year 6 | Tag Rugby Tournament |
27 September 2021 | Whole School | Harest Festival |
27 September 2021 | Foundation Stage (Oak Bay) | Message for Oak Bay |
27 September 2021 | Year 6 | Sandon school Virtual Open Evening |
24 September 2021 | Whole School | Springers Half-Term Holiday Club |
17 September 2021 | Club Participants (Choir) | Royal Albert Hall Initial Letter |
17 Septemer 2021 | Year 5 |
Homework: Good afternoon, Just a reminder that children will be set homework on Times Tables Rockstars and Spelling Shed each week in addition to work set on DB Primary. Many thanks Mrs Hydes and Mrs Clifton
16 September 2021 | Year 6 | Anglo European Open Day Event |
16 September 2021 | Year 6 | Sandon School Open Evening |
15 September 2021 | Year 5/6 (Selected Particpants) | Football Tournament |
15 September 2021 | Year 4 | School Trip: Colchester Zoo |
15 September 2021 | Apple Bay | Message from Apple Bay wkb 13 September |
14 September 2021 | Whole School | Message from FONS |
10 September 2021 | Year 3 | Trip to Ortu Gable Hall School |
10 September 2021 | Year 6 | Bawdsey Manor Trip Information |
10 September 2021 | Years 1 to 6 |
Meet the Teacher Letter for
10 September 2021 | Year 1 | Food Tasting Letter |
9 September 2021 | Whole School |
COVID update: Self-Isolation and Testing Flow Chart
9 September 2021 | Year 6 | Year 6 Prefect Agreement with Parents |
9 September 2021 | Nursery | Apple Bay Parents wkb 7 September |
2 September 2021 | Whole School | e-Safety Training Workshops, Essex Dance Theater Boys and Essex Family Forum Annual Neurodevelopment Survey |
2 September 2021 | Whole School | CEO Letter to Parents |
1 September 2021 | Whole School | Letter to Parents |
Date Sent | Relevant Year / Group | Subject Matter |
16 July 2021 | Years 2 and 5 | Autumn Term Swimming letters for Elm Bay, Maple Bay, Rowan Bay and Sycamore Bay |
16 July 2021 | Whole School | Contact Tracing - Letter to parents |
16 July 2021 | Club members (Football) | CANCELLED: Dear parents and carers, Unfortunately, the after school football club has been cancelled today. Please collect your child at the usual time at the end of the day. Apologies for the inconvenience this may have caused. Kind regards Mrs Giles |
15 July 2021 | Whole School | Mini Springers Vacancy |
8 July 2021 | Foundation Stage | FS Leaflet: Dear Parents, You will be receiving your child’s annual report tomorrow by email. Please find attached some information to explain the assessment process. Kind regards Mrs Hawkes |
8 July 2021 | Years 1 to 6 | Yrs 1 to 6 Leaflet: Dear Parents, You will be receiving your child’s annual report tomorrow by email. Please find attached some information to explain the assessment process. Kind regards Mrs Hawkes |
8 July 2021 | Whole School | September Arrangements |
8 July 2021 | Year 5 | D.T. Letter |
7 July 2021 | Foundation Stage | Work for Willow Bay |
7 July 2021 | Year 4 | Message from Mrs Carpenter |
4 July 2021 | Whole School | Advice to Parents |
22 June 2021 | Year 6 | Letter to parents |
21 June 2021 | Year6 | Year 6 Costume Suggestion |
18 June 2021 | Year 5 | Puberty Talk |
18 June 2021 | Year 5 | Victorian Day |
18 June 2021 | Nursery (Apple Bay) | Message from Miss Holme: Hello Apple bay family, Due to the latest government announcement the school trip and open day won't be happening this term. But we have 4 weeks left of fun, excitement, and learning adventures. Thank you for your understanding. Jessica Holme |
1614 June 2021 | Whole School | Springers Holiday Club: Week 1 and Weeks 2 and 3 |
11 June 2021 | Nursery (Apple Bay) | Note for Apple Bay Parents |
11 June 2021 | Nursery (Apple Bay) | Natural foundation School Trip |
10 June 2021 | Year 5 | KEGS Presentatio for Year 5 parents |
10 June 2021 | Nursery (Apple Bay) | Class Photo and Open Day |
9 June 2021 | Whole School | SEND Virtual Coffee Morning |
9 June 2021 | Year 5 | Cardboard Boxes |
9 June 2021 | Year 5 | Residential Trip: Dear parents, As you may know, we were able to go ahead with our year 6 residential trip last month and the year 6s had a brilliant time. I am aware that some year 5 parents may have been delaying giving consent and starting payments for their child’s October 2021 Bawdsey Manor PGL trip until the COVID situation was clearer. Current guidance now allows schools to run residential trips in England and hopefully this will not change. The original letter is attached with this email. Please let us know whether you would like a place on this trip for your child and also let us know if you definitely do not want your child to go on the trip. Best wishes Mrs Hawkes |
12 May 2021 | Whole School | Letter to parents and carers |
12 May 2021 | Year 5 | KEGS Virtual Tour |
10 May 2021 | Foundation Stage |
Homework: Dear parents, The homework for the 3 weeks up to half term is to look at the 3 stories on DB primary about E-Safety. As you know it is a very important issue and we would urge you to make sure that they understand this. Please use the link below to find the stories.
Thank you for your continuing support. Mrs Perry and Mrs Randall
10 May 2021 | whole School | Springers Half-Term Holiday Club |
29 April 2021 | Foundation Stage | FS Tech Homework |
29 April 2021 | Whole School | Springers Half-Term Holiday Club |
29 April 2021 | Year 4 | Times Table |
27 April 2021 | Foundation Stage | Reading Books: Good afternoon, Please can reading books be returned on Thursday this week as it is a non pupil day on Friday. Many thanks Mrs Perry and Mrs Randall |
27 April 2021 | Year 3 | Reading Records: Hello everyone,,Reading records will be checked on Thursday this week due to the non- pupil day on Friday. Please could you ensure that your child has their reading record and their Big Cat book for this Thursday 29th April. Thank you for your support. Miss Riordan and Miss Bishop,Class Teachers |
27 April 2021 | Nursery (Apple Bay) | Non-Pupil Day: Good afternoon, Please be reminded that Apple Bay will be closed on Friday 30th April due to a non pupil day. Many thanks, Jessica Holme |
27 April 2021 | Nursery (Apple Bay) | Message for Nursery Parents |
23 April 2021 | Foundation Stage |
Homework: Dear parents, For homework this week, please could your child take a photo of something that tells us that it is Spring. Then upload the picture on to DB Primary and write a blog entry about it. Many thanks Mrs Perry and Mrs Randall |
22 April 2021 | Whole School | RSE Policy and RSE Consultation Letter |
22 April 2021 | Year 6 | Height & Weight Checks |
22 April 2021 | Whole School | Letter to Parents re Incident |
22 April 2021 | Foundtion stage and Year 1 | Health, Weight & Vision: Dear parents, Please see the attached letter regarding annual vision, height and weight checks for children in Reception and those in Year 1 who missed out last year. Mrs Giles eceptionist |
21 April 2021 | Whole School | New reading Scheme |
21 April 2021 | Nursery (Apple Bay) | Nursery World Conference |
20 April 2021 | Year 1 | Boxes: Dear Parents, On the week commencing the 10th May we will be spending the week making the vehicles we designed during remote learning. Please could we ask you to send in 2 cereal boxes or small sized cardboard boxes (please ensure that they have not contained nut based products) for your child to use to construct their vehicle. We will have a some extra resources available in school for the children to add to their vehicle. Please could these come into school in a named plastic bag by Friday 7th May. Thank you for your continued support. The Year 1 Team |
16 April 2021 | Foundation Stage | Homework: Dear Parents, Today your child will be bringing home their DB primary log in cards. Attached are the instructions for how to log in. For Homework this week, please could you help your child to log in to their account and change their profile picture and background. Many thanks Mrs Perry & Mrs Randall |
13 April 2021 | Year 6 | PE Day Change |
13 April 2021 | Year 6 | Mersea: Residential update |
26 March 2021 | Whole Shool | Covid Easter Letter |
26 March 2021 | Year 6 | Mersea Residential Cancellation Letter: Dear parents, Thank you to those parents who have responded to my letter about the cancelled year 6 residential. 40 parents have replied to say that they are happy for the school to retain £50 of the monies paid in order to try to book a day trip. We need to hear back from everyone please. We cannot book anything until we know we have enough contributions and as many schools have had to cancel their residential trips, day options may become limited. The original letter is attached. Mrs Hawkes |
25 March 2021 | Whole School | Letter from Mrs Edom-Baker (CEO) |
25 March 2021 | Year 3 | Design & Technology Letter - Egg boxes |
23 March 2021 | Year 6 | Mersea Residential Letter |
22 March 2021 | Years 5 and 6 | Football Club (Tuesday) |
22 March 2021 | Years 3 and 4 | Footbal Club (Friday) |
22 March 2021 | Year 6 | Dodgeball Club (Tuesday) |
22 March 2021 | Year 5 | Dodgeball Club (Friday) |
22 March 2021 | Year 5 | Cheerleading Club (Tuesday) |
22 March 2021 | Year 4 | Dodgeball Club (Tuesday) |
22 March 2021 | Year 4 | Gymnastics Club (Thursday) |
22 March 2021 | Year 3 | Gymnastics Club (Wednesday) |
22 March 2021 | Year 3 | Multisport Club (Monday) |
22 March 2021 | Year 2 | Gymnastics Club (Monday) and Multisport Club (Thursday) |
22 March 2021 | Year 2 | Multi Sports Club (Thursday) |
22 Marchh 2021 | Yer 1 | Multi Sports Club (Friday) |
19 March 2021 | Nursery (Apple Bay) | Termly Learning Conference: Monday 3rd May and Tuesday 4th May |
16 March 2021 | Year 3 | Reading Records: We hope you are all well. We have completed a reading record check today and some children have said that they can't find their reading record. Please could your child have a good look at home for their record and bring it in on Monday for their number of reads to be checked. Thank you Miss Riordan and Miss Bishop |
12 March 2021 | Apple Bay | Education Sustainable Citizenship |
11 March 2021 | Year 5 | Muffin Letter |
9 March 2021 | whole School | Springers Holiday Club |
8 March 2021 | Whole School | Termly Learning Conference (Spring) |
8 March 2021 | Year 3 (Holly Bay) | Swimming Summer Term Letter |
5 March 2021 | Whole School | Letter to parents from Susannah Edom-Baker |
5 March 2021 | Year 3 | Recorders: Dear Parents and Carers, Before the Christmas holidays, we sent out a letter regarding the children learning the recorder this term in class. Whilst this would have been tricky to set for home learning, now that we are going to be back in school we would like to begin. Please could you send your child in with their named recorder on Monday if they have one, which they can then keep in their tray at school. For those that do not have their own, we have school recorders that the children can borrow. Each child using a school recorder will use the same recorder each lesson and keep it in their tray for hygiene purposes. Many thanks, Miss Bishop and Miss Riordan. |
5 March 2021 | Whole School | Menu Change: Good afternoon, Please note that the meat option on Tuesday 9th March will be pork and apple burger and not beef burger. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
3 March 2021 | Whole School | Letter to parents - Information on returning back to school on 8th March 2021. |
3 March 2021 | Whole School | Home testing for Adults - Letter from the LA explaining how adults with primary aged children can access regular testing. |
2 March 2021 | Year 5 | Lab Coats: Dear parents and carers, Please can the year 5 children bring in a 'lab coat' for their next topic, an oversized white shirt works very well. These will need to be brought in by Tuesday 9th March. The children will be writing on these so please ensure you are happy for this to happen. Many thanks Mrs Hydes |
2 March 2021 | Whole School | SEND Coffee Morning Invite (10am) |
26 February 2021 | Year 5 (Sycamore) | New Year 5 Teacher - Parent Letter & Pupil letter |
26 February 2021 | Whole School | World book Day Letter |
25 February 2021 | Whole School | Worldbook day letter, WBD Voucher, eSafety Workshop |
23 February 2021 | Whole School | Message for Parents |
11 February 2021 | Whole School | Worldbook day letter, WBD Voucher |
5 February 2021 | Whole School | Menu Change: Good afternoon, Please note that the meat option on Tuesday 9th February will be pork and apple burger and not beef burger. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
4 February 2021 | Whole School | School Emergency Closure proceudre and Wellness Day - Home learning |
29 January 2021 | Whole School | Reading at home Letter |
21 January 2021 | Years 1 to 6 | Tech Camp at Newlands Spring: Cover letter and Flyer |
31 December 2020 | Whole School | URGENT Letter to Parents following Government announcement on delayed opening of schools in january |
18 December 2020 | Year 6 | Bikeability Interest Letter |
18 December 2020 | Whole School |
PE Spring Term: Dear parents and carers, PE days for next term are as follows:
FS - Tuesday, Wednesday
Y1 - Tuesday, Thursday
Y2 - Elm - Wednesday, Friday
Y2 - Maple - Thursday, Friday
Y3 - Pine - Monday, Thursday
Y3 - Holly - Thursday, Friday
Y4 - Chestnut - Monday, Thursday
Y4 - Beech - Tuesday, Friday
Y5 - Monday, Tuesday
Y6 - Monday, Wednesday
Many thanks Mrs Giles
17 December 2020 | Whole School | COVID Christmas Letter Reminder |
15 December 2020 | Year 4 | Elite Basketball Before School Club: Gymnastics (Thursday) |
15 December 2020 | Year 3 | Elite Basketball Clubs: Multi Sport (After School, Monday), Gymnastic (Before School, Wednesday) |
15 December 2020 | Year 2 | Elite Basket Ball before school clubs Spring 2021: Gymnastics (Monday) & Multi Sports Club (Thursday) |
15 December 2020 | Year 5 | Elite Basket Ball Clubs Spring 2021): Dodgeball (After school Friday) & Gymnastics (Before School, Friday) |
15 December 2020 | Years 3 & 4 | CCFC Afterschool Football Club Letter |
15 December 2020 | Year 6 | Elite Basketball Before School Club: Dodgeball (Tuesday) |
15 December 2020 | Year 5 & 6 | CCFS After School Football Club Letter |
14 December 2020 | Year 1 | Elite Basketball Before School Club: Multi Sport (Monday) |
14 December 2020 | Whole School | COVID-19 Letter to all Parents - Single Case |
11 December 2020 | Whole School | COVID-19 Christmas Letter |
10 December 2020 | Year 4 | After School Djembe Drumming Club |
9 December 2020 | Year 4 | Event: Dear parents, Next Tuesday( 15th) we are planning on having a christmassy day in year 4, which will include watching a virtual panto! We would like the children to come to school in a Christmas jumper/ top with their school trousers/ skirt and also wear any xmas accessories such as hats etc. Don't forget they will also be wearing their Xmas jumpers next Friday for the last day of term. Many thanks Mrs Clifton and Miss Carpenter |
9 December 2020 | Year 5 | Swimming Spring Term |
9 December 2020 | Year 3 (Pine Bay) | Swimming Spring Term |
9 December 2020 | Year 2 (Msple Bay) | Swimming Spring Term |
8 December 2020 | Year 2 |
Thursday: Dear parents and carers, Please could the year 2 children bring in a Christmas jumper or accessory on Thursday this week (10th). They are to come into school in their PE kit as usual and bring this in separately. Many thanks Mrs Giles, Receptionist |
8 December 2020 | Foundation Stage |
Message from teachers:
Dear Parents,
Christmas Jumpers
Please could your child wear a Christmas jumper on Friday 11th December (as well as the 18th December).
The children will now have homework to complete each week. The homework will go out each Monday and we would like it returned by the Friday please.
Thank you for your support
The Foundation Stage Team
7 December 2020 | Whole School | FSM Winter Grant Scheme |
30 November 2020 | Whole chool | Clubs Letter |
27 November 2020 | Foundation Stage | NELI Letter to Parents |
25 November 2020 | Year 3 (Pine) |
Reading Record Books: Hello Parents, I hope you are all well. Mrs Pierce will not be able to count the children's reads on Friday. Therefore, she will do them tomorrow. Please could you ensure that your child brings in their reading record tomorrow, so we are able to count the reads. Thank you Kind Regards Miss Riordan
20 November 2020 | Whole School | Essex Child & Family Wellbeing Service newsletter: Public Health Campaign 2020 |
19 November 2020 | Year 6 | Year 6 Leavers Letter from Mrs Town |
18 November 2020 | Year 3 | |
18 November 2020 | Year 2 | Letter to Elm Bay |
16 November 2020 | Whole School | Letter from Claire Kershaw |
13 November 2020 | Foundation Stage | Letter to Parents: Changes to drop-off arrangements |
13 November 2020 | whole School | Remote Learning Letter for Parents |
11 November 2020 | Year 3 | Recorders |
29 October 2020 | Whole School | Change in PE days |
13 October 2020 | Year 6 (Cedar Bay) | PE: Dear parents and carers, Cedar bay will be taking part in PE lessons on Mondays and Thursdays from next week. Please ensure your child comes into school wearing their PE kit on these days. Many thanks Mrs Giles, Receptionist |
13 October 2020 | Year 3 | Walk: Dear parents and carers, Year 3 will be taking part in their local area walk tomorrow. Please can children bring a waterproof coat and if possible wellies or old trainers. They will also need to ensure they have their usual black school trainers with them. Many thanks Mrs Giles, Receptionist |
13 October 2020 | Years 5 & 6 | Cancelled: Dear parents and carers, After school football for years 5 and 6 is cancelled today due to the wet weather. Please ensure your child is collected from school at the usual time. Many thanks Mrs Giles, Receptionist |
9 October 2020 | Whole School | Springers Holiday Club |
6 October 2020 | Year 2 | Stave House Level 1 exam |
6 October 2020 | Year 3 | Local Area Walk |
2 October 2020 | Whole School | Letter for parents re Safety |
2 October 2020 | Year 3 (Pine Bay) | Reading Books: Hello parents, I just wanted to let you know that the children's reading books will be staying here over the weekend. Mrs Pierce was helping Holly Bay class all morning with their pasta salads and so did not get a chance to check the reading records. Our apologises. If you read with your child over the weekend please make a note of it and then we can add it into the reading records when they are handed back to the children on Monday. Thank you, Miss Riordan |
2 October 2020 | Club Participants (Football) | Cancelled: Dear parents and carers, We have decided to cancel after school football today due to the wet weather. Please ensure you collect your child at their normal finishing time. Many thanks Mrs Giles, Receptionist |
1 October 2020 | Whole School | Springers Holiday Club |
1 October 2020 | Whole School | Remote Learning letter for parents |
1 October 2020 | Year 5 | Newspapers: Dear parents and carers, Please can year 5 children bring newspapers into class. We will need these in 2 weeks time so please start to bring in from tomorrow. Many thanks Mrs Hydes |
30 September 2020 | Year 6 | Year 6 Yearbook Consent Letter |
29 September 2020 | Whole School |
KidsAround: Dear parents and carers, Please see the below message from KidAround. They are currently not providing paper copies of the magazine.
Our September Issue of KidAround is here and packed full of information on what’s happening in Essex. To read KidAround on the go or with a nice cuppa visit https://www.kidaround.biz/magazine
28 September 2020 | Whole School | Springers October Holiday Club |
28 September 2020 | Whole School |
Vacancy: Please find details of a vacancy that we currently have that may be of interest to you or anyone you may know.
28 September 2020 | Year 1 |
Art lessons: Dear Parents/Carers, This week in our art lesson we will be experimenting with paint, we will be looking at the primary colours and discovering what colours we can make when we mix these. Please could you send your child into school with a painting apron or an old shirt that they can wear during the lesson to avoid getting paint on their school uniform. Lime Bay's art lesson is on Tuesday. Ash Bay's art lesson is on Thursday. We will keep these aprons/shirts in school to use in future lessons throughout Year 1. Many Thanks, Miss Saveall and Ms Coulson. |
25 September 2020 | Nursery | |
11 September 2020 | Whole School | Meet the Teacher: Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 |
11 September 2020 | Year 6 | Year 6 Open Event |
11 September 2020 | Year 4 (Beech) | Beech Bay - Swimming: Dear parents and carers, Please ensure all children bring a swimming hat and googles to their lessons as they will not be able to swim without them and are unable to borrow any from the pool. Many thanks Mrs Giles, Receptionist |
11 September 2020 | Nursery | Message from Miss Holme |
Music participants (Drums) | Drum Lessons: Dear parents and carers, Mr Reyland will now be commencing drum lessons on Monday 21st September. Please ensure your child brings drum sticks with them. Many thanks Mrs Giles Receptionist | |
11 September 2020 | Year 4 | Djembi Club Flyer and Payment details |
11 September 2020 |
Date | Relevant Year / Group | Subject Matter |
17 July 2020 | Year 4, 5 and 6 | Swimming Letters for Year 4 (Beech), Year 4 (Chestnut), Year 5 (Sycamore), Year 5 (Rowan) and Year 6 |
17 July 2020 | Year 5 | Message for Year 5 Parents from the Year 6 Teachers |
16 July 2020 | Whole School | Letter to parents and carers from Essex County Council (15/7/2020) |
16 July 2020 | Whole School | Data Check Reminder: Dear parents, Please be reminded to check your data collection sheet on the SIMS Parent App and ensure there are at least two emergency contacts for your child. I have attached the letter sent last week for reference. Many thanks Mrs Giles (SIMS Parent App letter and Parent Booklet) |
16 July 2020 | Year 4 (Beech) | Thank you letter |
16 July 2020 | Year 3 (Holly) | Thank you letter |
14 July 2020 | Year 6 | Message from Mrs Edom-Baker |
13 July 2020 | Year 6 | Urgent - Year 6 Residential Trip |
13 July 2020 | Foundation Stage | Tapestry Account End of Year Letter |
13 July 2020 | Whole School | Letter to parents: Important Information for the Autumn Term |
10 July 2020 | Whole School | Data Check: SIMS Parent App and SIMS Parent Booklet |
10 July 2020 | Year 4 | Reading Books: Good afternoon, Please can any reading books and maths textbooks that were sent home before the school closed, be returned to school by the end of next week. Please bring them along with your children during next week's transition sessions if they are attending. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
7 July 2020 | Whole School | Letter to Parents |
7 July 2020 | Year 6 | PGL Trip: Dear parents, We have had some parents contact us regarding the y6 trip. Of course we hope that it will be able to go ahead, but the situation is still unclear at the moment. Our advice is to continue paying your instalments because if the trip is cancelled we are covered by insurance and your money will be refunded. Alternatively, PGL may offer us an alternative later date if October is not possible. Best wishes Mrs Hawkes |
16 June 2020 | Year 2 | FSM/Pupil Premium: NSPS FSM Letter to Year 2 parents and Pupil Premium Leaflet |
8 June 2020 | Foundation Stage |
Road Safety: Dear parents, During the summer term we usually organise road safety walks for our reception children. Safer Essex Roads Partnership have very kindly put an online resource together to support parents with road safety. Please see the attached letter. |
21 April 2020 | Year 3 | Royal Opera House Home Learning: Dear Parents and Children, I hope you are all well. All of you had the fantastic opportunity to try ballet with the Chance to Dance artists. The Royal Opera House have emailed me a great website which includes lots of different activities and information about Ballet and Opera. On the website if you click onto the 'our resources' tab you can explore some of the items. There is even a section about Romeo and Juliet. I thought I would share this link with you all for something to try if you wish. Website link : https://learning-platform.roh.org.uk Kind Regards Miss Riordan |
20 April 2020 | Whole School | Lettter to parents from Claire Kershaw |
20 April 2020 | Year 2 (Maple Bay) | Leatter to Maple Bay parents |
20 April 2020 | Whole School | Letter to Parents |
17 April 2020 | Whole School | Letter to Parents |
16 April 2020 | Club participants (Choir) | Cancelled: Dear Parents and Carers, The choir will not be taking part in the Junior Music Festival rehearsals or the performance scheduled to take place in June. All payments received for the transport to the venues will be refunded in due course. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
16 April 2020 | Foundation Stage | Cancelled: Dear Parents and Carers, The Foundation Stage school trip to Hanningfield Reservoir has now been cancelled. All payments we have received will be refunded to the payment method used for the transaction. Kind regards Mrs Giles |
18 March 2020 | Selected Pupils (Cello, Violin) | No Lessons Tomorrow: Dear parents, Unfortunately Ms Carnell will not be school tomorrow for Cello or Violin music lessons. She hopes to make these up in the summer term. Apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
18 March 2020 | Selected Pupils (Guitar) | No Lessons Tomorrow: Dear parents, Unfortunately Mr Calabro will not be school tomorrow for Guitar music lessons. He hopes to make these up in the summer term. Apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
18 March 2020 | Whole School | School work arrangments: Letter from Mrs Lindop |
18 March 2020 | Whole School |
Child Friendly Coronavirus Explanation: Dear Parents/Carers, We understand that it can be difficult to know what and how much to share with our children in regards to the current global health worries, and sometimes we are unsure of how to answer their questions. We have been sent the attached by our local health service, which we wanted to share with you. You also may wish to share it with your children if you feel it is appropriate to do so, or use it to support conversations you may have with them about the Corona Virus. Kind Regards, Miss Jones, Pupil Support Manager |
18 March 2020 | Selected Pupils | Royal Ballet- Chance to Dance: Dear Parents, It is with regret that the Royal Ballet have cancelled all events to do with the Chance to Dance programme. This includes the weekly classes, the Easter school and the performance. Kind Regards Miss Riordan |
18 March 2020 | Whole School | Letter to Parents: Based on the COVID-19 update on 17.3.2020 |
17 March 2020 | Club Participants (Film Club) | Cancelled: Dear parents, We have decided that Film club will not go ahead after school today. Please collect your child from school at 3.15pm as usual. Apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
17 March 2020 | Club Participants (Multisports) | Cancelled: Dear parents, We have decided that Multisports club will not go ahead after school today. Please collect your child from school at 3.15pm as usual. Apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
17 March 2020 | Club Participants (Football) | Cancelled: Dear parents, We have decided that Football club will not go ahead after school today. Please collect your child from school at 3.15pm as usual. Apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
17 March 2020 | Selected Pupils | Cancelled: Chance to dance - Dear Parents, Due to current circumstances, we have decided to cancel the meeting regarding the Chance to Dance programme. The Royal Ballet school have advised parents to visit their website - www.chancetodance@rh.org.uk for information about the programme. Currently, the Easter school is planned to go ahead but you will be updated if there are any changes. Kind Regards, Miss Riordan |
17 March 2020 | Years 3 - 6 |
FONS Bingo: Dear parents, We have decided to cancel the FONS Junior Bingo on Friday. All monies received will be sent home. Apologies for any inconvenience this may of caused. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
17 March 2020 | Whole School | Letter to Parents: Coronavirus update |
16 March 2020 | Foundation Stage | Tricky Words Set 1, Set 2, Set 3, Set 4, Set 5, Set 6 and Set 7 |
11 March 2020 | Year 3 and 4 | Production DVD: Dear parents, Due to a low number of DVD/ Video On Demand orders for last year's Year 3 and 4 performance, we are reviewing the offering for this year's performance. We would like to know if you would be interested in purchasing the DVD/ Video On Demand or have the option to purchase photographs taken from the performance. Please email reception@newlandsspring.essex.sch.uk with your feedback. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
6 March 2020 | Foundation Stage | Hanningfield School Trip |
6 March 2020 | Foundation Stage | Smoothie homework |
5 March 2020 | Club Particpants (High 5) | High 5: Please collect children from the School Office after Netball this evening at 4.15 pm. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
5 March 2020 | Year 2 | Reminder: Dear parents, Please be reminded that tomorrow is the deadline for payment and consent for the Great Fire of London Day, if not already done so. I have attached the initial letter for reference. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
5 March 2020 | Club Participants (Hockey) |
Hockey: Dear parents, Hockey club will continue on the 11th, 18th and 25th March at 8.00am with Mrs Clifton. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
5 March 2020 | Choir | Junior Music Festival Letter |
4 March 2020 | Year 4 | Complusory Multiplication Check: Dear Parents, This letter is to inform about the Year 4 compulsory multiplication check, which will be held in the summer term. All primary-school children are expected to know all their times tables up to 12x12. The DfE says that the check is part of a new focus on mastering numeracy, giving children the skills and knowledge they need for secondary school and beyond. The purpose of the check is to determine whether Y4 pupils can recall their multiplication tables fluently (being able to answer times tables questions accurately and quickly, without having to work out the answers). Please see the attached document for further information on the Year 4 multiplication check. Many thanks Mrs Hydes |
4 March 2020 | Year 2 | Infant Music Festival: Dear parents, We have some additional tickets available to purchase for the Infant Music Festival. These are £4 each and are available on a first come first served basis. Please email reception@newlandsspring.essex.sch.uk if you would like to purchase any more tickets and I will provide you with details on payment. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
2 March 2020 | Whole School | Springers: Creche for Reader Cafe, Easter Holiday Club and Creche Flyer for Family Assemblies |
2 March 2020 | Whole School | Termly Learning Conferences (TLCs) |
28 February 2020 | Whole School | Whole School Reading Cafe (9th March 2020) |
28 February 2020 | Year 6 | Reminder Infant Music Festival : Dear parents, Please be reminded the deadline for consent and purchasing tickets is today if not already done so. I have attached the original letter for reference. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
28 February 2020 | Year 1 | Maths Homework: Dear parents, A maths homework task has been set on DB Primary for the year 1 children. This is due to be completed by Friday 6th March. Many thanks Mrs Coulson and Miss Saveall |
27 February 2020 | Whole School | Attain Corvid19 Letter |
27 February 2020 | KS2 (Years 3 to 6) | FONS Junior Bingo |
27 February 2020 | Foundation Stage | Shopping homework |
25 February 2020 | Whole School | World Book Day 2020 |
25 February 2020 | Year 2 | Family Assembly: Dear parents, Due to year 2 taking part in the Infant Music Festival on the 18th March, the Maple and Elm bay assemblies have now changed to the following dates. Maple Bay - Wednesday 1st April; Elm Bay - Friday 3rd April. Apologies for any inconvenience this may of caused. Many thanks Mrs Lindop and Mrs Dubiel |
25 February 2020 | Club participants (Choir) | Choir: Dear parents, Choir will resume after school on Friday 28th February in the Rowan bay classroom. This will finish at 4.00pm, please collect your child from the front office. If they do not wish to continue, please email reception@newlandsspring.essex.sch.uk . Many thanks Mrs Giles |
25 February 2020 | Whole School | NS Logo T-shirts: Dear Parents, If your child has taken part in a sporting activity out of school this year and has borrowed one of our special NS logo t-shirts, could you please ensure that it is washed and returned to school ASAP- I seem to have quite a few missing! Thank you Mrs Clifton |
25 February 2020 | Foundation Stage (Willow) | Message from teacher: Dear parents, This week we will be changing reading books today (Tuesday) and Thursday. This half term indoor PE will be on Thursday mornings instead of Tuesdays. Outdoor PE will continue to be on alternate Wednesdays with the Library. We will be visiting the Library this week. Many thanks Mrs Perry |
24 February 2020 | Club Participants (High Five) | High 5 Spring Payment Letter and NSPS Match 27 March 2020 |
24 February 2020 | Year 6 (Selected Pupils) | Bikeability:Permission letter sent to Group 1 |
14 February 2020 | Whole School |
3PR Feedback Survey: Dear parent/carer, Newlands Spring Primary School is a proud 3PR school, meaning we do our best to encourage parents and carers to follow the three parking rules (care, consideration and caution). We would like to thank families who walk, scoot or cycle to school and those who park safely, legally and thoughtfully. Both Newlands Spring Primary School and the South Essex Parking Partnership (SEPP) are always looking for ways to encourage families to travel sustainably and to make the roads around school as safe as possible. To help improve the 3PR scheme, SEPP’s School Parking Liaison Officer, Leah Martin, has asked parents/carers to complete the following survey by 6th March. Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. If you would like a paper copy please ask for one at the school office. If you complete it electronically please email it back to reception@newlandsspring.essex.sch.uk Kind regards, Mrs Hawkes, Headteacher and Leah Martin, School Parking Liaison Officer, South Essex Parking Partnership
(Click: 3PR Feedback Survey)
14 February 2020 | Whole School |
Essex Highways Competition: Dear parents, Please find attached a simple competition in which children can win a £75 bike voucher and the school could win a scooter storage pod! It would be great if someone from this school won! Mrs Hawkes
(Click: Army and Navy Poster)
14 February 2020 | Whole School | Relief Midday Assistant: Vacancy and Application form |
13 February 2020 | Club Participants (High 5) |
Cancelled Session: Dear parents, Just a reminder that there is no High 5 Netball after school today. Details for after half term will be sent out shortly. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
12 February 2020 | Foundation Stage (Selected Pupils) | Balance Ability Festival |
10 February 2020 | Whole School | FONS - Adult Bingo |
10 February 2020 | Year 6 | Message from the Yearbook Organsiers: Yearbook Information |
10 February 2020 | Year 1 & 2 | Multisports Club: Dear Parents, We have spaces for our after school multisports club that is run by Elite Basketball UK on a Tuesday. If your child is interested and you would like further information please email reception@newlandsspring.essex.sch.uk . Many thanks Mrs Giles |
10 February 2020 | Music Sudents (Brass) | |
10 February 2020 | Year 3 | Message for Year 3: Dear Year 3 parents, I will be announcing in the newsletter this week that Mrs Hillman is retiring on Friday after many years of service to the school. Most recently she has been our dedicated year 3 Learning Support Assistant and I know you will join us in wishing her well for her well-deserved retirement. Best wishes Mrs Hawkes |
5 February 2020 | Foundation Stage | Tricky Words: Set 1; Set 2; Set 3; Set 4; and Set 5; Instructions |
5 February 2020 | Year 5 | School Trip: Dear parents, For our school trip on Wednesday 12th February, please can all children arrive in school by 7.50am ready to depart at 8.00am. Children must be wearing wellies, rain coat/ coat, normal school uniform and bring a water bottle. We aim to be back by 4.00pm and will update timings on the Newlands Spring Twitter page. Many thanks
Mrs Hydes, Mrs Cross and Miss Edwards |
29 Janaury 2020 | Years 4, 5 & 6 | PSHE Survey Letter |
29 January 2020 | Year 5 & 6 | Hockey Club: Mrs Clifton runs a Hockey club before school on a Wednesday at 8.00am. If you are interested in your child attending, please email reception@newlandsspring.essex.sch.uk and I will send you further information. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
28 January 2020 | Whole School | Report of Safeguarding Incident |
27 Janaury 2020 | Club Participants (Football) | Football: Dear parents, Please note that from this week, the after school football clubs will finish at 4.30pm instead of 4.15pm. Please collect your child from the back gate as usual. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
27 Janaury 2020 | Whole School | Springers Creche Flyer - Spring term |
24 January 2020 | Year 5 | Muffin letter |
23 January 2020 | Whole School | Attain Newsletter 5 (23 January) |
23 January 2020 | Foundation Stage (Oak Bay) | Swimming: Dear Parents, Oak Bay have swimming tomorrow afternoon and tomorrow is also our charity fundraiser, Wacky Hair Day. Please ensure your child does not come into school with any type of hair dye in their hair as this will contaminate the pool. Thank you for your understanding. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
21 Janaury 2020 | Year 2 (Maple Bay) | Volunteers Request |
3 January 2020 | Year 6 | Message from Year 6 Parents: Year 6 Hoodies |
17 January 2020 | Whole School | Public Health Campaign Bulletin |
16 January 2020 | Selected Pupils | Sports Hall Athletics Final |
16 January 2020 | Year 3 (Pine Bay) | Pine Bay Homework |
14 January 2020 | Year 5 | KEGS Tour Spring Tour: Dear Parents, Please find details for the upcoming prospective student tours for September 2021 entry. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
14 January 2020 | Year 4 | Messeage from Teachers |
14 January 2020 | Foundation Stage | Message for Willow Bay |
14 January 2020 | Club Participants | Year 5 and 6 Hockey Club: Dear Parents, Please be reminded that Hockey club starts tomorrow at 8.00am. Please ensure your child comes into school suitably dressed and that they bring their school uniform ready to change into when the session finishes. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
13 January 2020 | Whole School | Springers: Feb Holiday club 2020 |
9 January 2020 | Whole School |
Free Parents Awareness Invite: Dear Parents and Carers, Please see the attached poster for information about a free awareness session for parents about gangs and exploitation. Unfortunately, intelligence suggests that 'county lines' are active in Chelmsford and children as young as 10 have been known to be targeted. The Safer Chelmsford Partnership have organised this session and it is open to all parents, grandparents, carers and guardians living in Chelmsford including the surrounding areas, who would like to attend. Booking details are on the attached invite. Natalie Hawkes |
9 January 2020 | Whole School | Springers February Half-term Club |
9 January 2020 | Computers Xplorers Spring term Club | |
8 January 2020 | Years 2 to 6 | Glee Club letter |
8 January 2020 | Whole School | NSPCC Assembly: We are pleased to inform you that the NSPCC will be visiting the school to talk to pupils about keeping safe. Please see the attached letter for more information. Natalie Hawkes |
8 January 2020 | FS and KS1 | FONS: Skittleman |
7 January 2020 | Year 6 | Crucial Crew: Dear parents, The deadline for payment is the 24th January. I have attached an updated letter for reference. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
7 January 2020 | Foundation Stage (Oak Bay) | Reminder: Please be reminded that Oak Bay will be starting swimming lessons this Friday afternoon for the Spring Term. Please ensure your child brings their swimming kit into school. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
7 January 2020 | Year 5 (Rowan Bay) | Reminder: Please be reminded that Rowan Bay will be starting swimming lessons tomorrow afternoon for the Spring Term. Please ensure your child brings their swimming kit into school. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
7 January 2020 | Year 2 (Elm Bay) | PE Lessons: Dear Parents, Elm bay will be having indoor PE on Wednesdays and outdoor PE on Fridays. Please ensure they have the appropriate PE kit for these days. Many thanks Mrs Lindop |
7 January 2020 | Year 1 | Cereal Boxes: Dear Parents, Please can the year 1 children bring in some cardboard boxes that they can use to make cars and lorries in class. They will need these by the 27th January. Many thanks Miss Saveall and Mrs Coulson |
7 January 2020 | Year 2 (Maple Bay) | Reminder: Please be reminded that Maple Bay will be starting swimming lessons this Thursday afternoon for the Spring Term. Please ensure your child brings their swimming kit into school.Many thanks Mrs Giles |
6 January 2020 | Year 5 | Jimmy's Farm Reminder: Dear parents, Please be reminded that today is the payment deadline for the Jimmy's Farm trip if not already done so. I have attached the initial letter for reference. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
6 January 2020 | Year 3 | Royal Ballet Reminder: Please be reminded that today is the deadline to provide consent if not already done so. Please find the initial letter for reference. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
6 January 2020 | FS & KS1 | Performance DVD Reminder: Dear parents, Please be reminded that tomorrow is the deadline for any orders for the Christmas performance DVD. I have attached the original letter for reference. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
6 January 2020 | Whole School | Proposed Nursery Class: Dear Parents, Please find attached information about a proposal to open a nursery class for 3-4 year olds at Newlands Spring Primary School. Thank you. Natalie Hawkes Consultation Covering letter & Consultation document on a proposal to lower the age of Newlands Spring Primary school |
6 January 2020 | Whole School | Job Vacancy - Springers |
20 December 2019 | Year 3 (Holly Bay) | Thank You Letter |
20 December 2019 | Year 3 (Pine Bay) |
Dear Parents, Thank you all so much for our lovely gifts! They are extremely appreciated! Have a lovely Christmas and a Happy New Year! From Miss Riordan and the Year 3 team
19 December 2019 | Year 4 | Thank you year 4 |
19 December 2019 | Year 2 |
Last Day: Dear parents, Tomorrow the year 2 children are welcome to bring in a toy or game that they can play together. No electronic or expensive items please. Many thanksMrs Dubiel and Mrs Lindop
19 December 2019 | Whole School | Attain Newsletter (December 2019) |
18 December 2019 | Year 5 | School trip - Jimmy'sFarm |
18 December 2019 | Year 4 | Ancient Egyptian Day |
17 December 2019 | Year 4 - Chestnut Bay | Chestnut Bay Reward |
17 December 2019 | Whole School | Message from FONS |
13 December 2019 | Foundation Stage (Oak, Willow) | Letters from Miss Holme and Mrs Perry, Foundation Tricky Words Set 1 & Set 2 and Tricky Words Instruction |
12 December 2019 | Club Participants (Choir) | Choir: Dear Parents, The choir will be performing Christmas carols tomorrow in Morrisons between 10-10.30am. You are welcome to come along and support them if you able to. If you do not wish for your child to take part, please email reception@newlandsspring.essex.sch.uk . Just a reminder there will be no choir session after school tomorrow. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
12 December 2019 | Year 5 | Lab Coats: Dear Parents, As part of our topic next term, we will be investigating materials using experiments. Can you please provide your child with a lab coat for the first day back on Monday 6th January. An oversized white shirt works really well! The children will be writing on these so please ensure you are happy for this to happen. Mrs Hydes, Miss Edwards and Mrs Cross |
11 December 2019 | Year 4 | |
11 December 2019 | Club Participants (Choir) |
Choir: Dear parents, Many thanks to the choir for all their hard work and performances this term. We are going to have a short break from rehearsals next half term to allow us to focus on putting together a KS1 choir to perform at the Infant Music Festival. KS2 choir will then resume on Friday 28th February ready to rehearse for the Junior Music Festival. Many thanks Mrs Hydes and Mrs Lindop |
11 December 2019 | Whole School | FONS Christmas Disco |
11 December 2019 | Year 2 | Evening perfromances: Dear parents, Just to confirm that all Year 2 children need to attend both performances on Wednesday and Thursday evening this week. If for any reason they are unable to attend due to unforeseen circumstances, please email reception@newlandsspring.essex.sch.uk . Many thanks Mrs Giles |
11 December 2019 | Year 5 (Rowan Bay) | Updated Swimming Spring term Letter: Rowan Bay will now be swimming on Wednesdays during the Spring term. Please find the updated letter attached. Please find the updated letter attached. If you are able to volunteer with swimming, please email reception@newlandsspring.essex.sch.uk. Any help is greatly appreciated. Mrs Giles |
11 December 2019 | Year 2 (Maple Bay) |
Updated Swimming Spring term Letter: Maple Bay will now be swimming on Thursdays during the Spring term. Please find the updated letter attached. If you are able to volunteer with swimming, please email reception@newlandsspring.essex.sch.uk. Any help is greatly appreciated. Mrs Giles |
11 December 2019 | EYFS & KS1 | DVD/Video on Demand Letter - Everyone loves a baby |
11 December 2019 | EYFS & KS1 | Evening performances: Dear Parents, This evening's performance of Everyone Loves A Baby will start at 6.00pm. Parents collecting their children for Wednesday and Thursday evening's performances were previously asked to collect at 7.15pm. As the show is shorter than expected we would ask you collect your child at 7.00pm instead. Thank you for your continued support. FS and KS1 Team |
5 December 2019 | Club Participants (choir) |
Cancelled: Dear parents, There will be no choir session after school tomorrow as the choir will be performing at the Christmas Bazaar. Please ensure you collect your child as usual at 3.15pm. Many thanks Mrs Hydes and Mrs Lindop |
4 December 2019 | Years 3 to 6 | African Drumming Club Flyer |
4 December 2019 | Years 5 & 6 | After School Football (Tuesday) |
4 December 2019 | Years 2 to 4 | After School Football (Friday) |
4 December 2019 | Whole School |
Clubs: Dear parents, We have some spaces for the following clubs for the Spring term. If your child is interested, please email reception@newlandsspring.essex.sch.uk and I will send further details on payment. This will be on a first come first served basis and if we have lots of interest, names will placed on a waiting list.
Many thanks Mrs Giles
4 December 2019 | Selected Participants (Djembi and Drum lessons) | Drum lesson and Djembi Club - 18 November 2019: rescheduled session and Spring Club start |
4 December 2019 | Selected Participants (Djembi) | Djembi Club: Dear Parents/ carers, We’ve once again come to the end of the term for djembe club. The children and I would love for you to join us this Monday 9th December at 4pm in the small hall so the group can perform some of what we’ve been working on this term. Friends and family welcome. Hope to see you there. Many thanks, Tim Reyland - Drum Teacher |
3 December 2019 | Club participants (Gym Club) |
KS1 Gym Club : Dear parents, Your child currently attends Gymnastics club on a Friday Morning. If you would like them to continue or not for the Spring term, please email reception@newlandsspring.essex.sch.uk by Thursday 5th December. Kind regards Mrs Giles |
3 December 2019 | Club Participants (Dodgeball) |
DodgeBall Spring term: Dear parents, Your child currently attends Dodgeball club on a Friday after school. Please can you let me know if they would like to attend or not for the Spring term by emailing reception@newlandsspring.essex.sch.uk by Thursday 5th December. Kind regards Mrs Giles |
3 December 2019 | Whole School | School Photos Online Deadline: Dear parents, The deadline for online photo orders is midnight on Thursday 5th December 2019. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
3 December 2019 | Club Participants (Multisports) | Multisports Club Spring 2020: Dear parents, Your child currently attends the Multisports After School Club on a Tuesday. Please reply to reception@newlandsspring.essex.sch.uk if you would like them to continue for the Spring term by Thursday 5th December. Kind regards Mrs Giles |
3 December 2019 | Club Participants (Choir) | Choir performances |
3 December 2019 | Year 2 (Elm) & Year 4 (Chestnut) | Swimming Changes: Dear parents, There will be a change in next week's swimming lessons. Elm Bay will now swim on Thursday 12th December. Chestnut Bay will now swim on Wednesday 11th December. Please ensure your child has their swimming kit in school on these dates. If you volunteer with the lessons, please can you email reception@newlandsspring.essex.sch.uk if you are still able to come in. Kind regards Mrs Giles |
28 November 2019 | Year 1 | Costumes: Dear parents, Costumes for Year 1 classes are: Lime Bay - Angels - White clothing, optional halo, no wings. Ash Bay - Innkeepers - Plain oversized coloured t-shirt and a tie rope belt. PE shorts will be worn under their costumes. Thanks for your support Year 1 Team |
28 November 2019 | Year 6 | Reverse Advent Calendar: Dear parents, In Year 6, we are going to countdown to Christmas by doing a Reverse Advent Calendar. Two children in each class will be nominated each day to 'open' the interactive calendar and they will of course be given a chocolate to enjoy. In the Spirit of Giving, we would also love for them to bring in an item of food that can be given to the Food Bank in return. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. Many thanks Mrs Rusby and Mr Troughton |
28 November 2019 | Club Participants (Dodgeball) | Reminder: Dear parents, A reminder that there will be no Dodgeball after school today. Please collect your child at 3.15pm as usual. A session will be added on Friday 20th December to make up for this session. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
27 November 2019 | Foundation Stage, Year 1 and 3 | FS & KS1 Production Information Letter |
22 November 2019 | Whole School | School Photographs: Dear parents, Your child will be bringing home their individual photographs today. Orders can be made online or bought into school with the correct payment only. These will need to be made by Friday 29th November at the latest please. Kind regards Mrs Giles, Receptionist |
22 November 2019 | Whole School | TLC Information Letter |
19 November 2019 | Whole School | FONS Christmas Bazaar Raffle 2019 |
19 November 2019 | Whole School | Pre-School Cake Sale |
19 November 2019 | Whole School | FONS Christmas Hamper Donations |
19 November 2019 | Year 6 | TLCs: Dear parents, If your child has Mrs Goodfellow for English or Maths, she will be available during the TLCs. Please email reception@newlandsspring.essex.sch.uk to book an appointment. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
15 December 2019 | FS and KS1 | FS and KS1 Performance tickets |
15 December 2019 | Year 3 | Colchester Castle Trip |
15 December 2019 | Whole School | FONS Christmas Bazaar: Bake Off |
14 November 2019 | Whole School | Termly Learning Conference Booking Error |
12 November 2019 | Club Participants (Football) | Afterschool Football Clubs: Dear parents, After school football club will finish at 4.15pm from this Friday and for the rest of the term due to the darker evenings. Kind regards Mrs Giles |
11 November 2019 | Whole School | Termly Learning Conference: Letter and Leaflet |
11 November 2019 | Years 3, 4,5 & 6 | Colouring Club |
11 November 2019 | Year 2, 3 and 4 | Film Club |
11 November 2019 | Years 5 & 6 | Hockey Club |
7 November 2019 | Whole School | Reminder: FONS Non-uniform Day 8.11.2019 |
7 November 2019 | Whole School |
Flu Vacination Parental Invitation Letter & Flu Vaccination Cover Letter: Dear Parents, Please see the attached letter and details on how to access your child's consent form online for the upcoming Flu Vaccination which will take place on the 29th November. Kind regards Mrs Giles |
6 November 2019 | Year 5 | Family Assembly: Dear parents, For our family assemblies, we would like the children to dress up in a Doctor Who costume. Think waist jackets, tweed trousers, bow tie and scarves. Sycamore bay assembly will take place on Wednesday 20th November and Rowan bay will be on Friday 22nd November. Many thanks, Mrs Hydes, Miss Edwards and Mrs Cross |
6 November 2019 | Years 5 & 6 | Card Game Lunchtime Club |
6 November 2019 | Year 6 | Knitter Knatter Lunchtime Club |
6 November 2019 | Whole School |
Poppy Appeal 2019: Dear parents and carers, As usual we will be selling poppies in school as part of the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal 2019. We suggest a minimum donation of 50p and poppies will be sold in the classrooms every afternoon after half term until Friday 8th November. Please send your child in with their donation if they would like a poppy. For younger children (Foundation Stage and KS1) it may be useful if you place any coins/ donations in a named envelope for them to give to their class teacher ready for the sale in the afternoon. Kind regards Mrs Giles |
4 November 2019 | Whole School | Springers Creche: Family Assemblies and FS Afternoon Tea |
4 November 2019 | Club Participants | High 5: Dear parents, Please be advised that High 5 Netball will be finishing at 4.15pm this half term. Kind regards Mrs Giles |
23 October 2019 | Year 1 | English Work |
21 October 2019 | Years 5 & 6 | After School Football Club (Tuesday) |
21 October 2019 | Years 2, 3 and 4 | After School Football Club (Friday) |
21 October 2019 | Whole School | FONS: Non-Uniform Day (8 November 2019) |
16 Ocotber 2019 | Foundation Stage | Superhero Dressing Up Day: Dear Parents, As a grand finale to our Superhero topic we are having a Superhero dressing up day on Thursday 24th October. Please could your child come to school wearing a costume that will be practical for school activities (and easy to remove for going to the toilet). This is completely optional and just for fun, no financial donations required. Thank you Miss Holme and Mrs Perry |
16 October 2019 | Year 6 | Photo Consent letter |
15 October 2019 | Year 6 | Message from Parents: Year 6 -Leavers Yearbook Order form |
10 October 2019 | Year 5 | Apron Required: Dear Parents, Please can all year 5 children bring in a named apron for Monday 14th October. These will get messy! Many thanks Mrs Hydes, Mrs Cross and Miss Edwards |
10 October 2019 | Year 2 | Sewing Volunteers: Dear Parents and Carers, We need volunteers to help Maple and Elm bay children with sewing their puppets. This will take place on Wednesday 23rd October from 9.00 - 10.30am. You do not have to be good sewing. If you are free to help, please email reception@newlandsspring.essex.sch.uk and Mrs Giles will send you volunteer forms, if not already completed. Many thanks Mrs Dubiel and Mrs Lindop |
9 October 2019 | Foundation Stage | Springers Creche: FS Afternoon Tea |
8 October 2019 | Foundation Staage | Afternoon tea invite |
1 October 2019 | Whole School | Harvest Festival Volunteers: Dear Parents, Those who have volunteered to help with walking to and from St Andrews Church for the Harvest Festival on Friday. Please come to the school office for 9.15am for the morning service and 1.15pm for the afternoon service. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
1 October 2019 | Foundation Stage | Favourite Story Book: Dear Parents, We would like to know what your child's favourite story book is. If possible, please can they bring the book into class (labelled with their name) or send us in a photo of the front cover. Many thanks Mrs Perry and Miss Holme |
1 October 2019 | Year 5 |
Project: Dear Parents, Please can the year 5 children bring in bags of ripped up newspaper and one toilet roll tube into class for a task by Monday 7th October. Kind regards Mrs Giles |
1 October 2019 | Year 2 | Reminder: Dear Parents, The trip to Hedingham Castle on Thursday will be mainly outdoors. Please can you ensure your child wears sturdy, old trainers with their school uniform. They will also need a raincoat and packed lunch which can be in a lunch bag or small rucksack. Kind regards Mrs Giles |
1 October 2019 | Whole School | FONS: Christmas Fundraiser |
25 September 2019 | Whole School | FONS: Halloween Disco |
24 September 2019 | Whole School | Vacancy: SEND LSA |
24 September 2019 | Whole School | Springers Creche: Family Assembly |
24 September 2019 | Whole School | Springers: October Holiday |
19 September 2019 | Year 5 | Year 6 Residential Trip (Windmill Hill 2020) |
13 September 2019 | Year 6 | Year 6 Secondary School Application |
13 September 2019 | Year 2 | Hedingham Castle Reminder: Dear Parents, Just a reminder that the payment deadline for the year 2 trip to Hedingham Castle is today, if you have not already done so. I have attached the original letter for information. Many thank Mrs Giles |
13 September 2019 | Year 6 | Anglo European Open Evening and Tour Dates |
12 September 2019 | Year 1 | Meet the teacher |
12 September 2019 | Year 6 | Japanese Club |
11 September 2019 | Year 6 (Cedar) | Road Safety Walk |
11 September 2019 | Club participants (Choir) | Royal Albert Hall - Barnados concert |
11 September 2019 | Year 5 | Meet the Teacher Letter |
10 September 2019 | Year 6 | PGL and Meet the Teacher Reminder |
10 September 2019 | Whole School | Parent Letter: Aldi Kit for School |
10 September 2019 | Year 4 | Meet the Teacher Letter |
10 September 2019 | Year 3 | Meet the Teacher Letter |
9 September 2019 | Years 2 to 4 | Computer Club |
9 September 2019 | Years 1 to 6 | Harvest Festival Letter and Harvest Festival Shopping List |
9 September 2019 | Year 1 | Tapestry Journal Pdf downloads |
9 September 2019 | Year 6 | Walking and Mobile Phone arrangements |
6 September 2019 | Year 5 | Greek Day Letter |
6 September 2019 | Year 4 | Colchester Zoo Trip |
Date | Relevant Year / Group | Subject Matter |
22 July 2019 | Year 5 | Greek Day |
22 July 2019 | Year 6 (Cedar Bay) | Thank you |
22 July 2019 | Whole School | Assessment Summary 2018-2019 |
22 July 2019 | whole School | MELFEST Letter |
18 July 2019 | Whole School | SIMS Parent Letter and Handbbook |
18 July 2019 | Years 3 to 6 | Djembi Club Letter: Dear parents, We still have vacancies for our Djembe club that takes place on a Monday after school for years 3, 4, 5 and 6. If your child is interested in attending the club please email reception@newlandsspring.essex.sch.uk and payment details will be sent to you. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
18 July 2019 | Year 1 (Lime), Year 2 (Elm), Year 4 (Chestnut) Year 5 (Sycamore) | Swimming Autumn Term for Year 1 (Lime Bay), Year 2 (Elm Bay), Year 4 (Chestnut Bay), Year 5 (Sycamore Bay) |
18 July 2019 | Year 1 | Small Toy: Dear Parents and Carers, Children in year 1 are allowed to bring a small toy into school on Friday. It must be in a named bag and cannot be electronic (no battery operated or plug in devices). The children will be responsible for looking after their toy. They will only be using them in the classrooms so would need to be appropriate for indoor use. We would like to thank you for all of your support throughout the year. The Year 1 Team |
18 July 2019 | Year 3 (Holly) | Thank you: Dear parents, Just a quick note to say a very big thank you to all of you for the lovely gifts and cards we received from the children yesterday. We were very surprised when they appeared from underneath their tables! Thank you for such thoughtful and generous gifts. Wishing you a good last few days and a lovely summer holiday! Kind regards, Miss Bishop, Mrs Hillman and Mrs Steen |
18 July 2019 | Year 2 | Last Day: Dear Parents/ Carers, For the last day of term tomorrow, the year 2 children are allowed to bring a game or small toy into school. Please can they bring this in a named carrier bag and the item can not be electronic (no battery or plug in devices). The children will be responsible for looking after their own game or toy. Many thanks Mrs Dubiel and Mrs Lindop |
17 July 2019 | Year 5 | Plant update: Dear parents, I hope your Gladioli plants are growing well! If you have any pictures of them planted in your garden/house, we would like to see them. If they haven't produced flowers this year, don't panic. They should grow next year. Many Thanks Mrs Hydes and Mr Troughton |
17 July 2019 | Whole School |
Carrier Bags: Dear parents and carers, Please can all children bring in a carrier bag for Friday. They will be bringing their books home with them. Kind regards Mrs Giles |
17 July 2019 | Whole School | Lost Property: Dear parents, Please ensure you check the lost property box for any items you are missing. This box will be emptied after school on Friday and items will be disposed of. Kind regards Mrs Giles |
17 July 2019 | Year 4 (Chestnut) | PG Film: Dear Parents and Carers, Chestnut Bay will be watching a film in class tomorrow that may be PG rated. Please email reception@newlandsspring.essex.sch.uk if you do not give permission for your child to watch the film. Kind regards Mrs Giles |
16 July 2019 | Years 1 & 2 | Monday Gym Club Letter |
16 July 2019 | Years 3 to 6 | Friday Gym Club Letter |
16 July 2019 | Year 4 | Carrier Bag: Dear parents, Could you please provide your child with a large carrier bag (with their name on) for Thursday please. Many thanks Mrs Clifton |
16 July 2019 | Year 6 | BBQ: To allow the children to have more time to enjoy themselves we have decided to start the year 6 leaver's BBQ at 6.30pm instead of 7pm. Please bring your child to the back gate at 6.30pm where they will be allowed through on to the playing field ready for the BBQ to start. Many thanks Year 6 Parents and FONS Team |
16 July 2019 | Year 2 (Elm Bay) | Carrier Bag: Dear parents and carers, Please can all of the children in Elm Bay bring in a strong carrier bag tomorrow so they are able to bring home their work and books. Many thanks Mrs Lindop |
15 July 2019 | Whole School | Parking on Nickleby Road: Dear parents/ carers, Please be advised there are currently road works along Nickleby Road and parking is very limited. Please take this into consideration when collecting your child from school today. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
15 July 2019 | Years 2, 3 & 4 | Friday Football Club Letter |
15 July 2019 | Years 5 & 6 | Tuesday Football Club Letter |
8mJuly 2019 | Club Participants (Djembe) | Djembe Performance: Dear Parent/ Carer, Please come and join the djembe club on Monday 15th July when we will perform some of what we’ve been looking at this term. I’m really pleased with the group’s progress this term and hope you can make it to hear them. We’ll perform to friends and family in the small hall at 4pm (15 minutes before the session usually finishes). Hope to see you there. Mr Reyland - Drum Teacher |
8 July 2019 | Years 2, 4 & 5 | Essex Dance Performance |
8 July 2019 | Whole School | New Classes (Year 1 Paretns will receive individual letters to notify them of their child's class) |
8 July 2019 | Year 6 |
Photos: Dear parents, The Year 6 class photos will be coming home today. Orders can be made online or returned to the office with payment. Please can payments sent via the office please be returned by Thursday 11th July at the latest. Kind regards Mrs Giles |
4 July 2019 | Year 2 |
School Trip: Dear parents, Due to some allergies, please can children not bring strawberries in their packed lunch tomorrow for the school trip. Thank you for your understanding. Kind regards Mrs Dubiel and Mrs Lindop |
3 July 22019 | Year 2 | Free School Meals |
2 July 2019 | Selected Pupils | Change for Life |
2 July 2019 | Whole School |
Brass Taster Day: Dear parents, Jemma Andrews, who currently offers brass instrument tuition at the school, will be offering a taster day to those who are thinking about learning how to play a brass instrument. This will be on Thursday 5th September during the school day. If you would like your child to take part and see if this is something they would like to learn, please email reception@newlandsspring.essex.sch.uk . Many thanks Mrs Giles |
2 July 2019 | Year 2 | Southend Reminder letter |
2 July 2019 | KS2 (Selected Pupils) | Archery Letter |
1 July 2019 | Whole School | Zones of Regulation for Parents |
1 July 2019 | Whole School | Creche Flyer - Leavers Assembly and Family Assembly |
1 July 2019 | Foundation Stage and KS1 | Summer Fayre Dance |
26 June 2019 | Club Participants (High 5) | Reminder: Dear parents, Just a reminder there will be no High 5 Netball session tomorrow (Thursday 27th June) after school. The next session will be on Thursday 4th July. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
26 June 2019 | Club Participants (Choir) | Choir Consent letter |
25 June 2019 | Year 1 | School Trip: Dear parents, Year 1 are very excited about their trip tomorrow. A few things just to help the day go smoothly. Children should be in uniform but shoes should be comfortable and appropriate for walking around the farm for the day, wellies are not necessary. Packed lunch is easier if disposable then the children won't have to carry around with then all day. Raincoat may be necessary but the weather is looking good. Children do not need spending money. We hope to have a lovely day, see you tomorrow morning 8.45 a.m. Many thanks Mrs Coulson |
25 June 2019 | Year 6 | Rehearsal: Dear parents, Please could the year 6 children bring in their costumes for the end of year performance on Friday 5th July. They will be doing a private dress rehearsal before the one in front of the whole school on Monday 8th July. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
24 June 2019 | Whole School | Library Summer Reading Challenge 2019 |
24 June 2019 | Year 2 | Summer Clothes for Assembly: Dear parents, Please can the year 2 children bring in a summer outfit in a named carrier bag for their family assemblies this week. Examples of summer clothing are shorts, t-shirt, dress, sunglasses, hat etc. Maple Bay is on Wednesday and Elm Bay is on Friday. Many thanks Mrs Dubiel and Mrs Lindop |
24 June 2019 | Year 3 (Pine Bay) | Recorders: Dear Parents, We will be starting our recorder session on Friday afternoon. If your child has a recorder please could they ensure they bring it in on Friday. If your child does not have a recorder do not worry as we have recorders in school. Kind Regards Miss Riordan |
21 June 2019 | Foundation Stage | FS - Summer 2 Homework Week 3 |
21 June 2019 | Whole School | Nut Allergies |
21 June 2019 | Whole School | World Friendship Day (30th June) |
21 June 2019 | Year 4 (Beech Bay) | Reward Letter |
20 June 2019 | Whole School | Summer Fayre - Glee performance: Dear parents, The Glee club will be performing at 12.00 p.m. at the Summer Fayre on Saturday 6th July. Children will need to be there from 11.15 a.m. to practice. Please email reception@newlandsspring.essex.sch.uk if you are not able to make the performance. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
20 June 2019 | Year 5 |
Year 5 - Gladioli Plant: Dear Parents, Over the next few days your child will be bringing home a gladioli plant they planted in March. They need to be planted in a flower bed. Your child has been instructed on how to look after it. We are having a competition to see who can grow the biggest flower (they do get quite big). Please send in a picture with them in it. You can also send in dimensions. Tallest flower gets a prize! Happy growing! Mrs Hydes and Mr Troughton |
19 June 2019 | Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 | Sports Day Letter |
19 June 2019 | Years 5 & 6 | Costume Ticket letter |
19 June 2019 | Year 3 | Recorders: Dear Parents/ Carers, We are currently awaiting an order for more recorders. Once these have been received we will let you know and the online payment will be available again. The children will still have access to recorders during the lesson. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
19 June 2019 | Year 6 | Message from Mrs Hawkes |
19 June 2019 | Foundation Stage | Homework reminder: Dear Parents/ Carers, If you are unable to print off any homework sheets for any reason, please let the office know and a copy will be sent home with your child. Kind regards Mrs Perry and Miss Holme
19 June 2019 | Whole Stage | FONS: Summer Fayre Donations |
19 June 2019 | Club Participants (High 5) | High 5 Match - 2 July 2019 (Tyrells) |
18 June 2019 | Year 2 | Southend School Trip |
18 June 2019 | Music Pupils (Drums) | Drum Lessons: Dear Parents, There will be drum kit lessons in school this coming Friday 21st June. If your child normally has drum lessons on a Monday, could they please bring in there equipment in on Friday. Mr Reyland will aim to see as many of his drum students as he can throughout the day. Any who don’t get seen will have this extra lesson made up on another day. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
13 June 2019 | Foundation Stage | Infants Sports Day (Copy) |
13 June 2019 | Whole School | Springers Vacancy |
13 June 2019 | Year 3 | Recorders letter |
13 June 2019 | Club Participants (choir) |
Dear parents, Please can you email reception@newlandsspring.essex.sch.uk if your emergency contact details have changed from the trip to the Royal Albert Hall. These contact details will be required to be taken offsite on Monday for the Junior Music Festival. Also, this Friday 14th June will be the last choir session of this year and they will return on Friday 20th September 2019. Many thanks Mrs Hydes |
6 June 2019 | Year 5 | 11+ Letter to Parents |
6 June 2019 | Club Participants (choir) | Reminder: Dear parents, Please be reminded that there will be no choir session tomorrow after school. Choir will resume on Friday 14th June. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
6 June 2019 | Year 6 | High 5 Letter |
24 May 2019 | Year 1 | Marsh Farm Letter |
23 May 2019 | Foundation Stage | Homework: Dear parents/ carers, The children will be bringing home a sheet about technology. This is their homework over half term to replace their usual books. Please could this be returned after half term on Monday 3rd June. Many thanks, Mrs Perry and Miss Holme |
22 May 2019 | Years 2, 3 & 4 | Friday: After School Football |
22 May 2019 | Years 5 & 6 | Tuesday: After School Football |
20 May 2019 | Whole School | Lost Property: Dear parents/carers, Please ensure you check the lost property box, located in the playground, before the children break up on Thursday 23rd May if you are missing any items. The contents will be emptied and disposed of during half term. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
15 May 2019 | Year 4 | Times Table Letter |
15 May 2019 | Music Pupils (Cello) | Cancelled: Dear parents, Miss Adejayan will not be in school on Monday 20th May for Cello lessons. She will be back on Monday 3rd June and will make up time that has been missed from the 13th and 20th May sessions. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
13 May 2019 | Club participants (Hugh 5) | High 5 Netball Match: Kings Road |
10 May 2019 | Year 6 | SATS 2019 |
9 May 2019 | Year 5 | Kegs Summer Tours |
9 May 2019 | Year 1 | Homework |
9 May 2019 | Whole School | Springers Creche: Assemblies and Summer Concert |
8 May 2019 | Whole School | Pre-School Cake Sale |
3 May 2019 | Years 3 & 4 | GoldilockS & the 3 bears DVD : Dear parents, We have extended the deadline to order a copy of the Year 3 & 4 performance to Wednesday 8th May. The original letter is attached for your information. We are selling these at cost price and the school does not receive anything from these sales but we do need to sell a minimum amount of copies in order for the order to be processed. Many thanks Mrs Giles Receptionist |
3 May 2019 | Club Participants (Dodgeball) | Dodgeball Reminder: Dear parents, Just a reminder that Dodgeball resumes on Friday 10th May. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
2 May 2019 | Club Participants (Choir) | Junior Music festival: Ticket letter |
2 May 2019 | Foundation Stage | East Hanningfield initial letter |
30 April 2019 | Whole School | Sun Safety Bulletin |
30 April 2019 | Whole School | Changes to payment details (SIMS Pay) |
30 April 2019 | KS2 | KS2 Sports Day |
29 April 2019 | Club Participants (Choir) | Sports day letter for choir members |
29 April 2019 | Year 5 (Rowan) | PE Reminder: Dear parents, Please ensure your child has their PE kit which is to remain in school at all times (except swimming kits). Please also ensure your child brings in a water bottle to school each day. Many thanks Mrs Hydes |
26 April 2019 | Year 6 | PGL Pocket Money letter |
26 April 2019 | Year 2 | PE Summer Term: Dear parents, Year 2 will have outdoor PE on a Wednesday and Friday during the Summer term. Please ensure your child has the full PE kit in school with trainers. Many thanks Mrs Dubiel & Mrs Lindop |
26 April 2019 | Club Participants (Dodgeball) | Reminder: Just a reminder that dodgeball starts back after school on Friday 10th May. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
26 April 2019 | Whole School | School Events Calendar |
25 April 2019 | Foundation Stage (Willow Bay) | Letter from Mrs Perry |
25 April 2019 | Years 1 to 3 | Computer Club: Computer Xplorers Letter |
5 April 2019 | Whole School | Parental Engagement: Dear parents and carers, Essex County Council are running a parental consultation about the future and development of SEND provision in Essex (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities). The Essex Family Forum are running workshops to look more closely at the themes and they would like your support. Please see the attached flyer for more details and information about how to book a place. Miss Hawkes |
5 April 2019 | Year 6 | PGL Meeting: Dear parents, There will be a meeting for parents and children, regarding the upcoming Year 6 residential trip on Tuesday 21st May ay 3.30 p.m. in the Small Hall. Look forward to seeing you there. Many thanks Mrs Goodfellow and Mrs Rusby |
4 April 2019 | Whole School | Letter for Attain Parents |
4 April 2019 | Year 6 |
Maths Booklet: Dear Parents, Your child has been given a maths booklet consisting of word problems to complete over the Easter holidays. Please ensure working out is clearly set out in the spaces provided. This work is due in on Wednesday 24th April. Thank you for your continued support and wishing you all a Happy Easter. Mrs Goodfellow and Mrs Rusby |
1 April 2019 | Whole School | Online Safety Parents Session by The 2 Johns |
1 April 2019 | Whole School | PE Kits |
1 April 2019 | Years 1 to 6 | Spelling Shed letter |
1 April 2019 | Whole School | Lost Property Box: Dear Parents and Carers, Please can you ensure you check the lost property box before the end of term on Friday. Any items that are left, will be emptied and disposed of. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
29 March 2019 | Year 1 | Castle Week letter (Request for cardboard) |
29 March 2019 | Year 1 | Reminder: Stave House Musci Award Level 1 |
29 March 2019 | Years 3 & 4 | Performance Reminder: Dear Parents, Just a reminder that children will need to bring in their costumes on Tuesday 2nd April for the dress rehearsal. Tickets will be sent home with children on Monday. Please ensure you have booked these online. Children will need to be brought to their classrooms at 5.45 p.m. on Wednesday and Thursday ready for the evening performances. Many thanks Mrs Clifton |
29 March 2019 | KS2 | Cancellation: Dear parents, There will be no homework club after school on Thursday 4th April 2019. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
28 March 2019 | Whole School | FONS: Bag2School Letter |
27 March 2019 | Whole School | SEND Coffee Morning |
25 March 2019 | Whole School | Springers Holiday Club |
25 March 2019 | Years 3 to 6 | Gym Club Interest Letter (Monday) |
25 March 2019 | Years 3 to 6 (Existing club members) | Gym Club renewal Letter and Payment detail (Monday club) |
25 March 2019 | Years 1 to 6 | Times table Rockstar |
25 March 2019 | Years 3 - 6 | Dodgeball Interest Letter (Friday after school club) |
25 march 2019 | Years 3 - 6 | Dodgeball Renewal Letter and Payment detail |
25 March 2019 | Years 1 - 2 | Multisports Renewal Letter and Payment details |
25 March 2019 | Whole School | Springers Creche |
25 March 2019 | Years 1 - 2 | Gym Club Interest Letter (Friday) |
25 March 2019 | Years 1 - 2 | Gym Club Renewal letter and Payment details |
22 March 2019 | Foundation Stage, Year 1 and 3 to 5 | Swimming Letters for Willow, Ash, Holly, Beech and Rowan |
20 March 2019 | Whole School | Safer School App |
19 March 2019 | Year 2 | Stave House Music Award Level 2 |
19 March 2019 | Year 1 | Stave House Music Award Level 1 |
19 March 2019 | Club Participants (High 5) | Tournament: Dear parents, The above has been rescheduled to take place on 1st April at Great Baddow High School. There is no need to give consent again but can you please confirm transport arrangements if they have now changed. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
19 March 2019 | Year 2 (selected pupils) | Reminder: Dear parents, Please ensure you bring your child to their classroom for 8.30 a.m. tomorrow morning to ensure the coach can depart at 8.45 a.m. for the Infant Music Festival. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
19 March 2019 | Key Stage 2 | Djembi Club Summer Term Letter |
19 March 2019 | Club Participants (Djembi) |
Reminder: Dear parent/ carer, A reminder that there is no Djembe Club next Monday 25th March. The 10th and final session will take place on Monday 1st April, finishing with a performance to friends and family. The group have worked hard again this term and we'd love for you to come and see what we've been working on. The group will perform in the small hall at 4pm (15 minutes before the session ends). I hope you can join us. Many thanksTim Reyland - Drum Teacher |
18 March 2019 | Club Participants (Choir) | Cancelled: Dear parents, There will be no choir session after school on Friday 22nd March. Please ensure your child is collected from school at the usual time of 3.15 p.m. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
18 March 2019 | Foundation Stage |
Spelling bee Final: Dear parents, The Foundation Stage children will not be taking part in the Spelling Bee Final tomorrow and therefore no need to wear yellow and black. Apologies for any confusion caused. Kind regards Mrs Giles |
15 March 2019 | Whole School | Lost Property Box: Dear parents, The lost property box, located in the playground, is now overflowing. Please can you ensure you check the box at drop off and pick up if you are missing any items. Any items that are left on the last day of term will be disposed of. Thank you for your cooperation. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
14 March 2019 | Whole School | Homework Club: Dear parents, Homework club on a Thursday after school 3.15 - 3.45 p.m. will now be for children in KS2 only as children in KS1 will no longer be set homework using MyMaths. Kind regards Mrs Giles |
13 March 2019 | Club Participants (Hockey) | Quick Sticks Hockey Tournament Letter |
11 March 2019 | Club particpants (Choir) | Junior Music Festival |
11 March 2019 | Whole School | Springers Creche Flyer |
11 March 2019 | Club Participants (Hockey) |
Dear parents, Just a reminder that the final session was last week. There will be a one off tournament on the morning of Wednesday 27th, details will be sent shortly. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
4 March 2019 | Whole School | Termly Learning Conferences Letter |
4 March 2019 | Whole School | Online Safety and 7 Conversation Topics |
4 March 2019 | Year 6 | High 5 Payment Letter (Spring) |
1 March 2019 | Whole School | Information about POET Survey |
1 March 2019 | Whole School | Reading Cafe |
28 February 2019 | Years 3 to 6 | FONS: Junior Bingo |
28 February 2019 | Whole School | Springers Creche |
28 February 2019 | Whole School | Lost property: Dear parents, Please ensure you check the lost property box that is located in the playground for any items you may be missing. This box has become quite full over the last couple of days with the recent change in weather. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
27 February 2019 | Year 3 & 4 | Production Costume Letter |
26 February 2019 | Year 2 (Selected Children) | Infant Music Festival |
26 February 2019 | Club Participants (High 5) | High 5 Match |
26 February 2019 | Year 4 | Reminder: Ancient Egyptian Day - Please see the attached letter. Please ensure payment is made online as soon as possible if you have not already done so. No child will be excluded because of an inability to pay, however, if insufficient contributions are received then the activity will have to be cancelled as the school has no funding for activities of this nature. Should you need to discuss your contribution you may do so in confidence by contacting the school office or email reception@newlandsspring.essex.sch.uk . Many thanks Mrs Giles |
15 February 2019 | Foundation Stage | FS Tricky Words Set 1, Set 2, Set 3, Set 4, Set 5 and Set 6 |
15 February 2019 | Years 5 and 6 | After School Football Club Spring 2019 (Tuesday) |
15 February 2019 | Years 2 to 4 | After School Football Club Spring 2019 (Friday) |
15 February 2019 | Foundation Stage | Half-Term Task |
8 February 2019 | Club Participants (Choir) | Cancelled: Dear parents, There will be no choir session after school on Friday 15th February. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
8 February 2019 | Club Participants (Year 2 -4 Football) | Cancelled: Dear parents, Due to the current weather forecast, we have made the decision to cancel Football after school today for Years 2, 3 & 4. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
8 February 2019 | Year 1 | Homework: Dear parents, Due in: 28th February. Your task is to create your very own dragon. First design what your dragon egg looks like, then make your dragon egg (you can use a polystyrene egg and decorate it or if you’re feeling very brave papier mache!) and then draw what your dragon will look like when it hatches. Remember to label your drawings. From Year 1 Team |
7 February 2019 | Year 2 (Maple Bay) | Swimming: Dear parents, There will be no swimming for Maple Bay on Wednesday 13th February. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
6 February 2019 | Year 3 | Colchester Castle Reminder: Dear parents and carers, Just a reminder that the deadline for payment for the attached event, is to be paid by this Friday 8th February if you have not already done so. If you have any queries regarding this, please contact the School Office at reception@newlandsspring.essex.sch.uk. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
6 February 2019 | Whole School | Science Week Reminder: Dear parents and carers, Just a reminder that the deadline for payment for the attached event, is to be paid by this Friday 8th February if you have not already done so. If you have any queries regarding this, please contact the School Office at reception@newlandsspring.essex.sch.uk Many thanks |
6 February 2019 | Year 4 | Ancient Egypt -Portals to the Past |
6 February 2019 | Selected Pupils | Change 4 Life |
6 February 2019 | Year 5 | Zoolab reminder: Dear parents and carers, Just a reminder that the deadline for payment for the attached event, is to be paid by this Friday 8th February if you have not already done so. If you have any queries regarding this, please contact the School Office at reception@newlandsspring.essex.sch.uk |
5 February 2019 | Club Participants (High 5) | Reminder: High 5 Match at Newlands |
5 February 2019 | Foundation Stage (Selected pupils) | Balance ability festival |
4 February 2019 | Year 5 | Reminder: Muffins |
4 February 2019 | Music Pupils (Guitar) |
Postphoned: Mr Calabro will not be in school on Thursday 7th February for guitar lessons. He will add a lesson on Thursday 28th March to make up for this. |
1 February 2019 | Selected Pupils | Reminder: ICT consent |
29 January 2019 | Year 5 | ZooLab letter |
29 January 2019 | Year 6 | Photo consent for Leavers book |
29 January 2019 | Year 4 | Superstars Competition |
29 January 2019 | Club Participants | High 5 Match at Newlands |
28 January 2019 | Whole School | Springers Creche |
28 January 2019 | Year 5 | Muffin DT Project |
28 January 2019 | Whole School | Science week |
25 January 2019 | Year 1 (selected Pupils) | Smash Festival |
25 January 2019 | Club Participants (High 5) | High 5: Dear parents, High 5's will be held in the Small Hall this evening. Please collect your children from the door at the back of the Small Hall. Many thanks , Mrs Giles |
25 January 2019 | Years 4 to 6 | Compuyer Xplorers: Registration form |
25 January 2019 | Whole School | Kids Inspire Lunch Club Flyer |
25 January 2019 | Year 1 | Homework: Good Afternoon, Today we have set homework on DB Primary. We have set 2 maths tasks and a phonics task. This homework is available for the next 7 days. Please see your child’s teacher if you have any problems. Thanks Year 1 Team |
24 Janaurary 2019 | Club Particpants (Football) | Times: Dear parents, After school Football Club will be reverting back to the finishing time of 4.30pm from next week. Many thanks, Mrs Giles |
24 Janaurary 2019 | Whole School | FONS: Adult Bingo |
21 January 2019 | Year 2 | Australia Day: Dear parents, On Friday 25th January we are celebrating Australia Day as part of our topic. Children are welcome to come in dressed in an Australian theme. This can be colours of the flag or anything else related to the topic. No contributions are required to take part. Many thanks Mrs Dubiel and Mrs Lindop |
21 January 2019 | Whole School | CCFC: Dear parents, Chelmsford City Football Club came to visit the children during assembly last week and have kindly given each child, a family ticket (2 adults and 2 children) to watch them play Hungerford Town on Saturday 2nd February. Your child will be bringing this home with them today. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
18 January 2019 | Year 2 (Elm Bay) | Outdoor PE kit |
18 January 2019 | Whole School | Springers Creche |
18 January 2019 | Whole School | Springers Holiday Club Flyer |
17 January 2019 | Year 1 | Meet the Teacher Letter |
17 January 2019 | Year 5 | KEGS tours for Spring 2019 |
17 January 2019 | Foundation Stage | Homework: Dear parents, Homework will now be sent out on a Tuesday and we would like it handed in by the following Monday to allow more time for completion. Many thanks Mrs Perry |
15 January 2019 | Selected Pupils | Athletics Final |
15 January 2019 | Year 5 | Meet the Teacher |
15 January 2019 | Year 6 | Year 6 Leavers Party |
15 January 2019 | Whole School | Reminder: ICT Consent |
14 January 2019 | FS (Oak Bay) | Message for Oak Bay Parents |
14 January 2019 | Year 3 | Colchester Castle trip |
11 January 2019 | Year 3 | Meet the Teacher Letter |
11 January 2019 | Year 4 | Meet the Teacher Letter |
11 January 2019 | Whole School | Updated Calendar of School Events for the Spring Term |
11 January 2019 | Whole School | Job Vacancy: Relief Domestic Assistant |
11 January 2019 | Year 5 | Reminder: Science Museum Trip |
11 January 2019 | Year 6 | Meet the Teacher |
11 January 2019 | Year 6 | Year 6 Leavers Book: Photo Consent |
11 January 2019 | FS and KS1 | FONS: Skittleman |
11 January 2019 | Year 2 | Meet the Teacher Letter |
10 January 2019 | Foundation Stage | Homework: Tricky Words Set 1, Set 2 and Set 3 |
9 January 2019 | Foundation Stage | Phonics and Reading Workshops |
9 January 2019 | Year 3 | Meet the Teacher Letter |
7 January 2019 | Whole School | SEND Coffee Morning |
7 January 2019 | Years 3 to 6 | Glee Club letter |
7 January 2019 | Year 6 | High 5 Netball Letter |
4 January 2019 | Whole School | Meet the teacher Reminder: Dear parents, Just a reminder of the Meet the Teacher sessions next week. These will take place straight after school, in the classrooms, at 3.15pm on the following days. Tuesday 8th January (Year 1 and Year 2); Wednesday 9th January (Year 3 and Year 4); Thursday 10th January (Year 5); Friday 11th January (Year 6). Many thanks Mrs Giles |
4 january 2019 | Year 3 (Pine) | Swimming Volunteers: Dear parents, Pine Bay will be swimming on Thursday afternoons from next week. We need some parent volunteers to help with the sessions in order for them to go ahead. All help is very much appreciated and if there are a few volunteers a rota could be organised and therefore help would not be needed every week. Please email me at reception@newlandsspring.essex.sch.uk or let Miss Riordan know if you are able to help. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
4 January 2019 | Year 5 | Year 5 Maths Homework: Dear parents, Maths Homework for Year 5 may be set on DB Primary from time to time. The children will be informed where to find their homework each week. Many thanks Mrs Hydes and Mr Troughton |
4 January 2019 | KS1 | DVD Baubles!: Dear parents, Please be reminded that today is the last day for payments to order the Baubles! DVD. Payment can be made online at www.payyourschool.co.uk . Many thanks Mrs Giles |
4 January 2019 | Whole School | NS ICT Consent Letter |
3 January 2019 | Club Participants (High 5) | High 5 Spring Term Payment Letter 2019 |
3 January 2019 | Club Participants (Swim Team) | Swimming Gala: Dear parents, Children who are part of the Swimming Gala team, training resumes on Monday 7th January. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
19 December 2018 | Whole School | Lost Property: Dear parents, Please ensure you check the lost property box that is located in the playground for any items you may be missing. This box will be emptied over the Christmas break. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
18 December 2018 | Years 2, 3 & 4 | After School Football (Friday) |
18 December 2018 | Years 5 & 6 | After School Football (Tuesday) |
18 December 2018 | Year 2 |
Message from Teachers: Dear parents, Children are welcome to bring in a toy or game tomorrow for the last day of term. Please ensure these are not electrical items. Many thanks Mrs Lindop and Mrs Dubiel |
18 December 2018 | Year 3 (Holly) | Thank you Message for Parents (Holly) |
18 December 2018 | Foundation Stage |
Message for FS: Dear parents, Your child's reading books and homework folders have been taken in for the holidays and will be sent out again in the new year. Many thanks Mrs Perry and Miss Holme |
13 December 2018 | Whole School | SevereWeather Protocol |
13 December 2018 | EYFS and Key Stage 1 | DVD Baubles |
13 December 2018 | Whole School | Sickness Procedures: Dear parents, Please be reminded that if your child is unwell with diarrhoea or vomiting, they are to stay absent from school until 48 hours has passed since the last bout. This is important to prevent further spreading of the virus. Please report any absences by telephoning the school office or emailing absence@newlandsspring.essex.sch.uk. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
12 December 2018 | Music Pupils (Drums) | Music tuition letter and Essex Music Services Registration |
12 December 2018 | Club Participants (Choir) | Cancelled: Dear parents, There will be no choir session after school on Friday 14th December. They will resume on Friday 18th January. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
11 December 2018 | Year 3 | |
10 December 2018 | Whole School |
Christmas Jumpers: Dear parents/ carers, Friday 14th December will be our Christmas Lunch. Children are permitted to wear a Christmas jumper during the day along with their usual school uniform. This is completely voluntary and no donation is required. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
7 December 2018 | Year 1 (Lime) | Request: Dear parents; We are in need of some helpers for swimming on Monday afternoon for Lime bay. Please email reception@newlandsspring.essex.sch.uk if you are able to help. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
7 December 2018 | Year 6 | Dahl Day |
7 December 2018 | Springers Participants | Springers Christmas Party |
7 December 2018 | Years 3 to 5 | Gym Club (Monday) Interest letter |
7 December 2018 | Club Participants (Choir) | Reminder: Just to confirm that Choir is still running today after school and will finish at 4pm as usual. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
6 December 2018 | Year 1 & 2 | Multisports Afterschool Club Interest Letter and Payment Letter |
6 December 2018 | Year 3 yo 6 | Dodgeball Club Interest Letter, New Starter letter and Payment letter |
6 December 2018 | Years 3 to 5 | Gym Club (Monday) New Starter letter |
4 December 2018 | Year 5 | Lab Coats |
4 December 2018 | Yea 5 | DT Project (17/12/2018) |
4 December 2018 | Whole School | FONS: Christmas Disco (13/12/2018) |
4 December 2018 | Club Participants (High 5) | Reminder: Dear parents, Just a reminder that there will be no High 5's session this week and the last session of the term will be on Thursday 13th December. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
3 December 2018 | Year 2 (Maple) | Message from Mrs Dubiel |
30 November 2018 | Year 5 | Science trip Reminder: Dear parents, Payment for the Year 5 trip to the Science Museum of £20.50 must be received by Monday 3rd December at the latest. If we do not receive payment the trip will have to be cancelled. Payment can be made online www.payyourschool.co.uk or a cheque can be handed into the office. If you would like to discuss your payment, please contact the school office. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
30 November 2018 | Club Participants (Choir) |
Reminder: Dear parents, Just a reminder there will be no more choir practice after school today. Choir practice will be on again next week on Friday 7th December. They will also be performing at the Christmas Bazaar on the 7th December at 6.30-6.50pm. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
29 November 2018 | Springers | Springers Christmas Party |
29 November 2018 | Whole School | Springers December and flyer for other events |
29 November 2018 | Whole School | Cancelled: Please be aware that homework club will not be running after school today due the Termly Learning Conferences taking place. Many thanks, Mrs Giles |
28 November 2018 | Key Stage 1 | FS and KS1 Performance - Arrangements for the performance |
28 November 2018 | Selected Pupils | All In Festival letter |
28 November 2018 | Year 2 | Sewing: Dear parents, We need some volunteers to help with sewing with both our Year 2 classes on Friday 30th November 9.00 - 10.15am. Please email reception@newlandsspring.essex.sch.uk if you are able to help. We need more help particularly for Elm Bay please. Many thanks Mrs Giles Receptionist |
23 November 2018 | Years 5 & 6 | Hockey Club |
23 November 2018 | Years 3 & 4 | Construction Club |
23 November 2018 | Music Students (Guitar) | Guitar Assembly: Mr Calabro has arranged for your child to play a guitar piece during the Junior's Assembly on Tuesday 11th December at 10.25am. We would like to invite parents to the assembly. Please could you reply to reception@newlandsspring.essex.sch.uk if you are able to attend. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
23 November 2018 | Whole School | NHS information guides on three common ailments that can be used by parents as a guide for symptoms and treatment: Head Injury advice for parents, Diarrhoea & Vomiting advice for children aged 0 - 5 years and Bronchiolitis advice sheet for babies/children under 2 years. |
23 November 2018 | Club Particpants (Football) |
Football Club: Dear parents, Due to the darker evenings, from today the after school football club's on Tuesdays and Fridays will be finishing at 4.15pm. Collection will be from the back gate as usual. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
23 November 2018 | Choir Participants (Choir) | Final Arrangements for Trip |
22 November 2018 | Whole School | FONS: Mrs Claus Kitchen |
22 November 2018 | Whole School | Springers Creche for September and for Other Events |
22 November 2018 | Whole School | Termly Learning Conference |
20 November 2018 | Years 5 & 6 |
Cancelled: Due to weather conditions we are cancelling Years 5 & 6 Football Club after school today. Please ensure your child is collected from school at 3.15pm as usual. Many thanks |
19 November 2018 | Years 3 to 6 | Colouring Club |
19 November 2018 | Years 4 to 6 | Card Game Club |
19 November 2018 | Whole School | NHS Workshop for Parents |
19 November 2018 | Year 5 | Hockey Club |
19 November 2018 | Key Stage 2 | Djembi Club |
19 November 2018 | Year 6 | Knitter Knatter Club |
19 November 2018 | Years 2 to 4 | Film Club |
16 November 2018 | Whole School | FONS - For Sale Boards Christmas Bazaar |
16 November 2018 | Club Participants (Djembi) | Djembi Performance: Dear Parent/ Carer, We are nearly at the end of another term of African Drumming! We'd love for you to come along and see what we've been working on this term. On Monday 26th November at 4pm (15 minutes before the session ends) we will do a performance for family and friends in the small hall. This is the last session of the term. It would be great to see you there. Many thanks Tim Reyland - Drum Teacher |
16 November 2018 | Year 2 | Christmas Performance Costume Letter: Dear parents and carers, The Year 2 children should of brought home their costume letters on Wednesday providing details of what they will need for the upcoming Christmas performance of 'Baubles!'. If you have any questions regarding the costumes, please let us know. Many thanks Mrs Dubiel and Mrs Lindop |
16 November 2018 | Year 6 | DT Cooking Volunteers: Dear Parents, As part of our DT unit this term, Year 6 will be cooking a war time recipe. This will be done with the children in groups in the small kitchen that we are fortunate enough to have at school. We are therefore appealing for parent helpers who would be willing and able to come in on the morning of Monday 10th December, or the morning or afternoon of Tuesday 11th December to help the groups in the kitchen. Mrs Fowles will also be helping out during the morning sessions while class teachers will be with the remaining children in the classroom. If you are able to help out, please let the office know. Thank you in advance Mrs Rusby and Mrs Goodfellow |
16 November 2018 | Whole School | Flumpets: Dear parents and carers, We sold out of the very popular Flumpets and stickers during break time today. Just to let you know, we will have some more Flumpets for sale (£2 each) at break time on Tuesday next week. Unfortunately we will not have anymore stickers for sale. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
16 November 2018 | Foundation Stage (Willow) | Willow Assembly: Dear parents and carers, Just to let you know that the children will be bringing home the words for their family assembly in the their book bags today. Many thanks Mrs Perry |
16 November 2018 | Foundation Stage (Willow) | Willow Bay Costume Letter |
16 November 2018 | ||
16 November 2018 | Year 5 | Science Museum trip |
15 November 2018 | Whole School | Epping Cake Sale |
13 November 2018 | Year 6 (SPruce Bay) | Morrisons Trip |
13 November 2018 | Years 2 to 6 | Times Tables Letter |
13 November 2018 | Whole School | Headlice letter and Leaflet |
12 November 2018 | Whole School | Termly Learning Conference Letter and Information Leaflet |
12 November 2018 | Whole School | Springers Creche |
9 November 2018 | Club Participants (High 5) | Cold weather: Dear parents, Due to the colder weather towards the end of the session, please ensure your child has suitable clothing such as jumpers/ leggings/ track suit bottoms each week for High 5's. Many thanks Mrs Giles |
9 November 2018 | Whole School | NHS Workshop for Parents |
7 November 2018 | Foundation Stage | Springers Creche: Afternoon tea party |
6 November 2018 | Whole School | Preschool Cake Sale |
2 November 2018 | Foundation Stage | Springers Creche: Afternoon tea party |
2 November 2018 | Whole School | Springers Creche: family Assemblies |
1 November 2018 | Year 2 | Toys Picnic: Dear parents and carers, Tomorrow, Friday 2nd November, year 2 will be having a 'Toys' Picnic'. The children can bring in a toy to school for the picnic but we ask that it is nothing too precious, expensive or electronic. Many thanks Mrs Dubiel and Mrs Lindop |
1 November 2018 | Year 5 | Family Assembly: Dear parents and carers, For the upcoming year 5 family assemblies we would like the children to dress up as the Doctor from Doctor Who. They can choose which doctor to dress up as (think bow ties, jacket, scarf, hat, torch etc). They are to come into school wearing their outfit and should bring their school uniform in a named carrier bag. Mr Troughton - Sycamore - Wednesday 14th November Mrs Hydes - Rowan - Friday 16th November. Many thanks Mrs Hydes and Mr Troughton |
31 October 2018 | Foundation Stage | Afternoon Tea Party |
30 October 2018 | Whole School | FONS Winter Fundraiser: Poster |
30 October 2018 | Year 6 | High 5 Netball Nov-Dec Payment Letter |
29 October 2018 | Whole School | FONS: Non-uniform Day |
29 October 2018 | Year 4 (selected pupils) | Bowls Trip |
29 October 2018 | Year 6 |
IMPORTANT – Secondary School Applications Deadline: Is your child in year 6? The statutory closing date for applications from parents of Year 6 children (for a secondary school place in Year 7 from September 2019) is 31st October 2018. Applications can be made via the website www.essex.gov.uk/admissions . Natalie Hawkes |
29 October 2018 | Year 2 | PE lessons this half term: Dear parents/ carers, Year 2 will be having their outdoor PE lessons on a Thursday this half term with specialist PE Teachers. Just for your information the schedule will be as follows. Maple - Outdoors on Thursdays, Indoors on Fridays. Elm - Outdoor on Thursdays, Swimming on Wednesdays, Many thanks Mrs Giles |
19 October 2018 | Whole School | Poppies: Dear parents and carers, As usual we will be selling poppies in school as part of the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal 2018. We suggest a minimum donation of 50p and poppies will be sold in the classrooms every afternoon after half term until Friday 9th November. Please send your child in with their donation if they would like a poppy. For younger children (Foundation Stage and KS1) it may be useful if you place any coins/ donations in a named envelope for them to give to their class teacher ready for the sale in the afternoon. Many thanks Mrs Giles Receptionist |
17 October 2018 | Year 5 | Seesaw ReminderLetter |
17 October 2018 | Years 2 to 6 | Years 2, 3 & 4 Afterschool Football club letter and Years 5 & 6 Afterschool Football Club |
15 October 2018 | Whole School | Springers: Creche Flyer |
12 October 2018 | Foundation Stage | Superhero Dress up Day |
12 October 2018 | Club Particpants (High 5) | High 5 Match Letter |
11 October 2018 | Club Participants (Choir) | Choir Arrangements |
11 October 2018 | Year 5 | Greek Feast Reminder: Just a reminder that Year 5 will be having their Greek Feast on the morning of Thursday 18th October |
9 October 2018 | Whole School | Message from the Police: CSE Hotline Letter |
9 October 2018 | Foundation Stage and Year 3 |
Change in Date: Dear parents, Please note the family assembly dates have changed for the Year 3 classes. New dates are shown below.
Mrs Giles, Receptionist |
9 October 2018 | Year 3 (Pine Bay) | Message from Teacher |
9 October 2018 | Year 2 |
Family Assembly: Dear parents and carers, Please can your child bring in their 'Great Fire of London' outfits in a named carrier bag on the day of their family assembly. Wednesday 10th October - Maple Bay - Mrs Dubiel ;Friday 12th October - Elm Bay - Mrs Lindop. Many thanks Mrs Giles, Receptionist |
8 October 2018 | Whole School | Springers: October Holiday Club. Please see the attached from Springers. Booking closes on Friday 12th October. |
8 October 2018 | Music Participants (Cello) | Cancelled: Dear parents, Unfortunately, Jenny Adejayen will not be in school today so cello lessons will not be going ahead. She has advised she will make up the missed lesson this term and will keep you informed. Mrs Giles,Receptionist |
5 October 2018 | Club participants (Choir) | Choir Update |
4 October 2018 | Whole School | Service of blessing of pets |
3 October 2018 | Foundation Stage (Oak Bay) | Message for Oak Bay |
1 October 2018 | Years 1 to 6 | MyMaths update: Dear Parents, A number of parents have highlighted an issue with ‘Click and Drag’ on the MyMaths app. To enable this functionality on a tablet, you will first need to click on the 3 dots in the top right or lower-right corner of the screen and then on the second image click on Theatre (full screen). This will fix the screen and you will now be able to click and drag. If you are experiencing the same issue on a computer please ensure that the Adobe Flashplayer has been enabled within the browser. Mrs Giles, Receptionist (technical Sheet) |
28 September 2018 | Whole School | Harvest Festival reminder |
28 September 2018 | Whole School | FONS Halloween Disco |
27 September 2018 | Year 6 | Special Arrangements for Year 6 |
27 September 2018 | Year 5 | Greek Feast Letter |
27 September 2018 | Years 4 - 6 | Oliver newsflash |
26 September 2018 | Whole School | Essex Primary Scitt Flyer: Thinking of a career in teaching |
26 September 2018 | Whole School | Kids Inspire Lunch Club |
25 September 2018 | Year 4 | Reminder: Colchester Zoo |
24 September 2018 | Whole School | Message from Library: Welcome back to the Library |
21 September 2018 | Year 1 (Lime) & Year 2 (Elm) | Change in Swimming Dates |
18 September 2018 | Whole School | Parenting Group Flyer18 September 2018 |
18 September 2018 | Year 4 | Colchester Zoo Reminder |
18 September 2018 | Whole School | Community Newsletter from Anglia Ruskin Univeristy Autumn 2018 |
18 September 2018 | Whole School | New Hall Open Morning |
17 September 2018 | Year 2 | Action Required: Great Fire of London Reminder |
17 September 2018 | Year 6 | End of Year Celebration (Message from Parents) |
17 September 2018 | Year 5 &6 | Anglo European School Open Day 2019 |
17 September 2018 | Whole School | Health Drop-in Sessions |
14 September 2018 | Club Participants (Choir) | Banardos Inital Letter and Ticket Letter |
14 September 2018 | Years 1 to 6 | Harvest Festival Letter |
13 September 2018 | Whole School | School Events for the Autumn Term |
11 September 2018 | Year 2 & 6 | Meet the Teacher Year 2 and Year 6 |
6 September 2018 | Year 2 | Great Fire of London Day |
6 September 2018 | Year 4 | Colchester Zoo Trip |
6 September 2018 | Year 6 | High 5 Club: Dear Parents, We are still taking names of children interested in joining the after school High 5 club. If your child would like to participate, please let the school office know by Monday 10th September. The club runs every Thursday 3.30 - 4.30 pm and costs £3.00 per session. Regards Mrs Giles |
5 September 2018 | Years 5 & 6 | After School Football Club (Tuesday) |
5 September 2018 | Years 2, 3 & 4 | After School Football Club (Friday) |
5 September 2018 | Year 1 (Lime) & Year 2 (Elm) | Swimming: Request for volunteers ELM nd LIME |
4 September 2018 | Year 6 | Prefect Letter |
6 September 2018 | Year 1 (Lime), 2 (Elm), 4 (Chestnut) and 5 (Sycamore) | Autumn Term Swimming: LIME, ELM, CHESTNUT, SYCAMORE Dear Parents, Please see attached a letter giving information about your child's swimming lessons this term. We are looking for volunteers to help us with this and if you are able to spare any time, please contact the school office via email : reception@newlandsspring.essexs.sch.uk) or by telephone 01245 442031 Many thanks Mrs Giles |
Date | Relevant Year / Group | Subject Matter |
13 August 2018 | Years 1 and 2 | Multisports Club Interest Letter |
25 July 2018 | Years 3 to 6 | Monday Gym Club: Dear Parents, Please find attached a letter from Elite Basketball regarding the Monday morning gym club. Please make a payment via their website www.elitebasketballuk.co.uk. as soon as possible. If your child does not wish to continue with this club , please advise the school office by emailing reception@newlandsspring.essex.sch.uk. Regards Mrs Weatherhead |
25 July 2018 | Year 2 | Monday Gym Club: Dear Parent, As your child is now going into Year 3, they no longer qualify for the KS1 Gym Club on Friday mornings. We do have a similar club for KS2 children on a Monday morning, run by Elite Basketball still and if your child would like to switch over to the new day, please email the school office on reception@newlandsspring.essex.sch.uk. At the same time, can we ask that you make payment for the club via the provider's website at www.elitebasketballuk.co.uk. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
25 July 2018 | Years 1 & 2 | Friday Gym Club: Dear Parents, We have a small number of places available in our Friday morning Gym Club; if your child is interested in joining, please let the school office know by emailing reception@newlandsspring.essex.sch.uk. Spaces will be allocated by picking the names from a hat and interest must be registered by 1st September. We will advise you if your child is successful and those not allocated a place will go on the waiting list until a space is available. Sessions are provided by Elite Basketball UK and are priced at £3.00 per session (payable direct to the provider). Sessions are between 8.00 am until 8.45 am and take place in the new hall. Mrs Weatherhead |
25 July 2018 | Years 1 & 2 | Friday Gym Club: Dear Parents, Please find attached a letter from Elite Basketball regarding the Friday morning gym club. Please make a payment via their website www.elitebasketballuk.co.uk. as soon as possible. If your child does not wish to continue, please advise the school office. Regards Mrs Weatherhead |
25 July 2018 | Years 3 to 6 | Djembe Letter: Dear Parents, Please see attached a renewal letter for Djembe club next term. If your child no longer wishes to participate, please let the school office know. Mrs Weatherhead |
24 July 2018 | Year 5 | Osmington 2019 Trip (Year 6 pupils in September 2018) |
24 July 2018 | Foundation Stage | Tapestry: Dear Parent, We hope you have enjoyed your child’s online journal whilst they have been in Foundation Stage. In preparation for the next academic year your access to their online journal will be removed on 24th August 2018. The contents of your child’s journal has been exported as a pdf file and will be available for you to download should you wish to keep a copy of the journal. The file will be available to download from Tapestry until the 20th of August after which time it will be deleted and no longer available. Mrs Perry and Miss Holmes |
23 July 2018 | Years 5 & 6 |
DVDs - The Amazing Adventures of Super Stan (order letter):
23 July 2018 | Year 5 & 6 | Japanese Club (Interest letter) |
23 July 2018 | Year 6 | High 5 After School Club ( Interest letter) |
23 July 2018 | Year 6 | Pencil cases: Dear Parents, Our recent letter advised that only Year 6 children are permitted to bring in pencil cases; please ensure that all cases are fabric rather than stiff plastic and of a suitable size to fit into trays - space is at a premium and children will be keeping other items in their trays along with their pencil case! Many thanks for your cooperation and support, Mrs Rusby and Mrs Goodfellow. |
23 July 2018 | Years 3, 4, 5 & 6 | Dodgeball Afterschool Club: Dear Parents, Please find attached a flyer form Elite Basketball regarding their Dodgeball Club. If your child is interested, please email the school office on reception@newlandsspring.essex.sch.uk. There are limited spaces available and priority will be given to those children already attending the club and those who are currently waiting for a place on the waiting list. PLEASE DO NOT MAKE A PAYMENT AT THIS STAGE UNTIL IT HAS BEEN CONFIRMED YOUR CHILD HAS A PLACE. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
23 July 2018 | Years 3 - 6 (club particpants) | Basketball: Dear Parents, Please note that Elite Basketball have decided not to run their after school basketball club in September. There are no plans at the moment to replace it with a similar club for the existing year group. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
20 July 2018 | Whole School | National Test Results |
19 July 2018 | Whole School | School Uniform and Bags |
19 July 2018 | Year 1 and 2 | Arrangements for the Last Day: Dear parents, Year 1 & 2 will be having toy day tomorrow. Your child can bring in a small toy, in a named bag to play with tomorrow. Please do not send in electronic devices, mobile phones or anything that requires batteries or charging. We would like to wish you an enjoyable summer break and look forward to seeing you in September. Mrs D Coulson |
19 July 2018 | Whole School |
Lost Property and Lunch Boxes: Dear parents, The lost property and lunch box trolleys will be in the playground this afternoon and Friday afternoon. Please take a look in case any of it is your child's. Any items that are left on Friday will be disposed off. Mrs Weatherhead/Mrs Fisher |
19 July 2018 | Year 6 |
Mobile Phones: Dear Parents, In order to comply with the school's photography policy, please remind your child that no phones are to be bought to the Y6 BBQ and Disco tonight. Thank you! Kind regards Mrs Rusby/Miss Carpenter |
17 July 2018 | Year 6 |
School Reading Books: Dear Parents, The children have been asked to return all reading books to school. However, we are still missing a significant number of books, especially from year 6. Could I please ask you to remind your child to check for any missing books at home and return them to school this week. Many thanks for co-operation. Mrs Fowels |
17 July 2018 | Whole School | Open Evening: Dear Parents, OPEN EVENING TONIGHT 6-8pm We are looking forward to seeing you this evening at our Open Evening. You are welcome to come in anytime between 6 and 8 pm to view you child’s work and classroom and meet their new teacher. Natalie Hawkes |
16 July 2018 | Club participants | Football: Dear Parents, There is no after school football tomorrow, Tuesday 17th July 2018. Kind regards Mrs Fisher |
12 July 2018 | Years 1, 3, 4 and 5 | Reports: Years 1, 3, 4, 5 leaflet |
12 July 2018 | Foundation Stage | Reports: FS Leaflet |
12 July 2018 | Year 2 | Reports: Year 2 Leaflet |
12 July 2018 | Year 6 | Reports: Year 6 Leaflet |
10 July 2018 | Foundation Stage | Pirate Dressing Up Day |
9 July 2018 | Year 5 and 6 | Production: Change of Time for Wednesday performance |
9 July 2018 | Whole School | Springers Creche Flyer |
9 July 2018 | Foundation Stage (Oak Bay) | Change of Location for Family Assembly: Dear Parents, Please note that due to the Year 5 & 6 production taking place on Wednesday morning, Oak Bay's Family assembly will be held in the small hall at the same time of 10.15 a.m. Please enter the school via the school office entrance. Many thanks, Miss Hawkes |
5 July 2018 | Year 4 | Recorder Letter |
5 July 2018 | Foundation Stage (Willow Bay) | Family Assembly: Dear Parents, Please note that your child’s words for our family assembly on Friday 13th are in their book bags for them to practise at home. Many thanks Mrs Perry |
5 July 2018 | Club Participants (Glee) | Performance: Dear Parents, You are invited to watch a performance by the GLEE club members next Wednesday, 11th July at 4.00 pm just before the end of the session. The performance will be in the new school hall. We hope you can join us ! Mr Parkin |
4 July 2018 | Years 3 to 6 | FONS: Junior Summer Disco and Year 6 Leavers BBQ Request |
3 July 2018 | Club Participants (Djembe) | Djembe Performance |
29 June 2018 | KS2: Years 3 to 6 | KS2 Sports Day: Dear Parents, Just a reminder that this morning is KS2 Sports Day and I have attached the programme for your information. The weather looks set to be great and we are anticipating that the children (and parents) will have lots of fun ! Miss Hawkes |
28 June 2018 | Year 5 (Rowan Bay) | Swimming (Tuesday 3rd July): Dear Parents, Children from Swimming Groups 1 and 2 should bring in a baggy T Shirt for swimming next week as they will be practising life saving techniques. If you have any questions, please refer to the class teacher. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
28 June 2018 | Foundation Stage | Homework |
28 June 2018 | Whole School | Message from FONS: Thank you |
27 June 2018 | Foundation Stage, Years 1 to 2 | Infant Sports |
26 June 2018 | Years 3 to 6 | KS2 Sport Day Program |
25 June 2018 | Club Participants (High 5) |
Extra session: Dear Parents, Please note that this week was meant to be the last session of High Fives, however Mrs Freedman will be accompanying children to a tournament and will not be in school. She will instead add an extra session on the 12th July. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
25 June 2018 | Whole School | Important Message: Ear Peircing |
22 June 2018 | Foundation Stage, Years 1 to 2 | Infant Sports Day T-shirt Letters: Foundation Stage, Year 1 (Ash Bay), Year 1 (Lime Bay), Year 2 (Maple Bay) and Year 2 (Elm Bay) |
22 June 2018 | Selected Participants | Reminder: District Sports Track Event |
20 June 2018 | Year 6 | DT Project |
20 June 2018 | Foundation Stage, Years 1 to 2 | KS1 Sports Day |
19 June 2018 | Whole School | Springers Holiday Club |
19 June 2018 | Whole School | Singing Lessons: Please contact Mr Parkin directly if your child is interested. |
19 June 2018 | Whole School | FONS Summer Fayre Volunteers |
19 June 2018 | Year 5 and 6 | Costume and ticket letter |
18 June 2018 | Club Participants (Choir) |
Dear Parents There will not be a choir session after school tomorrow OR next Tuesday. After school choir will resume on 3rd July. Many thanks Miss Barnes |
18 June 2018 | Club Participants (Rounders) |
Dear Parents, Please note that Rounders Club will not run for the rest of the term now and there will not be a session tonight. Please collect your child at the normal time. Many thanks Miss Maslen |
15 June 2018 | Year 6 | Puberty Talk |
15 June 2018 | Year 6 | Crucial Crew Reminder |
14 June 2018 | Whole School | Stranger Danger: Incident near Chelmer |
14 June 2018 | Year 1 (Ash Bay -selected pupils) | Geography Activity |
14 June 2018 | Year 6 (Groups 3 & 4 Bikeability) |
Reminder: Your child is due to attend their bikeability sessions next week:
Please ensure that they bring their bike into school on both these days. |
8 June 2018 | Foundation Stage and Year 1 | Universal Free School Meals |
8 June 2018 | Year 2 | School Meals Transition Year 2 to Year 3 |
8 June 2018 | Year 5 | 11+ Letter to parents |
6 June 2018 | Year 1 (Ash Bay), Year 4 (Beech Bay) |
Swimming: Dear Parents, As Year 1 are on their school trip next week, we will be swapping their swimming day with Year 4 (Beech Bay - Miss Barnes). Therefore for NEXT week only: Beech Bay (Miss Barnes) will swim on Monday afternoon Ash Bay (Mrs Coulson) will swim on Wednesday afternoon Please ensure that your child has their kit with them on the correct day. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
5 June 2018 | Year 3 and 4 | Bassistry Workshop reminder |
5 June 2018 | Year 4 (Beech) | Reminder: Dear Parents, As you are aware Year 4 are participating in the 'Bassistry' workshop tomorrow. Beech Bay will still swim as they are attending the workshop during the morning only. Please ensure your child has their swimming kit with them tomorrow. Regards Mrs Weatherhead |
5 June 2018 | Foundation Stage (Oak) | Class Photo |
5 June 2018 | Whole School | Urgent message: Stranger Danger |
4 June 2018 | Foundation Stage | Donations Letter |
4 June 2018 | Year 2 (Maple Bay) | Thank You from Mrs Cross |
4 June 2018 | Year 5 (Rowan Bay) |
Dear Parents, Just a reminder that Rowan Bay will be going on a road safety walk on Thursday 7th June. Please let your child's class teacher know if you have any questions. Many thanks Mrs Hydes |
4 June 2018 | Year 2 | Urgent Reminder: Southend Trip |
4 June 2018 | Music Students (Cello) |
Cancelled: Dear Parents, Please note that Ms Adejayan is unwell and will not be in school today. Your child will not need to bring their instrument into school as a result. I will liaise with Ms Adejayan to try and arrange for her to come in on another day to make the lesson up. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
24 May 2018 | Year 1 | Hedingham Castle: Dear Parents, Thank you to everyone who made a contribution to the planned Year 1 trip to Hedingham Castle. I am pleased to advise that the trip will go ahead. Kind Regards Mrs Weatherhead |
24 May 2018 | Year 5 | Equipment List for Harlow |
23 May 2018 | Whole School | Springers Creche: Year 5/6 Production (11 July a.m.), Family Assemblies, KS1 Sports Day, New Starters lunch and Year 6 Leavers Assembly |
23 May 2018 | Whole School | KS2 Sports Day: New Date and Program |
23 May 2018 | Choir Members | Junior Music Festival Rehearsal and Concert Information and Ticket Letter: Please note our evening performance is on Monday 18th June at 7.30 p.m. |
23 May 2018 | Year 5 | Essex 11+ Selection Test Timeline - 2019 Entry: Please see attached a timeline for the 11+ Test. |
23 May 2018 | Years 5 & 6 | Tuesday After-school Football Club |
23 May 2018 | Years 2, 3 & 4 | Friday After-school Football Club |
23 May 2018 | Year 1 (Ash Bay) | Change in Family Assembly: Dear Parents, The KS2 Sports Day has been rescheduled for 29th June which was the day of Mrs Coulson's class assembly. As a result the Family Assembly for Ash Bay (Mrs Colsopn) will now take place on Thursday 12th July at 10.15 a.m. in the big hall. We apologise for any inconvenience this will cause. Regards Mrs Weatherhead |
23 May 2018 | Year 1 | Reminder: Hedingham Castle |
22 May 2018 | Years 3 & 4 | Bassistry workshop: Final Reminder Letter and Initial Letter |
22 May 2018 | Year 6 | PGL Information: Dear Parents, Following tonight's meeting, please note that all children will need to bring a pillow and a sleeping bag with them on the residential trip. Thank you Mrs Weatherhead |
22 May 2018 | Choir Members | Junior Music Festival: Volunteers request |
22 May 2018 | Choir members | Junior Music Festival Reminder: Deadline has passed. If you have not already done so, please make payment by the end of the school day this WEDNESDAY, 23rd MAY. If your child does not intend to participate, please let me know by emailing reception@newlandsspring.essex.sch.uk |
16 May 2018 | Whole School | Reminder: School Dinners - Menu Change |
15 May 2018 | Year 2 | Mini Games |
15 May 2018 | Selected Participants (Music) | Reminder: Dear Parents, Further to my earlier message, please reply confirming your child will be able to perform in the above concert on Wednesday, 23rd May at 9.30 a.m. in the big hall. Please also advise if anyone will be spectating and how many seats you will require. Regards Miss Barnes |
15 May 2018 | Selected Participants (Music) | Reminder: Dear Parents, Further to my earlier message, please reply confirming your child will be able to perform in the above concert on Monday, 21st May at 9.30 a.m. in the big hall. Please also advise if anyone will be spectating and how many seats you will require. Regards Miss Barnes |
15 May 2018 | Foundation Stage | Headlice Leaflet and Letter: |
15 May 2018 | ||
15 May 2018 | Foundation Stage | Online Payment Codes |
14 May 2018 | Foundation Stage | East Hanningfield Reservoir |
14 May 2018 | Years 3 & 4 |
Bassistry Workshop Reminder: Dear Parents, Just a reminder that we have arranged for children from year 3 and 4 to attend a Bassistry music workshop on Wednesday 6th June here at school. It promises to be a really excellent workshop for the children and we are looking forward to a great day. I attach our original letter for your information and would ask that you make a payment as soon as you can and before the deadline of 23rd May. Many thanks. Miss Barnes |
14 May 2018 | Whole School | FONS Non-Uniform Day |
14 May 2018 | Selected Participants (Rounders) | Rounders Tournament |
14 May 2018 | Year 3 | Headlice Leaflet and Letter |
14 May 2018 | Foundation Stage | Threadworm: We have been advised of a case of Threadworm Please visit the NHS website to learn more on how to spot the condition and preventative steps you can take to help avoid it. Please visit www.nhs.uk/conditions/threadworms/ |
11 May 2018 | Selected participants (Dodgeball) | Payment Reminder: Dear Parent, Elite Basketball UK have asked me to remind you that payment for their Dodegeball Club is now overdue. Please visit their website and make payment immediately - www.elitebasketballuk.co.uk. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
11 May 2018 | Year 4 (Chestnut), Year 1 (Ash) and Year 2 (Maple) | Mrs Cross |
11 May 2018 | Year 5 | KEGS Tours: Summer 2018 |
11 May 2018 | Whole School | Creche Flyers: Family Assembly and Summer Concert |
11 May 2018 | Year 6 | SATS Information |
11 May 2018 | Year 2 | Southend Trip |
8 May 2018 | Whole School | Springers Holiday Programme May 2018 |
8 May 2018 | Foundation Stage | DB Primary: Dear Parents, Your child will shortly be bringing home their log in details (if they have not already done so) for db primary and the attached letter is a set up guidance sheet for you to use. Please note that your child has already written a blog entry at school, so you may take the opportunity to have a look at it with them and hopefully they will want to write more at home. There are also other useful links to view. Many thanks Mrs Perry & Miss Holme |
8 May 2018 | Whole School | School Dinners: Dear Parents, We have been advised that there has been an incident with the vehicle delivering produce to the school today which means the dinner menu for his week will change. Today, the children will have chips with their sausages/vegetarian sausages but will instead have mashed potatoes on Friday, with either fish fingers or roasted vegetable parcel. We apologise for any inconvenience this will cause. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
4 May 2018 | Year 4 (Beech Bay) |
Family Assembly: Dear parents, Please could you encourage your child to learn their words for family assembly. They were given out two weeks ago but not many children appear to have learnt them yet. Our assembly is next Friday (11th May) Many thanks, Miss Barnes |
4 May 2018 | Whole School | Shop for Schools Voucher: Dear Parents, As you are aware, we are participating in this year's Shop for Schools competition in conjunction with Meadows Shopping Centre. We are aware that there is a bonus voucher (worth 5 tokens) in this week's Essex Chronicle. If you or a member of your family purchases the newspaper, could you ask them to save it for us; the vouchers can be handed into the school office. The voucher can be found on Page 29 of the Essex Chronicle. Every token collected will increase our chances of winning the fantastic prizes on offer! Prizes this year are: 1st Prize £1000, 2nd Prize £500 and 3rd Prize £250 so please help if you can. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
4 May 2018 | Selected Parents (Choir) | JuniorMusic Festival Tickets: Dear Parents, Please see attached the ticket letter from the festival organisers; please note that all children over 2 years require a ticket and until the tickets are released for general sale, orders are limited to two per participating child. Can I also remind you that online consent and payment for your child to attend should be made by Friday 18th May. Many thanks Miss Barnes |
3 May 2018 | Year 6 | PGL Parent Information Evening |
2 May 2018 | Selected Parents | Pirates of the Curry Bean: DVD refund |
2 May 2018 | Year 6 | Crucial Crew |
1 May 2018 | Year 4 | Homework Expectation |
30 April 2018 | Year 1 and 2 | Important Message: End of Day Procedure |
30 April 2018 | Club Participants |
Rounders: Dear Parents, Miss Maslen is absent from school today and therefore we are not able to run the Rounders after school session today. We apologise for any inconvenience this will cause. Regards Mrs Weatherhead |
30 April 2018 | Years 3 - 6 | KS2 Sports Day: Dear Parents, Unfortunately, we have made the decision to cancel KS2's Sports Day today due to the weather conditions which has made the site unsafe. We do not currently have an alternative date but will be liaising with Chelmsford Sports Stadium to arrange one if possible. Our apologies for any inconvenience caused. Kind regards Mrs Cross |
26 April 2018 | Years 1 - 3 | Computer Xplorers: Lego Club |
24 April 2018 | Year 1 | Heddingham Castle |
24 April 2018 | Whole School | Email: Access to School Grounds |
23 April 2018 | Whole School | FONS Bag2School |
23 April 2018 | Club particpants (Selected pupils) | High 5 Match (Lawford Mead) |
23 April 2018 | Whole School | Springers Creche (Summer) |
23 April 2018 | Club particpants (Selected pupils) | High 5 Tournament (May) |
20 April 2018 | Years 3 & 4 | Bassists Workshop |
19 April 2018 | Years 1 and 2 | Magical Maths club |
19 April 2018 | Year 5 | Road Safety Change of dates: Dear Parents, As you know Year 5 will be going on a road safety walk shortly. We have had to change one of the dates and the two classes will now participate as follows: Tuesday 1st May (Sycamore Bay), Thursday 7th June (Rowan Bay) Please let your child's class teacher know if you have any questions. Many thanks Miss Edwards & Mrs Hydes |
18 April 2018 | Whole School | Springers Creche Flyer: Summer Term |
18 April 2018 | Year 3 | Cultural Day: Dear Parents, Year 3 children are participating in a Cultural Day on Tuesday 1st May here at Newlands Spring School. They will each need either a plain yellow or red T shirt for the whole week and for the respective family assemblies. We would be grateful if these could be named and brought into school on Monday 30th April. Many thanks Mrs Davis & Miss Bishop |
18 April 2018 | Foundation Stage | Class Photo: Dear Parents, Please could your child bring in a sunhat and some sunglasses for a photo on Monday 23rd April. Many thanks Mrs Perry & Miss Holme |
17 April 2018 | KS2 | KS2 Sports Day |
17 April 23018 | Years 3 & 4 | DVD Orders Mystery Manor: Dear Parents, I attach our recent letter regarding DVD orders of the Year 3 & 4 production of Mystery at Magpie Manor. Please note the deadline for placing an order is this Friday, 20th April. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
17 April 2018 | Year 4 | Family Assembly Changes: Dear Parents, Please note that the date has changed for BOTH Year 3 family assemblies this term. The new dates are as follows: Holly Bay (Miss Bishop) - Wednesday 2nd May, Pine Bay (Mrs Davis) - Friday 4th May. We apologise for any inconvenience this change will cause. Many thanks Mrs Davis & Miss Bishop |
17 April 2018 | Whole School | Headlice Leaflet and Letter |
16 April 2018 | Club Participants (Choir) | Junior Music Festival (Choir) |
16 April 2018 | Year 5 | Change of Date: Puberty Letter |
16 April 2018 | Club Participants | Chess Club: Confirmation letter |
10 April 2015 | Year 5 | Harlow Trip |
10 April 2018 | Year 5 | Road safety Walks: Dear Parents, Year 5 will be going on a road safety walk next term around the local area in small groups on either Tuesday 24th April or Tuesday 1st May. Please let your child's class teacher know if you have any questions. Many thanks Miss Edwards & Mrs Hydes |
10 April 2018 | Year 5 | Puberty Talk (Note: Date should be Tuesday 22nd May) |
10 April 2018 | Club Participants (Years 1 and 2) | Woodland Walkers |
10 April 2018 | Club participants (Year 6) | High 5 |
10 April 2018 | Years 3 to 6 | Glee Club: Dear Parents, Please see attached a flyer from Mr Parkin for our after school GLEE Club. If your child is interested, please contact Mr Parkin direct via his website www.jonathanparkin.com/payments. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
9 April 2018 | Years 4 to 6 | Choir: Dear Parents, Please note that Choir resumes, on TUESDAY 17th April. Apologies for the incorrect date in my previous email . Regards Mrs Weatherhead |
5 April 2018 | Club Participants | Japanese Club: Dear Parent, i am pleased to advise that our lunchtime Japanese Club will continue next term. the sessions will take place during a Tuesday lunchtime between 12.15 - 12.45 p.m. in the Demountable Classroom. Sessions start on Tuesday 24th April and will finish on 10th July 2018 and are free of charge If your child no longer wishes to attend, please let me know. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
5 April2018 | Club Participants | Times Table Club: Dear Parents, Your child has been allocated a place at our Monday lunchtime Times Table Club which will run between 12.15 - 12.45 p.m. The club will start on Monday 23rd April and will run until 9th July and the sessions will take place in Mrs Rusby's classroom. The members of the club will have their lunch once the session has finished. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhea |
5 April 2018 | Club Participants | Choir: Dear Parents, Please note that choir resumes the first week back on Tuesday 19th April. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
5 April 2018 | KS2 | Reminder Chess Club: Dear Parents, We have an exciting new club starting after Easter during Wednesday lunchtime between 12.15 -12.45 p.m; Miss Edwards is running a Chess Club and we are looking for children of all abilities to fine tune or learn the new skill of Chess Mastery. Please email me on reception@newlandsspring.essex.sch.uk if your child would like a place at our new lunchtime club. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
5 April 2018 | Club Participants (Year 6) | High 5 |
5 April 2018 | Club Participants | Reminder: Rounders |
5 April 2018 | Years 3 & 4 | Reminder: Dear Parents, Just a reminder that you are now able to order a DVD of the Year 3 & 4 Production 'Mystery at Magpie Manor'. Orders can be made online using the online payment system; if you do not have a code for this, please advise me and I will arrange for a code to be sent out to you. I attach a copy of our recent letter for your information. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
29 March 2018 | Year 4 | Recorder Letter |
29 March 2018 | Year 4 | Recorder Lessons: Dear parents, During the summer term, Beech and Chestnut Bay will be learning the recorder. This is just a reminder for those who have their own recorders to bring them to school on a Friday when we will be having our music lessons. We will be sending a letter out for those who would like to purchase a recorder. For those who don't have a recorder and do not wish to purchase one, we have a supply of recorders at school which they can use. (These are cleaned every week!) Thank you, Miss Barnes |
29 March 2018 | Years 3 & 4 | DVD Order: Mystery at Magpie Manor |
Holiday Ideas: Dear parents , The homework books and reading books will collected in and collated as so we can 'check stock'. To continue with your child's development here are a few experiences you could do: 1. Chelmsford Library have a new children's section which I would highly recommend a visit. 2. Danbury park has an amazing fallen down tree which can also fit small children inside. If you park in the 'Lakes car park' its easier to find in the woods. Parking is about £3 for the whole day. 3. Hylands park also has amazing adventure playground and parking I believe is free. These activities would be great play dates ideas and it would be lovely to see these activities on tapestry. Have a Happy Easter holiday. Miss Holme | ||
28 March 2018 | Year 6 | Osmington Payment Schedule Urgent Action: Dear Parents, Just a reminder that the last instalment payment of £40.00 is due by 31st March 2018. There is one final payment to make after that for £50.00 (by the end of April). Please make all payments by the respective deadline dates. A copy of the original letter is attached for your information. Thank you Mrs Orley Business Manager |
27 March 2018 | Years 5 & 6 | Tuesday Football |
27 March 2018 | Years 2, 3, & 4 | Friday Football |
27 March 2018 | Whole School | Springers Creche |
23 March 2018 | Whole School | Building Works |
23 March 2018 | Music Pupils (Cello - Selected Pupils) | Cello Music medal Exams |
23 March 2018 | Whole School | Building Work |
23 March 2018 | Music Pupils (Cello) |
Important Message Re Cello: Dear Parents, Ms Adejayan will be in on Wednesday next week and not Monday. Therefore, please ensure that your child has their instrument with them on Wednesday next week instead of Monday. Many thanks Lisa Weatherhead |
23 March 2018 | Whole School | Reminder World Book Day: Dear Parents, Just a reminder that next Thursday, 29th March we are celebrating World Book Day in school and children are invited to come in dressed as a character from their favourite book. Regards Mrs Weatherhead |
22 March 2018 | Foundation Stage (Oak Bay |
Show & Tell: Dear Parents, Due to time constraints, Oak Bay children did not get an opportunity to have 'Show and Tell' today. They may bring in their items again tomorrow and will have a chance to do so then. Thank you Mrs Weatherhead |
21 March 2018 | Year 3 & 4 | Production - Dress Rehearsal |
21 March 2018 | Year 5 | French Trip - Lost Property |
20 March 2018 | Year 2 | Mathletics |
20 March 2018 | Club Participants | Djembe After School Club |
20 March 2018 | Music Pupils (selected - violins) |
Violins: Dear Parents, Ms Carnell was due to finish her violin lessons for this term last Thursday , however she has offered to come in on Thursday 29th March, the last day of term, to make up the sessions missed on the snow day. Therefore, please could your child bring in their instrument on Thursday 29th March so they can have their final lesson. Thank you Mrs Weatherhead |
19 March 2018 | Club participants | Choir: Dear parents, RE: Chelmsford Choir Competition, Thank you so much for your support last week in our heat of the choir competition. Didn’t they do well!! J. This is just a reminder for the children that took part in the competition that the final is this coming Thursday (22nd) at 7pm at KEGs. Please make sure you child is at KEGs by 6.45pm in full school uniform. The competition should be over by 9.00 pm. Looking forward to seeing you there! Thank you, Miss Barnes and Mrs Hydes |
19 March 2018 | Club participants | High 5: Dear Parents, Just a reminder that there is no High 5 session this Thursday 22nd March. The last session will be on the last day of term, Thursday 29th March 2018. Thank you Mrs Weatherhead |
16 March 2018 | Year 6 (Selected pupils) | Reminder: Rising Stars. Children will need to be collected by 12.45 pm from reception to take to the stadium. |
16 March 2018 | Years 4 to 6 | New Lunchtime Clubs: Chess Club & Times Tables Club |
16 March 2018 | Years 3 to 6 | Basketball Club |
16 March 2018 | Years 4 to 6 | Gym Club |
16 March 2018 | Years 1 to 3 | Gym Club |
16 March 2018 | Years 3 to 5 | Dodgeball Club |
16 March 2018 | Years 5 & 6 | Rounders Club |
16 March 2018 | Years 3 to 6 | Djembi Club |
15 March 2018 | Whole School | Online Safety Workshop - Booking essential |
15 March 2018 | Selected Classes | Summer Term Swimming Letters for Willow Bay (FS), Ash Bay (Year 1), Holly Bay (Year 3), Beech Bay (Year 4) and Rowan Bay (Year 5) |
15 March 2018 | Year 5 | French Trip - Final reminder |
14 March 2018 | Foundation Stage | Tricky words set 7 |
14 March 2018 | Year 2 (Selected Pupils) |
Infant Music Festival Reminder: Dear Parents, Your child is attending the Infant Music Festival tomorrow and is due to be in school at 8.30 a.m. Please bring them into school via the office and not via the playground as usual. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead Dear Parents, Following my earlier message, I can confirm that children attending the festival tomorrow should arrive in school in their costume and bring their uniform in, in a named carrier bag. Thank you. Mrs Weatherhead |
13 March 2018 | Whole School | Parents Computer Online Safety: 2 Johns |
13 March 2018 | Foundation Stage | Family Assembly: Date change |
13 March 2018 | Choir Waiting List | Choir - New members Year 4 and 5 |
12 March 2018 | Year 6 | PGL Final Payment: Dear Parents, Re: Osmington Trip - Monday 4th June to Friday 8th June 2018. Please be aware that the final instalment payment of £50.00 for this trip is due by 30th April 2018. Please ensure that all other payments due, as part of the payment plan, are made before the final payment is made. Many thanks Mrs Orley, Business Manager |
12 March 2018 | Year 1 | Reminder: March Farm Trip |
9 March 2018 | Club participants | Cancelled Choir Session: Dear Parents, Please note that due to our Termly Learning Conferences next week, there will NOT be a choir session next Tuesday 13th March. Choir will resume the week after. Regards Miss Barnes. |
9 March 2018 | Year 1 | Marsh Farm: Dear Parents, I can confirm that we have received sufficient contributions overnight to enable the trip to go ahead next Tuesday. Many thanks to all the parents that responded to our message and made a payment. Regards Mrs Weatherhead |
8 March 2018 | Year 5 | French Trip - Deadline |
8 March 2018 | Year 3 & 4 | Year 3 & 4 Production Tickets |
8 March 2018 | Whole School | World Book Day - New Date |
8 March 2018 | Year 1 | Reminder: Marsh Farm |
6 March 2018 | Whole School | Springers Holiday Club |
6 March 2018 | Music Participants (EMS pupils only) | Important message: Covering email and EMS Music Tuition Summer Term |
6 March 2018 | Whole School | NHS Head Lice Leaflet and Head Lice Letter |
6 March 2018 | Year 2 (Selected Pupils) | DT -Materials request |
6 March 2018 | Year 1 (Ash), Year 3 (Holly), Year 4 (Beech), Year 5 (Rowan) | Swimming - Request for Helpers |
5 March 2018 | Year 5 | French Trip Reminder |
5 March 2018 | Club participants (selected) | High 5 Tournament |
5 March 2018 | Whole School | Springers Creche |
5 March 2018 | Years 3 to 6 | FONS Junior Bingo |
5 March 2018 | Club Participants | Woodland Walkers: Dear Parents, Unfortunately Miss Holme is not in school this week; as a result there will not be a session of Woodland Walkers tomorrow lunchtime. Many thanks, Mrs Weatherhead |
5 March 2018 | Whole School | TLC Reminder: Dear Parents, Just a reminder that the online booking system opens tonight at 7.00 p.m. for this term's learning conferences. If you have difficulty in booking an appointment, please contact the school office. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
5 March 2018 | Foundation Stage (Oak Bay) | Important message -Mrs Nhanngo |
5 March 2018 | Whole School | Reading Cafe Reminder |
2 March 2018 | Whole School | School Closure Letter |
1 March 2018 | Choir participants | Reminder: School choir competition |
28 February 2018 | Whole School | Snow Closure: Dear Parents, Due to adverse weather conditions, the school will be closed today to all children. Please continue to monitor your email account, the school website and our Twitter account for updates and further information. Many thanks, Miss Hawkes |
27 February 2018 | Whole School | Epilepsy Day |
27 February 2018 | Years 5 & 6 | Cancelled: Dear Parents, Due to the weather and condition of the field, we have decided to cancel after school football today. Please collect your child at the normal time of 3.15 p. m. Many thanks, Mrs Weatherhead |
26 February 2018 | Music Pupils and Djembe Club Participants |
Dear All, Mr Reyland is not in today as he is unwell. Therefore he will not able to take drums lessons or the after school Djembe club. He will extend his lessons to the last Monday of this term eg Monday 26th March to ensure the children have a full 10 weeks tuition. Please reply to let me know you have received this message. Many thanks, Mrs Weatherhead |
23 February 2018 | Foundation Stage (Willow Bay) | Family Assembly (Friday): Dear Parents, Please note that new family assembly words are coming home today in book bags, (due to a small mix up). Please could you practise them with your child as much as possible ready for next Friday ( 2nd March at 10.15). Many thanks Mrs Perry |
22 February 2018 | Year 1 | Marsh Farm trip |
22 February 2018 | Year 2 (Selected Pupils) | Infant Music Festival Reminder: Please note that the deadline for consenting to your child participating in the Infant Music Festival and purchasing a ticket is Monday 26th February. After this date,any unallocated or unsold tickets will be offered to parents who may want more than one ticket. |
20 February 2018 | Whole School | FONS: Adult Bingo |
20 February 2018 | Whole School | Springers Assembly Creche and Reading Cafe Creche |
19 February 2018 | Whole School | Reading Cafe: Dear Parents, Just a reminder that the booking system to reserve your place at the forthcoming Reading Cafes opens tonight at 7.00 p.m. Please refer to the latest newsletter to see when your child's session will take place. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
19 February 2018 | Years 5 & 6 | After-School Football Club (Tuesday) |
19 February 2018 | Years 2 to 4 | After-School Football Club (Friday) |
19 February 2018 | Whole School | Guiding Thinking andScouts Founders Day: Dear Parents, To commemorate Thinking and Founders Day this Thursday 22nd February, children who attend Rainbows, Cubs, Brownies, Beavers, Guides and Scouts are invited to wear their uniforms to school instead of their school uniform. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
9 February 2018 | Year 2 (Selected Pupils) | Infant Music Festival: Dear parent, Please see attached a letter from Miss Maslen and Mrs Cross regarding the forthcoming Infant Music Festival. You should be able to make an online payment from tomorrow and if you require a code, please email me on reception@newlandsspring.essex.sch.uk and I will send one to you after half term. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
9 Februrary 2018 | Whole School | Springers Vacancy |
9 February 2018 | Year 5 (Rowan Bay) | Rowan Cooking Equipment: Dear Parents, The children have enjoyed cooking today and I hope the muffins taste as good as they look ! We have done our best to clean the utensils your child brought into school but I am afraid they will need another wash when you get them home tonight -- sorry ! ,I hope you enjoy tasting them (if they make it as far as home !). Regards Mrs Hydes |
7 February 2018 | Foundation Stage | Handwriting and Phonics guidance for parents |
7 February 2018 | Year 3 & 4 | Year 3 & 4 Production: Costume Letter |
5 February 2018 | Whole School | Creche Flyer |
5 February 2018 | Foundation Stage | Tricky Words: Set 2, Set 3, Set 4, Set 5 and Set 6 |
2 February 2018 | Year 3 | Family Assembly - Costume request: |
2 February 2018 | Whole School | Security advice |
1 February 2018 | Choir Participants | Barnado's Concert - Reminder of the day's plans |
25 January 2018 | Year 5 | Muffin Letter |
25 January 2018 | Year 5 | French Trip Reminder: Dear Parents, If you have not already done so, please return your consent forms and make an online payment by the deadline date TOMORROW. It is essential that we have all the documentation in good time, ahead of the trip. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
25 January 2018 | Whole School | World Book Day |
25 January 2018 | Whole School | Reading Cafe |
24 January 2018 | Choir participants | Reminder - Choir Particitpants: Dear parents, Thank you to everyone who has responded to let me know your child’s availability for the choir competition on the evenings of Friday 9th March and Thursday 22nd March. If you have not yet responded, please could you let me know by this Thursday 25th Jan at the latest even if your child CANNOT attend. Thank you, Miss Barnes |
24 January 2018 | Year 4 | Superstars |
23 January 2018 | Year 5 | CSSE 11+ Information Letter |
22 January 2018 | Year 5 (boys) | Year 5 KEGS Tour: Please find attached a letter from the Headteacher at KEGS inviting current Year 5 boys to take a tour of KEGS. To book a place, please follow the link on their school website at www.kegs.org.uk. If you book a place, please let me know the date and time so I can record the same in the register. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
22 January 2018 | Whole School | Half-Term Holiday Flyer - Mega Camps |
22 January 2018 | High 5 Participants | High 5 change in finish time: Dear Parents, As there is sufficient light now, Mrs Freedman would like to finish the club at 4.30 p.m. for the last three remaining sessions of this half term. Children should be picked up from the back gate at the later time of 4.30 p.m. from THIS Thursday 25th January. Thank you Mrs Weather head |
19 January 2018 | Whole School | School Nurse Drop in Flyers for Moulsham and Kings Road |
17 January 2018 | Choir participants | Chelmsford Choir Competititon (Reminder) |
15 January 2018 | Whole School | Springers: Parent Workshop Creche |
15 January 2018 | Whole School | CFCC February Holiday Club 2018 |
15 January 2018 | Whole School | Springers Creche: Family Assembly |
12 January 2018 | Whole School | Parent Workshops |
12 January 2018 | Foundation Stage & KS1 | FONS: Skittleman |
12 January 2018 | Club Participants | High 5 Change of Date: Dear Parents, Please note that there will NOT be a session of High 5s on Thursday 22nd March as Mrs Freedman is not available. She will however tag this session on at the end of the term and the club will now run up to Thursday 29th March. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
12 January 2018 | Year 5 | Meet the Teacher |
12 January 2018 | Years 1 and 2 | Woodland Walkers: Club participants Letter and Place on Waiting List |
11 January 2018 | Year 2 (Elm Bay) | PE Kits: Dear Parents, Your child's PE kit was sent home today because it got wet during outdoor PE today. Please ensure that it is back in school by NEXT Thursday. Please note we will NOT be doing PE tomorrow. Many thanks Miss Maslen |
11 January 2018 | Year 5 | Jungle Jo visit |
11 January 2018 | Year 4 | Meet the Teacher Letter |
10 January 2018 | Year 6 | Meet the Teacher letter |
10 January 2018 | Selected pupils | Consent Forms: Dear Parents, Please complete and return the yellow parental consent form which was forwarded to you on the first day of this new term. We urgently need to update the pupil records and would be grateful if you could send it into the office immediately. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
10 January 2018 | Foundation Stage | Wellies Reminder: Dear Parents, Just to let you know that the children will still need their wellies in school so please send them in (named please) at your earliest convenience. Many thanks Mrs Perry & Miss Holme |
9 January 2018 | Choir Participants | Choir Competition |
9 January 2018 | Year 1 | Meet the Teacher Letter |
9 January 2018 | Year 2 | Meet the Teacher Letter |
9 January 2018 | Year 3 | Meet the Teacher Letter |
9 January 2018 | Foundation Stage (Willow BAa) | Beatrice and Shakesbear: Dear Parents, Meet Beartrice & Shakesbear, each week these adventurous bears will be coming home with a different child each week. In their bags, there is a diary and a pencil case for the children to record their time with the bears. They will be sharing their time together with the whole class every Thursday. Any photos or observations you make of your child's time with Beartrice and Shakesbear can either be printed and put in the diary or uploaded onto Tapestry so they can be shown on the big screen. Thank you for your support. Miss Holme |
8 January 2018 | Year 6 | Trip to Boreham School |
8 January 2018 | Whole School | Springers Creche - Family Assemblies |
5 January 2018 | Years 1 and 2 | Woodland Walks Club |
5 January 2018 | KS2 | Reading Club |
4 January 2018 | Club Participants | Knitter Knatter Reminder: Dear Parents, Just a reminder that your child has been allocated a place at our lunchtime Knitter Knatter Club. Sessions start next week on Monday, 8th January between 12.30 - 1.00 p.m. At the first session, your child will need to bring in their own wool and needles and Mrs Perry will introduce the club to all the participants giving more information. All the children will eat their lunch after the session. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
4 January 2018 | Club Participants | Japanese Club Reminder: Dear Parents, Just a reminder that your child has a place at our Japanese Club and this is due to start on Tuesday 16th January and will run until 20th March. The sessions are between 12.15 - 12.45 p.m. and will be held in the demountable classroom. Children will have their lunch after the club. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
4 January 2018 | Club Participants | Film Club Reminder: Dear Parents, Just a reminder that your child has a place at our Film Club and this is due to start on Tuesday 16th January and will run until 27th March. The sessions are between 3.15 - 4.15 p.m. and will be held in Mrs Coulson's classroom. Children should be collected promptly at the end of the session from the front reception. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
4 January 2018 | Children on Club Waiting List | Film Club waiting list: Dear Parents, All the spaces in the Film Club have been filled and your child remains on the waiting list. Should a place become available during the term, I will be in touch. Regards Mrs Weatherhead |
4 January 2018 | Club Participants | High 5 Club Reminder: Dear Parents, Just a reminder that the deadline for returning your payment and permission slip for our High 5 club is tomorrow. Sessions are due to commence next Thursday 11th January and will be between 3.30 - 4.15 p.m. (until February half term) after which time the end time will be 4.30 p.m.. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
4 January 2018 | Club Participants | Construction Club Reminder: Dear Parents, Just a reminder that your child has been allocated a place for the first five weeks of this term at our Construction Club. The sessions start on Wednesday, 10th January and will be held between 12.15 - 12.45 p.m. in Miss Bishop's classroom. If they no longer want a place, please let me know as soon as possible as we have a long waiting list of children wanting to attend. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
4 January 2018 | Children on Club Waiting List | Construction Club Waiting List: Dear Parents, All the spaces in the Construction Club have been filled and your child remains on the waiting list. Should a place become available during the term, I will be in touch. Regards Mrs Weatherhead |
4 January 2018 | Years 4 to 6 | Computer Club Letter (Computer Xplorers) |
4 January 2018 | Years 4 to 6 | Bellepates Club Reminder: Dear Parents, Just a reminder that your child has a place at our Belleplate Club and this is due to resume next week on Friday 12th January. The session takes place between 12.15 - 12.45 and is held in the demountable classroom Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
4 January 2018 | Year 3 |
DT: Dear Parents, The children have been told in class today that they will need to bring in an old top or apron tomorrow. We will be using clay in the classroom and they will need protection for their uniform. Many thanks Miss Bishop & Mrs Davis |
4 January 2018 | Club Participants | Colouring Club Remindert: Dear Parents, Your child has been allocated a place at our Colouring Club which will be held in Miss Carpenter's classroom on Thursday lunch times between 12.15 - 12.45p.m. The club starts on 18th January and will run each week during term time with the last session being 22nd March. Your child may bring in felt tip pens / colouring pencils to use during the sessions if they wish. They will eat their lunch after the session finishes at 12.45 p.m. Regards Mrs Weatherhead |
4 January 2018 | Children on Club Waiting List | Colouring Club Waiting List: Dear Parents, All the spaces in the Colouring Club have been filled and your child remains on the waiting list. Should a place become available during the term, I will be in touch. Regards Mrs Weatherhead |
3 January 2018 | Years 3 to 6 | Glee Club |
3 January 2018 | Whole School | Academy Update - Changes in role |
1 January 2018 | Year 3 | Roman Day Reminder: Dear Parents, Just a reminder that the children are to come into school dressed as Romans tomorrow, Wednesday 3rd January. Outfits need not be complicated and can be created out of existing things from home. Thank you in advance for your support. Miss Bishop and Mrs Davis. |
1 January 2018 | Year 6 | Rohl Dahl Day Reminder: Dear Parents, Following my letter to you at the beginning of December, here is a reminder that the first day back at school (3rd January) after the holidays is Dahl Day for Year 6. All Year 6 children are invited to come to school dressed as their favourite Road Dahl character. We look forward to seeing your creations ! Mrs Rusby & Miss Carpenter |
19 December 2017 | Years 1 & 2 | Magical maths : Please note there are only seven spaces left on this club so please contact magical maths direct on 01245 898351 |
19 December 2017 | Violin Students | Violin Lesson Renewal Leter |
18 December 2017 | Year 3 | Colchester Castle Trip |
15 December 2017 | Year 3 | Roman Topic |
15 December 2017 | Foundation Stage | Tricky Words Information Sheet and Tricky Words Set 1 |
15 December 2017 | Year 3 & 4 |
Construction Club: Dear Parents, We were inundated with requests for places for our Spring Term Construction Club and the waiting list is extremely long. As a result we have decided to split the 10 week term into two sets of 5 weeks to allow more children to participate. Your child will attend the club for the second set of five sessions from 21st February until 21st March 2018 (after the first five sessions have finished). Whilst I appreciate that this will mean the children will have half the sessions, it will mean more children get to participate. Many thanks for your understanding. Mrs Weatherhead |
15 December 2017 | Year 3 & 4 | Construction Club: Dear Parents, We were inundated with requests for places for our Spring Term Construction Club and the waiting list is extremely long. As a result we have decided to split the 10 week term into two sets of 5 weeks to allow more children to participate. Your child will attend the club for the first five sessions from 10th January until 7th February 2018 after which time the second set of children will start the club. Whilst I appreciate that this will mean the children will have half the sessions, it will mean more children get to participate. Many thanks for your understanding. Mrs Weatherhead |
14 December 2017 | KS2 | Djembi Club |
14 December 2017 | Year 5 | Lab Coats: Dear parents, Next term we are learning about marvellous materials. As part of our topic, we will be recording key vocabulary on lab coats or T shirts / shirts. Can you please ensure; your child brings in an old white (oversized) t-shirt/shirt or a lab coat on the first day back (Wednesday 3rd January) ? They will be writing on it throughout the term. Many thanks Mrs Hydes and Miss Edwards |
14 December 2017 | Club Participants | High 5 letter |
14 December 2017 | Whole School | NHS Headlice letter & Leaflet |
14 December 2017 | Whole School | Broomfield Methodist Christmas Service |
13 December 2017 | Years 3 to 6 | Colouring Club |
13 December 2017 | Years 4 to 6 | Belle Plates Club |
13 December 2017 | Year 3 & 4 | Construction Club |
13 December 2017 | Club participants | Japanese Club: Dear Parent, I am pleased to advise that our lunchtime Japanese Club will continue next term. The sessions will take place during a Tuesday lunchtime 12.15 - 12.45 p.m. in the Demountable classroom. Sessions start on 16th January and will finish on 20th March 2018. If your child no longer wishes to attend, please let me know. Regards Mrs Weatherhead |
13 December 2017 | Year 6 | Knitter Knatter Lunchtime Club |
13 December 2017 | Years 1 to 6 |
Yellow Consent Forms: Dear Parents, If you have not returned your yellow consent form and pupil data sheet, please do so by the end of the week. It is imperative that we hold correct details for your child/children and we want to update all the pupil records by the end of the term, ready for January. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
12 December 2017 | Years 1 to 3 | Gym Club: Dear Parents, Please see attached the renewal letter from Elite Basketball for the Gym Club. Please make payment as soon as possible via their website www.elitebasketballuk.co.uk. If your child is not returning to the Gym Club after Christmas, please let me know as soon as possible so I can allocate the place to another child. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
12 December 2017 | Years 2 to 4 | Film Club |
12 December 2017 | Years 5 & 6 | After-School Football Club (Tuesday) |
12 December 2017 | Years 2 to 4 | After-School Football Club (Friday) |
12 December 2017 | Years 3 to 6 | Basketball Club Renewal Letter: Dear Parents, Please see attached the renewal letter from Elite Basketball for the after school Basketball Club. Please make payment as soon as possible via their website www.elitebasketballuk.co.uk.. If your child is not returning to the Basketball Club after Christmas, please let me know as soon as possible so I can allocate the place to another child. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
12 December 2017 | Years 3 to 6 | Dodge Ball Club: Dear Parents, Please see attached the renewal letter from Elite Basketball for the after school Dodgeball Club. Please make payment as soon as possible via their website www.elitebasketballuk.co.uk. If your child is not returning to the Dodgeball Club after Christmas, please let me know as soon as possible so I can allocate the place to another child. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
12 December 2017 | Whole School | Letter fromVicky Ford |
11 December 2017 | Whole School | Important Notice Regarding Weather Conditions: Dear Parents, We are mindful that the weather forecast may result in icy roads in the morning. Therefore please keep an eye on the school website and your email account in case a message is sent giving further information regarding school opening. Many thanks, Miss Hawkes |
11 December 2017 | FS & KS1 | DVD Orders: Dear Parents, Please note that any orders for Xmas Productions DVDs MUST be in by the end of school today. This will allow the production company sufficient time to edit and produce the DVD. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
11 December 2017 | Music Participants | Cello Assembly: Dear All, Please note that this morning's cello assembly will go ahead. We do ask that you bear with us if we have to start a few minutes late as the children will not be arriving until 10.00 a.m. and we would like to get them settled and registered first. The assembly will be held in the big hall. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
10 december 2017 | Springers parents | Important Notice - Springers Breakfast Club: Dear Parents, Please note that if your child is booked into Springers Breakfast Club tomorrow, staff will be there to receive them at 7.30 A.M. as usual. Springer's staff will keep the children with them until 10.00 a.m. when they will join the other children coming into school. Many thanks Miss Hawkes |
10 December 2017 | Whole School | Important message - Re Adverse weather Conditions: Dear Parents, Due to adverse weather conditions, we will be opening the school tomorrow at 10.00 a.m. to allow everyone enough time to get into school safely. It will also enable Mr Fleming to clear the playground and pathways so the children can walk around the school safely. The Christmas Carol Service will go ahead at 1.45 p.m. but will instead be held in the new hall AT SCHOOL and NOT at St Andrew's Church. All children will be allowed out to play in the snow on the field on the proviso that they have wellies AND a coat with them in school. If your child does not bring in wellies or a coat they will NOT be able to play outside.Many thanks Miss Hawkes |
8 December 2017 | Club Participants | High 5: Dear Parents, There will be session of High 5s next week to make up for the missed session on 9th November. Due to the light, it will be necessary to finish slightly earlier at 4.00 p.m. so please ensure that you collect your child at the earlier time by the back gate as usual. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
8 December 2017 | FS (Oak Bay), Year 2 (Maple Bay), Year 3 (Pine Bay) | Swimming Lessons: Please see attached. (Oak Bay, Maple Bay, Pine Bay) Please let me know if you are able to help with escorting the children to and from the pool. We are looking for anyone who can spare a couple of hours each week and would be grateful for any help. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
8 December 2017 | FS & KS1 | DVD Order - Lights, Camel, Action: Dear Parents, Don't forget to order your copy (ies) of the Production DVD by the end of the day on Monday. If you need an online code or need to discuss this matter further, please contact me in the school office. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
8 December 2017 | Parent Helpers |
Coffee and Gateaux: Please see attached. (Coffee-Gateau invite) . Please respond by the end of the school day on Friday 15th December. If other members of the family also help e.g. siblings or grandparents, please invite them along as well. We hope you can join us! Regards Mrs Weatherhead |
7 December 2017 | Year 5 | French Trip |
7 December 2017 | Club Participants | Camera Club: Dear Parents, Next Wednesday, 13th December will be the last session of Camera Club. I hope your child has enjoyed the new club and that they have been able to tell you what they have been doing and how much they have achieved with their peers during the sessions. I hope they continue to use their cameras and hope to see lots of photos that they take over the holidays! Many thanks Mrs Clifton |
6 December 2017 | FS & KS1 | DVD Order - Lights, Camel, Action |
6 December 2017 | Whole School | FONS Disco |
6 December 2017 | Choir participants | Important message for choir members |
6 December 2017 | Year 3 | D.T. project |
6 December 2017 | KS2 | Request for volunteers - KS2 Christmas carol service |
6 December 2017 | Choir participants |
Barbican concert Tickets: Dear Parents, We have not had any information regarding ticket sales but have checked the Barnardos website and can see that tickets are now available (from 5th December). You should phone the Barbican Box Office on 0207 638 8891 or go online at www.barbican.org.uk. Ticket information and prices can be found on their website. Kind regards Miss Barnes |
6 December 2017 | Participants |
Cancellations: Dear parents, Unfortunately, Mr Parkin is unwell today and won't be in today for singing lessons or Glee Club. If you child normally attends our Glee club please ensure that you collect them at the normal time of 3.15 p.m. instead Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
5 December 2017 | FS and KS 1 | Xmas Production Tickets and Arrangements on the Day |
5 December 2017 | Whole School | TLC Feedback - Parent Evaluation Form |
4 December 2017 | Whole School | Brass Lessons Flyer |
4 December 2017 | Whole School | FONS: Urgent request for volunteers |
4 December 2017 | FS and KS1 | Springer Creche - Xmas Production |
1 December 2017 | Year 6 | D.T. Project - volunteer request |
1 December 2017 | Year 6 | Dahl Day |
30 November 2017 | Club Participants |
Djembi Performance: Dear Parents, If you are not able to attend the assembly on Monday morning, please join the children and I for an end of term performance on Monday afternoon at 4.00 p.m. just before the end of the club session. Many thanks, Mr Reyland |
30 November 2017 | Choir Participants | Community Singing: Dear Parents, If your child is singing with the choir at the library (attached to the school) on Saturday, please ensure that they meet Miss Barnes outside the library at 2.00 p.m. The performance will last approximately 30-45 minutes. They do not need to wear school uniform but can come looking festive. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
29 November 2017 | Year 5 | DT Project |
29 November 2017 | Whole School | FONS: Mrs Claus Flyer |
28 November 2017 | Year 4 | Year 4 Cooking |
28 November 2017 | Whole School | Springers Creche |
27 November 2017 | FS & KS1 | Nativity 2017: On the day arrangements |
27 November 2017 | Music Participants | Cello Christmas Assembly |
27 November 2017 | Music Participants | Woodwind Assembly |
27 November 2017 | Music Participants | Guitar Christmas Assembly |
27 November 2017 | Music participants | Drum Kit/Djembe Assembly |
27 November 2017 | Whole School | TLC -On the day arrangements |
24 November 2017 | FS & KS1 | Springers Creche: Christmas Show (9 December 2017, morning) |
24 November 2017 | FS & KS1 | Nativity 2017: Ticket letter |
24 November 2017 | Whole School | Road Safety: Dear Parents, This morning some particularly dangerous driving was witnessed on our zebra crossing but thankfully no-one was hurt. It appears that the drivers may have been parents of children at the school. Please can I ask you to be vigilant when crossing the road and remind your children to do likewise. Also, if you are a driver, please reduce your speed when approaching the crossing so any dangerous drivers behind you are forced to slow down as well. Many thanks Miss Hawkes |
24 November 2017 | KS2 (Selected Students) | Christmas Carol Service: Dear Parent, Your child has been selected to do a reading in our KS2 Carol Service. They have been given a part to practise reading at home. Please could you go through it with them and help to read it in a clear voice. Thank you Miss Barnes |
23 November 2017 | Year 3 | Decoration Reminder: Dear Parents, Could you please remind your children to bring in decorations for their poetry based on the Magic Box. For example, a crown for a king, a sword for a pirate etc. The children will explain ! Many thanks Mrs Davis & Miss Bishop |
23 November 2017 | Club Participants | Choir - cancelled session: Dear Parents, Please note that there will not be a choir session after school next week (Tuesday 28th ) as Miss Barnes has to attend a meeting that cannot be changed. Choir will resume the following week. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
23 November 2017 | Guitar Students | Cancelled lesson: Dear Parents, Unfortunately, Mr Calabro is unwell and not in school today. Consequently there will not be any guitar lessons today. We apologise for the late notice. Regards Mrs Weatherhead |
21 November 2017 | Year 4 | Maths Homework: Dear parents, Due to a technical glitch, some tasks from the Australian year 7 curriculum were set for Miss Barnes maths group last week! (Mathletics is a worldwide site) Obviously I am not expecting my group to do these tasks. The problem has been corrected and we are now back on the English curriculum and there are tasks assigned for the coming week. Apologies for any confusion and worry that has been caused by long division! Thank you, Miss Barnes |
21 November 2017 | FS (Oak Bay), Year 2 (Maple Bay) and Year 3 (Pine Bay) | Spring Term Swimming |
21 November 2017 | Whole School | TLC Online Bookings: Dear Parents, Please note that the online booking system is now open and you can make an appointment to see your child's teacher. If you have not already done so and are unable le to access the system, please call me and I will make an appointment for you. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
17 November 2017 | Year 1- Lime Bay | Christmas Production Costume Letter |
17 November 2017 | Foundation Stage | Christmas Production Costume Letters for Oak Bay and Willow Bay |
17 November 2017 | Club Particpants | After-School Football: Dear Parents, Please note that from NEXT TUESDAY, all after school Football sessions will finish at the earlier time of 4.15 p.m. Please ensure that you collect your child from the back gate at the new time. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
17 November 2017 | Year 5 - Scycamore |
Swimming: Dear Parents, Please note that for the final three lessons this term, children from Groups 1 & 2 should bring in a pair of shorts and t shirt to swim in (as well as their costume). Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
15 November 2017 | Years 3 to 6 | Netball Flyer |
14 November 2017 | Whole School | Farleigh Hospice Fundraiser: 'Flumpets' available from the school office for £2 during morning break |
14 November 2017 | Whole School | Children in Need Menu |
14 November 2017 | Year 6 | Year Book: Photo and Video Consent |
14 November 2017 | Year 5 | Potential French Trip Interest Letter |
14 November 2017 | Whole School | Pudsey Menu (17/11/2017) |
13 November 2017 | Whole School | Springers Creche |
13 November 2017 | Whole School | Termly Learning Conference explanation Leaflet and Letter |
13 November 2017 | Whole School | Reminder: Children In Need event - Don’t forget that this Friday, Epping are hosting a ‘crazy hat day’ in aid of Children in Need. Those wishing to take part will need to bring in a £1 donation on the day. Any hat is fine, from the ordinary to the crazy, home-made or bought. A prize will be given to the craziest and most creative hat from each class! All houses may take part. As usual, children are able to wear a Children in Need t-shirt or accessory with their school uniform as well if they wish. Thank you for your support. Miss Bishop |
13 November 2017 | Whole School | FONS: Bag2School |
13 November 2017 | Choir Participants | Reminder Urgent message for Concerts: Barnardos and Community Performances |
13 November 2017 | Whole School | Headlice Letter and NHS Lice Leaflet |
10 November 2017 | Foundation Stage | Sickness and Diarrhoea: Precautionary arrangement |
10 November 2017 | Whole School | Sickness & Diarrhoea Letter and Infectious Gastroenteritis Factsheet |
9 November 2017 | Violin Pupils | Violin Lessons: Dear Parents, The children are enjoying having lessons with the new violin teacher and things are going well ! I have spoken to Mrs Carnell today and she has agreed to take lessons until 8th December allowing the children to have the full ten lessons you have paid for this term. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
9 November 2017 | Foundation Stage | Foundation Stage Information |
8 November 2017 | Club participants | Cancelled: Dear Parents, Please note that Mrs Freedman is sick this week and will not be able to take the session tomorrow and it will therefore be CANCELLED. We will arrange for the session to be added on at the end of the term or for a payment to be deducted next term (once we have had an opportunity to talk to Mrs Freedman direct). Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
8 November 2017 | Whole School | Pre-School Cake Sale |
6 November 2017 | Year 6 | Carol Concert Programme Competition |
6 November 2017 | Club Participants | Dance Club Competition |
6 November 2017 | Whole School | Springers Creche - Family Assemblies |
3 November 2017 | Choir Participants | Barnardos Concert: Dear Parents, Please find attached the original letter sent out to choir members concerning the concert at the Barbican - please ensure that you give consent and make payment ONLINE by14th November (if you have not already done so) to ensure your child's name is published in the programme. Miss Barnes has to give the organisers names of the participants on this date and she cannot guarantee that their name will appear in the programme AFTER this date e.g once the names have been given. If your child does not intend to go with the choir for this performance please let me know by return email. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
2 November 2017 | Club Participants | Magical Maths Club |
2 November 2017 | Year 6 | Pirates of the Curry Bean - DVD Update |
1 November 2017 | Foundation Stage | Welly Wednesday and Donations |
1 November 2017 | Year 5 |
French Trip: Dear Parents, We are intending to take the Year 5 children on a trip to France in March 2018. We will be having a meeting to discuss interest in the trip in Sycamore Bay (Miss Edward's class) straight after school on Monday 13th November at 3.15 p.m. Kind regards Mrs Weatherhead |
1November 2017 | Selected Participants | New Violin Teacher |
30 October 2017 | Selected Participants | Rising Stars email and invitation letter |
30 October 2017 | Selected Participants | Cancelled: Violin Lessons (Mrs George) |
30 October 2017 | Whole School | School Nurse Drop In sessions: Moulsham Juniors and Kings Road |
30 October 2017 | Whole School | FONS Non-Uniform Day |
30 October 2017 | Whole School | Menu Changes: Dear Parents, There has been a slight change in the school meal menu for Week 3. We are now offering Chunky Fish Fingers on Friday afternoon. A revised menu is attached. Many thanks. Mrs Weatherhead |
30 October 2017 | Whole School | British Legion Poppies: Dear Parents, As usual, we will be selling poppies in school as part of the British Legion Poppy Appeal 2017. We suggest a minimum donation of 50p and poppies will be sold in the classrooms every afternoon from tomorrow until Friday 10th November. Please send your child in with their donation if they would like a poppy. For younger children (Foundation Stage and KS1) it may be useful if you place any coins/donations in a named envelope for them to give to their class teacher ready for the sale in the afternoon. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
20 October 2017 | Choir Participants | Community Performance and Barnardo initial letter |
20 October 2017 | Whole School | Fire & Police Services: Letter for Schools, Burglary Campaign and Fireworks |
20 October 2017 | Years 2, 3 & 4 | CCFC Football Club (Friday) |
20 October 2017 | Years 5 & ^ | CCFC Football Club (Tuesday) |
20 October 2017 | Violin Pupils | Cancelled: Dear Parents, Unfortunately Mrs George is unwell and will not be in school today. I will discuss with her, when she returns, how many lessons are outstanding and how the missed sessions will be made up. Our apologies for the inconvenience this will cause. Regards Mrs Weatherhead |
19 October 2017 | Whole School | Trading Cards Ban: Dear Parents, You will read in the newsletter today that after half term, children will not be allowed to being in Pokeman cards to show their friends or to trade with each other. This new rule applies to ALL trading cards including Match Attax, Lego and any other collectible/trading card that your child may have. Many thanks for your support with this. Regards Miss Hawkes Deputy Head Teacher |
19 October 2017 | Year 1 (selected participants) | Teddy Lympics |
18 October 2017 | Year 1 (Ash Bay) |
Tupperware Container Request: Dear Parents, Please could your child bring in a labelled/named small tupperware box/container TOMORROW, Thursday 19th October. We will be making a fruit salad in class and the children will need to be able to bring theirs home with them. Many thanks Mrs Coulson |
17 October 2017 | Years 1 and 2 | Magical Maths After School Club Flyer |
16 October 2017 | Years 1 and 2 | Magical Maths After School Club |
16 October 2017 | Whole School | Springers Creche |
16 October 2017 | Whole School | FONS: The Autumn disco is taking place this Thursday; please send an envelope into school enclosing £3.00 (per child) if your child wishes to attend. The envelope must detail your child's name, class and your contact number and must be received BY THE END OF THE DAY WEDNESDAY. Many thanks Mrs Huntley (FONS Chair) |
16 October 2017 | Drum Participants | Cancelled: Dear Parents, Please note that Mr Reyland is unfortunately unwell today and will not be coming into school. Therefore please note that there will not be any Drum Kit lessons today or any after school DJEMBE club. Children who normally attend Djembe should be collected from school at the normal time of 3.15 p.m. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
13 October 2017 | Participants | High 5 Match against Perryfield Junior |
13 October 2017 | Whole School | FONS: For Sale Board and Newsletter October 2017 |
12 October 2017 | Whole School | Online Safety Handout |
12 October 2017 | Whole School | Information Evening for Teacher Training Flyer |
12 October 2017 | Whole School | CCFC Half-term Holiday Club |
12 October 2017 | Whole School | ACA Academy Football |
9 October 2017 | Choir Partricipants |
Cancelled: Please note that there will not be a choir session after school NEXT WEEK as Miss Barnes is on a course. Choir will resume the first week following half term e.g. 31st October. Many thanks, Mrs Weatherhead |
6 October 2017 | Foundation Stage | Springers Creche for Foundation Stage Afternoon Tea |
6 October 2017 | Violin Pupils |
Dear Parents, Due to the fact that Mrs George is unwell today, there will not be any violin lessons. I apologise for the late notice however we were only made aware late this morning. Regards Mrs Weatherhead |
5 October 2017 | Foundation Stage | Afternoon Tea Invite and Dress Up Letter |
5 October 2017 | Whole School | Romans - Chelmsford Library Flyer |
4 October 2017 | Year 2 (Maple Bay) |
Dear Parents, Please could your child come into school this Friday (6th October) in the costumes they wore for the Great Fire of London Day. They will perform their family assembly in these and then get changed into their school uniform afterwards. Please could they bring their uniform into school in a NAMED plastic bag; they will use this for their costume after the assembly. Many thanks Mrs Cross |
4 October 2017 | Foundation Stage | Letter for Parent |
4 October 2017 | Years 1 to 6 | Riverside Ice Hockey - Learn to Play |
3 October 2017 | Whole School | Springers Creche for E-Safety Presentaion and Family Assembly |
3 October 2017 | Whole School | Springers October Half-Term Holiday Program 2017 |
3 October 2017 | Whole School | Headlice Letter and NHS Flyer |
3 October 2017 | Year 4 | Colchester Zoo Reminder |
3 October 2017 | Whole School | FONS Autumn Disco |
28 September 2017 | Camera Club participants |
Dear Parents, Please note that due to the Year 4 children going on a school trip next Wednesday to Colchester Zoo, there will not be a Camera Club session on Wednesday 4th October. Many thanks Mrs Clifton |
27 September 2017 | Year 5 (Sycamore) | Urgent request for Volunteers (Harvest Festival) |
26 September 2016 | Whole School | Computer and Video Games Letter 2017 |
26 September 2016 | Whole School | CVHS Firework Display Tickets are available in advance from the Front Office. |
21 September 2017 | Year 1 | Mathletics Specifications Letter |
20 September 2017 | Years 1 to 6 | Harvest Festival |
18 September 2017 | Whole School | Rayne Primary School |
18 September 2017 | Whole School | Farleigh Yuletide Stride |
18 September 2017 | Year 4 | Information leaflet |
18 September 2017 | Whole School | Free Parenting Course Flyer |
14 September 2017 | Selected Parents | Reminder: Asthma Inhalers |
13 September 2017 | Year 4 | Meet the Teacher Letter |
13 September 2017 | Year 3 | Meet the Teacher Letter |
13 September 2017 | Year 6 | Meet the Teacher Letter |
12 September 2017 | Year 2 | Meet the Teacher Letter |
5 September 2017 | Years 2 to 6 | Glee Club Flyer |
5 September 2017 | Year 6 | Prefect letter and Mobile Phones |
5 September 2017 | Whole School | e-Safety Awareness Training |
5 September 2017 | Year 2 | Great Fire of London Reminder |
Date Sent | Relevant Year / Group | Subject Matter | |
21 June 2017 | Year 4, 5 & 6 | Music Theory Club | |
21 June 2017 | Year 5 & 6 | Dance Club Interest Letter | |
20 July 2017 | Foundation Stage to year 5 | Mathletics: Parents Mathletics Letter Summer 2017 and Mathletics Archiving Letter for Parents | |
19 July 2017 | Whole School | Kids Inspire: Stickman Trail South Weald (10.8.2017), Everyman Session (3.8.2017) and Lunch Club Flyer (Summer 2017) | |
19 July 2017 | Selected Pupils | Mock 11+ Exam | |
19 July 2017 | Years 4 & 5 | Japanese Club Interest Letter for Years 5 & 6 (Starting September 2017) | |
19 July 2017 | Year 1 | Great Fire of London Day (Year 2 September 2017) | |
19 July 2017 | Whole School | MP Visit: Letter from Mrs Ford | |
18 July 2017 | Years 1 - 6 | Email: Swimming Volunteers for the Autumn Term (Year 1/Lime, Year 2/Elm, Year 4/Chestnut, Year 5/Sycamore, Year 6/Spruce and Cedar) | |
18 July 2017 | Whole School | Email: Springers Summer Holiday Club | |
17 July 2017 | Drum Students |
Extra Drum Lessons: Mr Reyland is coming into school this THURSDAY to make up any missed lessons. Please could all drummers bring their equipment in with them on this day. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
17 July 2017 | Years 5 & 6 | DVD Year 5 & 6 Production: Dear Parents, There is still time for you to order your DVD of the fabulous end of year production of The Pirates of the Curry Bean. We are hoping that copies will be ready for the end of term, so please let us know, by making an online payment, as soon as possible. If you cannot make an online payment, please call me to discuss. Kind regards Mrs Weatherhead | |
17 July 2017 | Foundation Stage | Pirates Day: Dear Parents, As you have probably heard from the children, this Wednesday is pirate day. We will all be dressing up as pirates that day, if you do not have a 'piratey' outfit, shorts and t-shirt will do and we can make the rest (eye patch, paper parrot, paper sword) in school. Thank you The Foundation Stage team | |
14 July 2017 | Piano Students | Piano Lessons:
Dear Parents, If your child has piano lessons with Mr Montgomery, your lesson renewal letters will be sent to you direct from Mr Montgomery at the start of the new term. Regards Mrs Weatherhead |
13 July 2017 |
Whole School Foundation Stage Years 1, 3, 4 & 5 Year 2 Year 6 |
Dear Parents, You will be receiving your child's annual report tomorrow by email. Please find attached some information to explain the assessment process. Kind regards Mrs Edom-Baker Pupil Reports - Explanation Leaflet for Foundation Stage Pupil Reports - Explanation Leaflet for Years 1, 3, 4 & 5 |
13 July 2017 | Year 2 | Year 2 Transition to Year 3 Letter | |
13 July 2017 | Year 3 | Camera Club for Year 4 (September 2017) Interest letter | |
13 July 2017 | Years 5 & 6 | DVD Order for 'The Pirates of the Curry Beam (July 2017) | |
12 July 2017 | Year 5 | High 5 Interest Letter | |
12 July 2017 | Whole School | Redbridge Cycling Centre Summer 2017 | |
12 July 2017 | Foundation Stage | Email: Donations for Foundation Stage | |
10 July 2017 | Years 5 & 6 | End of Term Production Programme Letter | |
10 July 2017 | Cello Pupils | Cancellation: Dear Parents, I have just heard that Mrs Adejayan is unfortunately unwell and will not be in school today. Your child will therefore not need their cello today. I will be contacting Mrs Adejayan to ascertain who is still owed lessons and will arrange for these missed lessons to be made up next term. I will be in touch regarding this as soon as possible. My apologies for any inconvenience that this will cause. Kind regards Mrs Weatherhead | |
7 July 2017 | Whole School | FONS Junior Disco (Summer 2017) | |
6 July 2017 | New Starters | Springers Creche New Starters Lunch Flyer | |
6 July 2017 | Year 5 | Hylands Scholarship Flyer | |
6 July 2017 | Years 1 to 5 | New Classes for 2017 - 2018 | |
6 July 2017 | Year 1 | Castles Project: Dear Parents, To coincide with our castles topic this term, we will be building our own castles in class next week. Could you please send in to school any junk modelling items you think might help us with this. We are particularly looking for: Cardboard tubes, Cereal boxes, Cardboard, String, , Lolly sticks, Yoghurt pots. Please send the items in with your child, in a named carrier bag, as soon as possible. Many thanks Mrs Hydes & Mrs Coulson | |
5 July 2017 | Whole School |
Important Message: School Finance Letter Dear Parents, Please see the attached letter from our Chair of Governors, Mrs Rackham, regarding the School's financial position and particularly our new policy for School Meals Debt. A copy of the policy can be found on our school website using this link
Please feel free to contact the Finance manager or school office if you wish to discuss the attached or have any questions. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead. |
5 July 2017 | Whole School | Springers Creche Flyer Summer 2017 | |
5 July 2017 | Year 2 (Maple Bay) | Family Assembly: Dear Parents, You will be aware that the children of Maple Bay are due to perform in their Family Assembly this Friday. For the performance, if they have them, they should wear sun hats and sun glasses . The children should bring them in with them on the day. Many thanks Mrs Dubiel | |
4 July 2017 | Years 5 & 6 | Performance Tickets: Dear Parents, We have increased the number of tickets available for each performance by 10. If you have not yet booked your tickets, please use the booking system as soon as possible and before the deadline date of Friday 7th July. We will NOT be in a position to increase the numbers further due to lack of space in the hall and prevailing fire regulations. Many thanks, Mrs Weatherhead | |
3 July 2017 | Whole School | Music: Music Lessons Brass Instruments Letter and Brass Music Tution Form | |
3 July 2017 | Year 3 | Urgent Request for Volunteers: Dear Parents, For our trip to St John Payne school on Monday 10th July, we still need more adults to help us walk there and back! If you are able to help us, we would very much appreciate it. We will be leaving at 10:50 to return to school at approximately 12:15pm. Please let us or the office know if you are able to help. Many thanks, Miss Bishop and Mrs Rusby. | |
3 July 2017 | Foundation Stage | Home work: Build a Boat | |
30 June 2017 | Year 5 | PGL 2018 Deposit Letter | |
30 June 2017 | Year 1 | Castle Day: Dear Parents, Just a reminder that Year 1 is participating in Castles Day next week. I attach a copy of our original letter giving details of the suggested costumes in case you still require assistance with this. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead | |
30 June 2017 | Violin Pupils |
Violin Lessons: Dear Parents, Please note that Mr Carey will be in school Thursday 6th July AND Thursday 13th July to make up any missed lessons. Please ensure your child has their violin with them on both days. Thank you Mrs Weatherhead |
29 June 2017 | Year 6 | Email: D and T Project | |
29 June 2017 | Whole School | Important Message: Dear Parents, At lunchtime today we had a very minor incident. A visitor to the area took a couple of pictures of the children playing on the field from the pavement outside. The midday assistants immediately alerted Mrs Edom Baker who went and spoke with the lady. She explained that she had taken them to show her relatives back home what a typical English school looked like. She was very upset to have caused any concern and immediately deleted the pictures. One or two children were a little bit worried and have been reassured that there was nothing to worry about and that they were always safe. Miss Hawkes Deputy Head Teacher | |
28 June 2017 | KS1 | Infant Sports Day: Dear Parents, Infant Sports Day will go ahead tomorrow and your child will need to come to school in their PE kit wearing a coloured T Shirt relevant to their House Team. Please bring in school uniform for your child to change into once Sports Day has finished. We aim to start as close to 9.30 a.m. as possible and look forward to seeing you there to cheer the children on ! Many thanks Mrs Coulson KS1 Leader | |
28 June 2017 | Year 3 | Autumn 2017 Colchester Zoo Trip Planning: Dear Parents, We are trying to book a trip to Colchester Zoo sometime early October for next year's Year 4 classes and the Zoo have asked us to confirm how many children have, or will have, either a Gold or Platinum card, which they will use to reduce the cost of the trip. Please email me on reception@newlandsspring.essex.sch.uk or telephone 01245 442031 confirming if your child has a card, what type of card it is and that it will still be in date during October 2017. Please return to me by Friday 30th June with this information as we are looking to book this trip as soon as possible to secure a specific presentation we are keen for the children to attend. If I do not hear from you by this Friday, I will assume that you do not have a card for us to consider. Many thanks. Mrs Weatherhead | |
28 June 2017 | Whole School |
Message from Springers: Dear Parents, Springers Before and After School Club is looking at ways they can improve their facility and would like some feedback from anyone that has used any of their services or is interested in using them at some point in the future. Please use the link below to carry out a short survey. Thank you in advance. The Springers Team |
28 June 2017 | Year 4 | Recount Homework | |
27 June 2017 | Year 4 (Beech Bay) | Email: Request for DT Resources | |
27 June 2017 | Participants | Football Cancelled: Dear Parents, Please note that after school football has been cancelled due to the weather. Please collect your child at the normal time. Regards Mrs Weatherhead | |
26 June 2017 | Whole School | Springers Creche Flyer | |
26 June 2017 | Year 5 | Puperty Talk: Dear Parents, Please note that due to circumstances outside our control we have had to change the date of the Year 5 Puberty Talk. This will now take place on Friday 7th July instead. Many thanks, Mrs Weatherhead | |
26 June 2017 | Year 6 | Consent letter for Photos and Videos | |
26 June 2017 | Year 1 (Lime) | Infants Sports Day - T-Shirts | |
23 June 2017 | Whole School | Springers Summer Holiday Club Flyer: Dear Parents, We are running our 2 week summer holiday club again from 24th July to 4th August, with a variety of activities available over the 10 days we are open. If you are interested in making a booking, please contact us to check availability as some dates are already full and there are only have limited places left on the remaining dates. Regards, The Springers Team | |
23 June 2017 | Whole School |
Message from FONS: We had a wonderful Summer Fayre last weekend and I am delighted to advise that an amazing £2324.02 was raised. This amount will help tremendously towards the extras that are not covered by the daily budget and will really make a difference to the learning experience our children receive. A massive thank you to everyone who attended the Fayre and to the countless volunteers who helped prepare, set-up, man stalls and clear away; without you all these events would not be as successful and enjoyable as they are. Finally FONS would like to congratulate the winners of the Newlands Spring Summer Great British Bake off; we received fantastic entries to both categories. The Junior winner was Emily-Grace Steen and the Infant winner was Ryan Tomlinson. |
23 June 2017 | Foundation Stage | Sports Day T-Shirt Letter: Willow Bay and Oak Bay | |
23 June 2017 | Year 3 | Trip to SJP: Essex Dance Theatre Performance | |
23 June 2017 | Drop-in Participants | Parent Drop-in Sessions: Dear Parent, We were delighted to see you at one (maybe two!) of our recent drop in sessions. To ensure that any future sessions are as effective as possible, we would ask that you complete the attached feedback form and return it to Mrs Weatherhead. It can be emailed directly back to her at reception@newlandsspring.essex.sch.uk or it can be printed off and handed in via your child. Hard copies can be obtained from the school office. If you attended more than one session, please can I ask that you complete a separate form for each year group. Many thanks Mrs Edom-Baker Feedback Form | |
23 June 2017 | Whole School | Tempoary Menu Change: Dear Parents, Further to circumstances beyond our control and having again experienced problems with our suppliers, it is necessary for us to change some of the meal choices next week. We will be on Week 1 of the Summer Menu as previously advised, however the MAIN COURSE choice for Thursday (Lasagne / Vegetable Lasagne) will now be offered on Monday and Monday's MAIN COURSE choice (Pulled Pork Burger/ Bean Burger) will now be offered on Thursday. Desserts for both days remain the same. Please also note that Tuesday 27th June is a picnic day and we are offering a revised menu which you can find on the school website. Jacket Potatoes will be offered on Monday and Thursday as usual. We apologise for any inconvenience that this may cause. This situation has arisen because we remain committed to providing the highest standard of food provision. Kind regards, Mrs Weatherhead | |
21 June 2017 | Year 4 | Homework: Fronted Adverbials Challenge 1 and Challenge 2 | |
21 June 2017 | Year 5 and 6 | Production Ticket Letter | |
20 June 2017 | Choir Participants | Choir: Dear Parents, Please note that there will not be any after school choir sessions for the rest of this term. Choir will resume in September. Many thanks Miss Barnes | |
20 June 2017 | Selected Children | ESO: Dear Parents, You may recall that your child was lucky enough to attend a music concert performed by Essex Symphony Orchestra in January; the orchestra has approached us again to offer you the chance of a large discount on tickets for their next performance which will be at Christchurch, New London Road on Saturday 1st July. I have attached a voucher entitling you to a discount of £19 on a family ticket for two adults and two children, which you should take with you on the night. We hope that many of you are able to attend this wonderful evening and support this local orchestra. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead (ESO Voucher) | |
20 June 2017 | Whole School | Head Lice Letter and NHS information | |
17 June 2017 | Whole School | Springers Creche: Summer 2017 and Class Drop-Ins | |
17 June 2017 | Choir Participants | Junior Music Festival Dress Code: Dear Parents, Can we ask that children wear smart school uniform for the concert tomorrow evening (please be mindful of the weather / heat). It will not be necessary for them to wear school jumpers. Please also send your child with plenty to drink during the day for the rehearsal as it will be a long and hot day for them. Many thanks Miss Barnes | |
17 June 2017 | Whole School | School Meals: Dear Parents, Please note that due to a mistake with the kitchen delivery this morning, we will not be offering Turkey Escalope for main course lunch today. We will instead switch tomorrow's choice for today and will be offering the children Chicken Tomato Pasta Bake. Tomorrow's main course choice will now be Turkey Escalope. We apologise for any inconvenience that this will cause. Regards, Mrs Weatherhead | |
16 June 2017 | Whole Shool | National Sports Week 17 - 24 June | |
16 June 2017 | Year 2 | Southend on Sea School Trip: Dear Parents, It looks like the weather is going to be lovely again next week and I would ask that you ensure you apply sun cream liberally to your child before they come to school on Monday. Could you also please send them in with at least two drinks and a sun hat. We are looking forward to a great day ! Many thanks Mrs Dubiel & Miss Maslen | |
16 June 2017 | Year 6 | Puberty Talk | |
16 June 2017 | Year 1 | Castles Day | |
16 June 2017 | KS1 | Summer Fayre Dance: Dear Parents, Please note the children from KS1 will be performing their dance at 12.30 at the Summer Fayre tomorrow. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead | |
15 June 2017 | Choir Particiants | Junior Music Festival: Day/Night Arrangements | |
15 June 2017 | Whole School | CFFC Summer Holiday Programme 2017 | |
14 June 2017 | Year 4 | Homework: Up Levelling Sentences Task 1 and Task 2 | |
13 June 2017 | Year 5 | Puperty Talk | |
13 June 2017 | Whole School | Chelmsford Library Summer Reading Challenge 2017 and Chelmsford Library Summer Reading Challenge for Aged 10 and Over | |
13 June 2017 | Year 4 (selected participants) | Poetry Competition | |
13 June 2017 | Year 5 and 6 | Production: Costume Letter and Request for Props | |
12 June 2017 | Whole School | Springers Creche Flyer | |
7 June 2017 | Whole School |
St Andrews Church: Dear Parents, St. Andrew’s Church is putting on a free afternoon of family and children activities on the afternoon of 18th June 2017, 2.00 pm-5.00 pm. As you can see from the attached, the afternoon will consist of children’s games, bouncy castle, and face painting, and there will be teas and cakes ( for a small donation) and an ice cream van will be in attendance (sadly parents will have to pay for ice creams themselves!). Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead 18th June Get Together and Community Celebration Family Invitation |
7 June 2017 | Year 2 | Reminder: Dear Parents, Just a quick reminder that the deadline for confirming your child will be participating on the trip to Sourthend is today. Please could we ask that you make an online payment and also give your consent (online) as soon as possible. If you need to discuss this trip with us, please contact Mrs Weatherhead in the school office. Many thanks Mrs Dubiel & Miss Maslen | |
7 June 2017 | Ensemble participants | Cancelled: Dear Parents, Please note that there will not be an Ensemble session after school tomorrow. Ensemble will resume next week. Regards Mrs Weatherhead | |
7 June 2017 | Computer Xplorers Participants |
No session today: Dear Parents, You should already be aware but I would like to confirm that there will NOT be a Computer Explorers session tonight - the club resumes NEXT week. My apologies for any confusion caused. Regards Mrs Weatherhead |
7 June 2017 | Violin Students |
Lesson Cancelled: Dear Parents, Please note that Mr Carey will not be in school tomorrow and there will not be any violin lessons. He has advised that he will reschedule this session for later in the term. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
6 June 2017 | Foundation Stage | Tricky Words Set 1, Set 2, Set 3, Set 4, Set 5, Set 6 and Set 7 | |
6 June 2017 | Football Participants | Cancelled: Dear Parents, Please note that due to the weather conditions, there will NOT be an after school football session today. Please collect your child at the normal time of 3.15 p.m. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead | |
5 June 2017 | Year 2 | School Trip: Sealife Centre, Southend | |
5 June 2017 | Foundation Stage (Oak Bay) | Homework: Dear Parents, Your child's homework this week is to learn their lines for our family assembly. Their individual lines have been sent home in their book bags today. Many thanks Miss Holme | |
5 June 2017 | Whole School | NSPCC Workshops and Assembly - Information Letter | |
5 June 2017 | Whole School | FONS Volunteer Form | |
5 June 2017 | Year 1 | Stave Music Exam: Dear Parents, Just a quick reminder that the deadline for entering your child for the Stave Music Exam is tomorrow. I attach a copy of our original letter for your information. Kind regards Mrs Weatherhead | |
5 June 2017 | Year 2 | Stave Music Exam: Dear Parents, Just a quick reminder that the deadline for entering your child for the Stave Music Exam is tomorrow. I attach a copy of our original letter for your information. Kind regards Mrs Weatherhead | |
5 June 2017 | Year 5 |
Walking to and from school independently: Dear Parents, We are aware that a small number of Year 5 children are walking to and from school independently. Whilst we do not endorse this, due to the age of the children, we fully understand your desire, ahead of them starting Year 6, to increase their independence gradually. If you are allowing your child to walk to and from school, could I ask that you drop a brief note to this effect into the school office whereby we will amend our records to reflect your consent. Many thanks Mrs Edom-Baker |
5 June 2017 | Years 2, 3 & 4 | CCFC Summer 2 letter | |
5 June 2017 | Year 5 & 6 | CCFC Summer 2 letter | |
5 June 2017 | Year 2 | Mini Games Competition | |
5 June 2017 | Whole School | Springers Creche Summer Term and Class Drop in Sessions | |
25 May 2017 | Year 5 | Harlow Equipment Letter | |
25 May 2017 | Year 4 | Museum Trip: Dear Parents, Just a few reminders about our visit to Oaklands Museum on Monday 5th June. Could the children please bring: A packed lunch ( no chocolate or fizzy drinks); £2 spending money ( no more than this please!); A bag that they can carry on their backs (rucksack) as we have nowhere to store their lunch during the day and they will need to carry it around with them. All children should be wearing school uniform and a sun hat (depending on the weather). Please apply suncream on the morning if the weather is likely to be sunny. No cameras please. Thanks Mrs Clifton and Miss Barnes | |
24 May 2017 | Whole School |
Reminder: Sherwood House Bake Sale Dear Parents, Just a reminder that tomorrow, the Sherwood House Captains are holding a charity cake sale at playtime, 30p per item, to raise money for the World Wildlife Fund. We would welcome donations of cakes from children of all houses. Children from all houses will be able to purchase an item. Thank you in advance for your support! Miss Bishop |
24 May 2017 | Whole School | School Nurse Drop In Sessions: Kings Road Primary and Moulsham Junior | |
23 May 2017 | Whole School | Springers Creche: Class Drop Ins and Flyer for Summer Term | |
23 May 2017 | Year 1 | Stave House Music Exam Entry Summer 2017: Level 1 and Level 2 | |
23 May 2017 | Year 2 | Stave House Music Exam Entry Summer 2017: Level 2 | |
23 May 2017 | Whole School | FONS Great British Summer Bake Off | |
22 May 2017 | KS 2 | KS2 Sports Day Programme | |
16 May 2017 | Year 4 (Beech Bay) |
URGENT REQUEST FOR HELPERS: Dear Parents, Unfortunately we are still looking for volunteers to help us on our trip to Chelmsford Museum on Monday 5th June. If you are able to help us on the day and would like to join us, we will be very grateful ! Please let either myself or Mrs Weatherhead know as soon as you can. Many thanks Miss Barnes |
16 May 2017 | Whole School | St Andrew's Church: Flyer for Celebration Day | |
16 May 2017 | Whole School | Class Drop In June 2017 | |
16 May 2017 | Choir |
Important Notice: Dear Parents, Please note that there will not be a Choir session after school NEXT week. The session after school this afternoon will be the last this term due to teacher training. Many thanks, Mrs Weatherhead |
15 May 2017 | Whole School | Springers Creche Facilities: Family Assembly and Class Drop-in sessions | |
15 May 2017 | Year 4 |
Helpers: Dear Parents, We are desperately looking for parents to help with swimming lessons on a Thursday afternoon between 1.15 - 3.00 p. m. If you are able to spare any time to help escort the children, we would be extremely grateful. Please let either myself or Miss Barnes know as soon as possible. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
12 May 2017 | Whole School | CCFC Whitsun Programme | |
11 May 2017 | Whole School | Teacher Drop ins | |
11 May 2017 | Football team | Football match - Tuesday 16 May 2017 | |
11 May 2017 | Choir | Junior Music Festival (Song Lyrics) | |
9 May 2017 | Year 4 (Chestnut) | Important message Regarding Family Assembly: Dear Parents, Due to Chestnut Bay's family assembly clashing with the Summer Music Concert we have moved their assembly to the first Wednesday after half term (7th June). Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead | |
9 May 2017 | Year 5 | Reminder: Harlow Outdoor Centre | |
9 May 2017 | Year 5 | 11+ Exam Letter (September 2018 entry) | |
9 May 2017 | Whole School | Springers Creche Flyer for Family Assemblies (Summer Term) | |
9 May 2017 | Whole School | Springers May Half-Term Programme | |
9 May 2017 | Whole School | FONS Newsletter (May 2017) | |
8 May 2017 | KS2 | KS2 Sports Day | |
5 May 2017 | Year 4 | Chelmsford Museum Trip | |
5 May 2017 | Participants | Rounders Tournament | |
3 May 2017 | Year 6 | PGL Pocket Money: Dear Parents, You can send in your child's pocket money for the PGL trip from tomorrow (4th May); please note that all pocket money must be in school by the last day of this half term (Thursday 25/5/17). Please send in no more than £10, in pound coins (no bank notes please), in a sealed envelope with your child's full name and the amount contained within clearly written on the front. All envelopes should be handed to Mrs Fowles. Many thanks Miss Carpenter | |
3 May 2017 | Whole School | Pre-School Cake Sale | |
3 May 2017 | Year 6 | Year 6 SATS Information | |
2 May 2017 | Computer Xplorers Particpants |
Reminder: Dear Parents, Just a quick reminder that our Computer Xplorers Club starts tomorrow after school. Sessions start at 3.20 p.m. and all children should be collected at 4.20 p.m. from the front office. Regards and many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
2 May 2017 | Years 1 to 3 | All Stars Cricket Flyer Galleywood | |
2 May 2017 | Whole School | Tennis Summer Camp Flyer
Dear Parents, We have been asked to advertise this Tennis Club. Please note that this club is not connected or endorsed by the school in any way. Regards Mrs Weatherhead |
2 May 2017 | Whole School | Shop for School Vouchers: Dear Parents, We have been advised that there will be bonus tokens printed in this week's copy of the Essex Chronicle which will be worth 5 votes each for our school. This is the last set of bonus tokens that will be printed before the end of the campaign, and it’s great way to easily get more votes. PLEASE collect the tokens and deposit into the box in the shopping centre or alternatively you can give them to me in the school office if you will not have the opportunity to get to the collection box. Please ask friends and family to collect on our behalf too - every token will make a huge difference ! Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead | |
28 April 2017 | Whole School | FONS Non-Uniform Day (12 May 2017) | |
28 April 2017 | Year 5 | Year 5 Summer Term Topic Letter | |
28 April 2017 | Year 4 | Year 4 Summer Term Topic Letter | |
28 April 2017 | Year 3 | Year 3 Summer Term Topic Letter | |
28 April 2017 | Year 2 | Year 2 Summer Term Topic Letter | |
28 April 2017 | Yea r1 | Year 1 Summer Term Topic Letter | |
28 April 2017 | Years 4 to 6 | Free Taster Session Monday Gym Club Letter | |
27 April 2017 | Year 4 | Big Write: Dear Parents, Next week the children will be completing a Big Write task. For this they will be writing a non-chronological report. Could you please discuss with them what they may like to write their report about. They could write about e.g an animal, a hobby, a sport, a particular country etc. They can choose! They may prepare some brief notes if they would like to and think about the sub-headings they may like to include in their report. Many thanks Mrs Clifton and Miss Barnes | |
26 April 2017 | Whole School | Springers May Holiday Program | |
25 April 2017 | Year 6 | Summer term Topic Letter and Summer 2017 Curriculum Plan | |
25 April 2017 | Year 5 | Harlow 2017 Initial Trip Letter | |
25 April 2017 | Choir Participants | Junior Music Festival: Ticket Letter for Parents (from Civic) and Information and Ticket Letter (from Miss Banes) | |
25 April 2017 | Whole School | Newlands Spring Pre-School Open Morning | |
21 April 2017 | Foundation Stage | Trip to Tropical Wings Letter | |
21 April 2017 | Year 1 (Ash) |
Swimming: Dear Parents, You will have received a letter yesterday confirming that your child will start swimming lessons from Monday 24th April. Please ensure they have their swimming kit with them as listed on the letter. It is imperative that they have a swimming hat; goggles are optional. If you are able to help, please could you let Mrs Griggs know as she is coordinating the parent helper rota. Many thanks Mrs Coulson |
21 April 2017 | Year 3 & 4 | Whole Classs Recorder lessons | |
21 April 2017 | Years 1 & 2 | DB Primary Homework: Dear Parents, Please note due to the technical difficulties we are still experiencing with our school website and DB Primary, there will not be any English homework set by the class teachers this week. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead | |
21 April 2017 | Music Students | Music lessons: Dear Parents, Please note that payment for music lessons is now due. If you have not already made payment, please do so as soon as possible as lessons start next week. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead | |
20 April 2017 | Years 5 & 6 (selected) | Athletics Club Field Events Letter | |
20 April 2017 | Year 5 | High 5: Dear Parents, We are offering our Year 5 children the opportunity to join the High 5s Netball Club on Thursday afternoons from this term. The club is run by a qualified netball coach between 3.15 - 4.15 p.m and sessions are priced at £3.00 each. The first session will be Thursday 27th April. If your child is interested please contact Mrs Weatherhead in the school office on reception@newlandsspring.essex.sch.uk as soon as possible. Many thanks, Miss Caldecott | |
19 April 2017 | Year 2 - 6 | Glee Club Flyer | |
19 April 2017 | Foundation Stage | Dear Parents, Some of you asked about the sounds the children have been learning in school. Here are all the sounds we have learnt, it would be very helpful if you could practise these with your child. Thank you Miss Holme and Mrs Perry | |
19 April 2017 | Whole School | Website/DB Primary: Dear Parents / Carers, We are aware that the school website and DB Primary is currently experiencing technical difficulties and these are currently being investigated. We will let you know once these issues have been resolved and when the site is operational again. In the meantime, many thanks for your patience and cooperation. Kind regards Mrs Ellwood ICT Coordinator | |
19 April 2017 | Year 1 (Participants) | Arts & Crafts Club Letter | |
18 April 2017 | Year 2 (Maple) | PE: Dear Parents, As our class swimming lessons have now finished, we will have outdoor PE on Wednesdays afternoons again. Your child will need trainers and a track suit if they think they may be cold otherwise shorts and a t-shirt will be fine. Many thanks Mrs Dubiel | |
31 March 2017 | Year 3 & 4 | DVD Orders - The Giant Slayer | |
31 March 2017 | Year 6 | PGL Trip Information Meeting: Dear Parents, We have scheduled a meeting on Monday 15th May at 3.15 p.m. in the new hall where we will be providing information concerning the forthcoming Year 6 PGL trip to Osmington. This will be an opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have about the trip. We would encourage as many of you as possible to attend to ensure everyone has as much information as they need. We look forward to seeing you all there. Mrs Goodfellow & Miss Carpenter | |
30 March 2017 | Club Members | Rounders Club: Dear Parents, Please note that there WILL be a rounders session after school today if your child normally participates. They should be collected at 4.15 p.m. from the back gate as usual. Regards Mrs Weatherhead | |
29 March 2017 | Whole School | Head Lice Letter and NHS information | |
29 March 2017 | Years 2 to 4 | Friday Football Club | |
29 March 2017 | Years 5 & 6 | Tuesday Football Club | |
29 March 2017 | Club Members | Music Theory Grade 1 Club | |
29 March 2017 | Club Members | Ensemble Club Letter | |
28 March 2017 | Music Students | The following renewal letters were sent today: Drum Lessons (without MTV), Drum Lessons (with MTV), Guitar Lessons, Piano Lessons (with MTV). Violin Lessons | |
28 March 2017 | Year 6 | High 5 Club Summer term | |
28 March 2017 | Club Members | Belle Plates Club Summer term Letter (Years 4 to 6) | |
28 March 2017 | Glee Club | Urgent Message: Dear Parents, I just wanted to let you know that glee club won't be on this Wednesday 29th March. My wife gave birth to our son, Henry James Parkin in the early hours of Monday morning and I'm going to take a week off to spend time with the family. Our tenth session was last week so your fees have all been fulfilled for the spring term. Obviously this final session was going to include our performance, which I now plan to do on the second week back next term. I hope you understand and I look forward to seeing you all after Easter. Best wishes, Jon. | |
28 March 2017 | Choir |
Reminder: Dear Parents, Please note that choir resumes on Tuesday 18th April (first day back after Easter) to allow enough time to prepare for the Junior Music Festival. Many thanks Miss Barnes |
28 March 2017 | Year 6 |
PGL Payment Reminder: Dear Parents, Just a quick reminder that a further instalment is due by the end of this month leaving just the final payment of £19 to be paid after Easter. Please ensure that all payments due are made as soon as possible and by the deadline dates detailed on the attached letter. Payments can be made via www.payyourschool.co.uk or by cash/cheque (please place in an envelope with your child's name on the front). Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead A copy of the final payment letter may be found here |
28 March 2017 | Year 1 | Arts & Crafts Club: Dear Parents, Next term we will be offering a new Arts/Craft after school club exclusively for Year 1. It will be run by Mrs Coulson between 3.15 - 4.15 p.m. in her classroom on Tuesday afternoons. There will be no charge for this club. If your child is interested, please email me on reception@newlandsspring.essex.sch.uk. Spaces are limited and will be offered on a first come, first served basis. Your child will be placed on a waiting list in the event that all the spaces are filled. The deadline for registering your interest is close of business on Wednesday 19th April. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead | |
28 March 2017 | Club Members | Djembi Club Summer term Letter (KS2) | |
28 March 2017 | Club Members | Japenese Club Summer Term Renewa (Years 5 & 6) | |
27 March 2017 | Whole School | Cello Lessons Introduction Letter (updated 28/3/2017), EMS Instrument Hire Informarion Sheet and FAQ - Essex Music Services MTV Scheme | |
24 March 2017 | Whole School | FONS Bag2School | |
23 March 2017 | Years 3 & 4 | Year 3 and 4 Production Arrangements | |
23 March 2017 | Foundation Stage | Easter Egg Competition | |
23 March 2017 | Club Members | Basketball Club Letter (Years 3 to 6) | |
23 March 2017 | Club Members | Monday Gym Club Letter (Years 4 to 6) | |
23 March 2017 | Club Members | Friday Gym Club Letter (Years 1 to 3) | |
23 March 2017 | Club Members | Dodgeball Club Summer 2017 Letter (Years 3 to 6) | |
23 March 2017 | Year 5 | Road Safety: Dear Parents, Year 5 will be going on a road safety walk next term around the local area in small groups on either Tuesday 18th April or Tuesday 25th April. Please let your child's class teacher know if you have any questions. Many thanks Miss Edwards & Miss Caldecott | |
23 March 2017 | Year 1 | Reminder: Dear Parents, Ahead of our trip tomorrow can I remind you of the following: The children will be taking part in indoor and outdoor activities and will need to come to school in their wellies but they should also bring a spare pair of shoes for indoors. They will need to bring a plastic bag for their dirty wellies. They do not need to wear school uniform on the day and they should come dressed in clothes that will be comfortable and that are able to get dirty. Jeans are allowed. Please ensure they are warm and have a waterproof coat/jacket. They will need to bring a packed lunch and drink with them; no nuts, fizzy drinks, glass bottles, chocolate or sweets please. Please can this be in a disposable bag. Many thanks Mrs Coulson & Mrs Hydes | |
23 March 2017 | Year 3 (Pine) and Year 4 (Beech) |
Volunteers Needed: Dear Parents, We are still looking for parents to help with swimming next term and wondered if anyone (parents / grandparents) are able to spare any time to help ? Beech Bay will swim on Thursday afternoons and Pine Bay on Wednesday. Please let the class teacher or myself know if you can help as soon as possible. Many thanks as always. Mrs Weatherhead |
22 March 2017 | Film Club |
Allergies: Dear Parents, As next week will be our last film club, I will be surprising the children with popcorn and drinks. This will be a surprise for the children, please advise the school office of any relevant allergies that I may need to know about. Many thanks Mrs Coulson |
22 March 2017 | Choir |
Notice: Dear Parents, Please note that there will not be a choir session next Tuesday; choir will resume after Easter and the starting date will be confirmed when we return back after the holidays. Many thanks Miss Barnes & Mrs Hydes |
20 March 2016 | Whole School | Springers Creche Flyer (updated) | |
16 March 2016 | Whole School | Springers Easter Holiday Club | |
16 March 2016 | Year 3 & 4 |
Performance Tickets: Dear Parents, Just a reminder that the online booking system for booking your production tickets opens tomorrow evening at 7.00 p.m. You should access the system via the button on the school website labelled 'online booking system' and follow the instructions. You are entitled to two tickets PER FAMILY and this can be either TWO on one night or one on EACH night. Please let me know if you encounter any difficulties and require assistance. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
16 March 2016 | Year 5 | Email: French Trip | |
15 March 2017 | Djembi Club Participants | Djembi Club Group Performance: Dear Parent/ Guardian, We've reached the end of the term's Djembe Club sessions! We have one session left taking place this coming Monday 20th March. I'd like to invite you all to come along at 4pm for the group to perform some of what we've been working on this term. Please bring friends and family! The club is at it's largest ever this term and sounds really great as a result! I look forward to seeing many of you on Monday. Many thanks Tim Reyland | |
14 March 2017 | Rounders Participants | Cancellation: Dear Parents, Due to the Termly Learning Conferences scheduled this week, Rounders after school club on Thursday will be cancelled. Your child should be collected at the normal time of 3.15 p.m. Regards Mrs Weatherhead | |
14 March 2017 | Whole School | Wilderness Foundation Easter Holiday Flyer | |
14 March 2017 | Foundation Stage |
Foundation Stage Tricky Words Set 1, Set 2, Set 3, Set 4, Set 5 and Set 6 |
14 March 2017 | Year 2 (selected) |
Infant Music Show DVD Orders: Dear Parents, Please see attached a message from BVP Productions, the company filming the Infant Music Festivcal performance tomorrow. "Once again we have the pleasure of filming children from your school at The Chelmsford Infant Music Festival at Christchurch. This year we are asking parents who wish to purchase a copy of the DVD to either pay at the performance or order online. The cost of both is the same, £14.00 which is £12.00 plus £2.00 post and packaging, as each DVD will be sent straight to the home. For parents who will not be attending the performance, they should visit our shop which is www.bvpshop.co.uk where they can pay via paypal. Alternatively they can email keith_b0ns0r@btinternet.com to order by bacs. Thank you and any problems that you may have please call on the numbers below," Liz Bonsor BVP Films 01245 223331 or 07971 008398 |
14 March 2017 | Whole School | Springers Creche Flyer (revised) | |
14 March 2017 | Year 3 & 4 |
Year 3 & 4 Production: Dear Parents, Ahead of next week's rehearsal of our Lower KS2 production, I attach a copy of the costume letter in case you are still trying to put an outfit together. If you are having any difficulties with this, please let your class teacher know as soon as possible. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
14 March 2017 | Whole Shool | PLN Internship Opportunities | |
14 March 2017 | Whole School | TLC - On the day arrangements | |
14 March 2017 | Year 2 | Request for Volunteers: Dear Parents, Maple and Elm bay will be sewing puppets between 9.00 - 10.00 a.m. on Thursday 23rd March. We are looking for volunteers to come in and help (as many as possible please !) and if you are able to spare any time could you let either of us know. You will need to complete a volunteer form (if you have not already done so) and these can be obtained from Mrs Weatherhead in the school office. Many thanks Mrs Dubiel & Miss Maslen | |
13 March 2017 | Choir | Junior Music Festival | |
13 March 2017 | Selected Years | Foundation Stage (Willow Bay), Year 1 (Ash Bay), Year 3 (Pine Bay) and Year 4 (Beech Bay): Summer Term Swimming - Request for Volunteers | |
13 March 2017 | Ensemble | Temporary Change in Venue: Dear Parents, Please note that the Ensemble session on Thursday (16th March) will be held in the library. Your child should be collected from the front reception at the normal time. Many thanks Mrs Perkins | |
10 March 2017 | Whole School | TLCs Reminder: Dear Parents, Ahead of the Termly Learning Conferences next week, can I please ask you to make an appointment using the online booking system as soon as possible. If you are not able to access the system please call me next week and I will arrange an appointment for you. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead | |
10 March 2017 | Foundation Stage | Homework Tricky Words Set 6 | |
9 March 2017 | Whole School | Reminder Movie Character Dress Up day: Dear Parents Don't forget it's Movie Character Dress Up day tomorrow ! If your child would like to participate, they can come to school dressed as their favourite movie character. Any donations will be gratefully received and all proceeds are going to help the Donachie family raise funds for a vital piece of equipment for Broomfield Hospital ICU. We look forward to seeing lots of creative costumes tomorrow. Many thanks Miss Bishop | |
8 March 2017 | Whole School | Email: Stranger Danger | |
8 March 2017 | Whole School | Chelmsford City Football Club Easter Holiday Program | |
8 March 2017 | Year 4 | Big Write: Dear Parents, Next week the children will be completing a Big Write task. We would like them to write a play script based on a story/ chapter of a story that they are familiar with. Could you please help them with ideas for what they may like to write and talk to them about what a play script looks like etc (they should know this!) Thank you Mrs Clifton and Miss Barnes | |
8 March 2017 | Year 2 (selected pupils) | Infant Music Festival: Dear Parents, Please note that Infant Music Tickets are now bring sent out to you via your child's book bag. If you have ordered and paid for a ticket and do not receive one by the end of the week, please telephone Mrs Weatherhead in the school office. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead | |
7 March 2017 | Year 1 (Lime Bay) |
Dear Parents, Please ensure your child has their PE kit with them in school on Tuesdays and Thursdays each week. They should have a white top, dark shorts and trainers. Many thanks Mrs Trigg / Mrs Hydes |
6 March 2017 | Whole School | Springers Creche Leaflet | |
6 March 2017 | KS 2 | FONS Junior Bingo | |
3 March 2017 | High 5 Club |
Dear Parents, Please note that from next Thursday, High 5s will finish at the later time of 4.30 p.m. Please collect your child from the BACK GATE at the new time of 4.30 p.m. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
3 March 2017 | Year 1 (Lime Bay) | Staffing Update | |
3 March 2017 | Whole School | Termly Learning Conference Letter and Information Leaflet | |
2 March 2017 | Year 5 | French Trip Reminder | |
28 February 2017 | whole School | Permier Sport Easter Holiday Activities Flyer | |
28 February 2017 | Whole School |
Reading Cafe: Dear Parents, If you or a family member intend to visit the reading cafe this week, please email me to advise your attendance (if you have not already done so or if you have not completed the slip). Where we are aware you are coming, your child's name has been added to a list and they will be collected from the classroom and brought to the hall for you to read with them. We were delighted with how the cafe ran yesterday and I hope you enjoy another opportunity to read with your child(ren). Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead reception@newlandsspring.essex.sch.uk |
28 February 2017 | Whole School | Shop for Schools Tokens: Dear Parents, Following on from the message in last week's Newsletter (please see the extract from the newsletter below), I can confirm that there was a 'bonus token' in last week's Essex Chronicle - this token will give the school an extra 5 bonus tokens. Please cut out the token out, if you still have the newspaper and remember to post it in our box when you are next in the Meadows Shopping Centre. The Essex Chronicle will be periodically publishing bonus tokens, some of which we may not be made aware of, so please be vigilant and keep an eye out for them - they could make all the difference to our position on the leader board ! Many, many thanks as always. Mrs Weatherhead | |
27 February 2017 | Year 4 | Superstars Volunteers: Dear Parents, Many, many thanks for offering to help escort the children to the sports stadium tomorrow. If you are able to walk TO the centre, please arrive at school for 9.00 a.m. If it is easier , just come and wait in the foyer by reception once you have dropped your child off to save you going home unnecessarily. If you are helping on the return leg, please arrive in good time to leave the stadium at approximately 11.45 a.m. Again, our thanks for your help and support. Regards Mrs Weatherhead | |
24 February 2017 | Whole School |
Car Seats: Dear Parents, On Wednesday 1 March 2017 the new laws concerning car child seats will be in force. Therefore, the Safer Essex Roads Partnership is holding a road safety awareness day which includes free child seat checking. The event will be in Chelmsford on Wednesday 8 March 2017, by the Good Egg Guide, in the Asda car park, CM2 6RE. Parents can arrive any time between 11am and 4pm to have their child seats checked and get advice about the new laws. Statistics show that 75% of child car seats are fitted incorrectly, so this service is being offered free to the community on this day. For further information, please contact David Raven, Road Safety Technician on david.raven@essexhighways.org. Alternatively, visit the Safer Essex Roads Partnership website. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead. |
24 February 2017 | Year 2 |
Infant Music Feastival: Dear Parents, The Infant Music Festival is due to take place on Wednesday 15th March and Newlands Spring School has been invited to participate. Regrettably we are only able to take 30 children with us and to ensure the children were chosen fairly we have picked names out of a hat and have selected 15 children from each class. If your child will be participating you will receive a letter shortly outlining more details, particularity information about how to order tickets with a permission slip that you should sign and return. Additionally the children who will be involved will be given a short note today confirming whether they will need to source a costume for the performance. Many thanks Mrs Dubiel & Miss Maslen |
24 February 2017 | Year 1 | Year 1 Barleylands School trip | |
24 February 2017 | FS/Oak Bay |
Homework: Dear Parents, The homework set for this week for the children in Oak Bay is to learn their lines for our Family Assembly. You will find these in their book bags. Many thanks Miss Holme |
24 February 2017 | Year 4 |
Superstars Competition: Dear Parents, We are extremely sorry for the late notice but we are still looking for volunteers to help with walking the children to Melbourne Stadium on Tuesday morning. We will be leaving school at approximately 9.00 a.m. Unfortunately, we have been advised that due to space, parents are not allowed to stay for the event so it will mean you returning at 11.45am. to walk back to school. If you can spare the time to help with either journey, we would be very grateful. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
23 February 2017 | Rounders |
Cancelled: Dear Parents, Our sincere apologies for the late notice but Rounders has been cancelled. All the children will be taken to the small hall and dismissed from there to ensure they are all collected by a parent. Please meet your child at the front reception at 3.15 p.m. Please advise us if you have any difficulties in collecting your child at this time. Again our apologies for the late notice. Mrs Weatherhead |
23 February 2017 | Year 3 |
Reminder: Dear Parents, For our family assemblies during the week beginning 13th March 2017 we are performing a short play on Romulus and Remus and would appreciate any help with providing items for their costumes. Each child knows the character that they are playing and which scene they are in. Please keep your costume as simple as possible as each child will only be in it for a short time. An old sheet made into a toga with a belt is fine for many characters. Alternatively, plain brown or similar coloured clothes with no logos would be fine. Guards could be similar but with the addition of a sword and shield (these can be home made!) Kings could wear the same but with the addition of a crown and shepherds could wear a tunic/plain coloured clothes with a tea towel around their heads. We appreciate your help with this and please ask if you have any queries. Many thanks Mrs Rusby & Miss Bishop |
23 February 2017 | Violins | Cancelled: Dear Parents, Please be advised that Mr Carey will not be in school today and there will not be any violin lessons. Our apologies for the late notice. Regards Mrs Weatherhead | |
22 February 2017 | Year 4 | Superstars Competition | |
22 February 2017 | Whole School |
RSPCA Assembly: Dear Parents, We are extremely excited to advise that we will be visited by the RSPCA, Danaher Unit on Monday during whole school assembly. They are coming to talk to all the children about their work in the community and they will be bringing along with them, a well behaved dog ! I know the majority of our children will thoroughly enjoy welcoming the dog into school but would ask that you advise Mrs Weatherhead or Mrs Fisher in the school office if your child is likely to have any issues during this visit. Many thanks Mrs Edom Baker |
21 February 2017 | Whole School | Springers Creche for Family Assemblies and Reading Cafe | |
21 February 2017 | Whole School | FONS Adult Bingo | |
21 February 2017 | Whole School | Founders Day 2017: Dear Parents, A quick reminder that to commemorate Founders Day 2017 we are inviting all Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, Beavers, Cubs and Scouts to come to school tomorrow in their uniform. We are looking forward to hearing how their own unit will be celebrating Founders Day and seeing how smart they all look ! Regards Mrs Weatherhead | |
21 February 2017 | Whole School | Helen Rollason Charity Flyer | |
21 February 2017 | Rounders Club | Email: After School Rounders Club Letter | |
20 February 2017 | Choir |
Cancelled: Dear Parents, Please note that there will not be a choir session after school tomorrow. Please ensure that your child is collected tomorrow at the normal time of 3.15 p.m. Choir will resume next week on Tuesday 28th February. Our apologies for any inconvenience that this will cause. Kind regards Mrs Weatherhead |
20 February 2017 | Nature Club | Cancelled: Dear Parents, Please note that there will not be a Nature Club session after school tomorrow. Please ensure that your child is collected tomorrow at the normal time of 3.15 p.m. Nature Club will resume next week on Tuesday 28th February. Our apologies for any inconvenience that this will cause. Kind regards Mrs Weatherhead | |
10 February 2017 | Whole School | Email: Student Safety Message from Chelmer Valley High School | |
9 February 2017 | Year 5 & 6 |
Kwik Cricket & Rounders Clubs: Dear Parents Mrs Clifton is running a before school cricket club on Wednesday mornings between 8.00 - 8.45 a.m. This club is being offered to all Year 5 & 6 children and commences on Wednesday 22nd February and runs until 17th May. If your child would like a place, please contact Mrs Weatherhead on reception@newlandsspring.essex.sch.uk (if you have not already done so). We are also offering an after school rounders club, run by Miss Maslen and Miss Edwards on Thursday afternoons (3.15 - 4.15 p.m.) which starts on 23rd February (last session 18th May) and again please contact Mrs Weatherhead if your child is interested. Places for both clubs will be limited and offered on a first come, first served basis. Any children not allocated a place will be placed on a waiting list. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
9 February 2017 | Foundation Stage (Oak) | Oak-Bay: Mrs Forwood | |
9 February 2017 | Year 2, 3 & 4 | Friday Football Club | |
9 February 2017 | Year 5 & 6 | Tuesday Football Club | |
9 February 2017 | Year 3 & 4 | Production Costume Letter | |
9 February 2017 | Whole School |
Dear Parents, As we approach half term, please could I ask that you pop into the office today to check the lost property box if you are missing any items. We will be emptying the box today and any items that are named will be returned to the classroom and unnamed items will be recycled. There are also a large amount of trainers outside some of the classrooms; could I ask that you or your child checks if any belong to them after school today. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
8 February 2017 | Year 5 | Jungle Jo | |
7 February 2017 | Whole School | Email: Springers Creche Facility for the Reading Cafe | |
7 February 2017 | Year 6 | Year 6 PGL - Osmington Final Payment | |
7 February 2017 | Whole School | Computer and Video Games | |
6 February | Whole School | Springers Creche Flyer | |
6 February 2017 | Piano Pupils |
Dear Parents, Due to the Year 3 trip to Colchester Castle tomorrow, Mr Montgomery will not be conducting piano lessons for his students this week; he will make this lesson up later in the school term. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead. |
6 February 2017 | Creativity Club |
Dear Parents, Mrs Forwood advised the children last week that creativity club is now finished and there will not be a session this week. Please collect your child at the normal time of 3.15 p.m. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
2 February 2017 | High 5 |
Dear Parents, As it is likely to rain later, High 5s will take place in the small hall today. Please collect your child from the FRONT of the school via the office at 4.15 p.m. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
1 February 2017 | Whole School | Redbridge Cycle Centre February Half-Term Courses | |
1 February 2017 | Whole School | Pedal for J's Hospice Flyer | |
1 February 2017 | Whole School | Reading Cafe | |
1 February 2017 | Whole School | World Book Day | |
1 February 2017 | Year 6 (Cedar) |
Dear Parents,Unfortunately Mrs Goodfellow is currently away from school as she is unwell; in light of this we have deferred Cedar Bay's Family Assembly until Wednesday 29th March instead of Wednesday 8th February as previously advised. This will give the class sufficient time to perfect their assembly under Mrs Goodfellow's guidance. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
27 January 2017 | FS | Foundation Stage Homework: Tricky words set 2 | |
27 January 2017 | High 5 members |
Dear Parents, It was very cold last night and a few of the High Fivers were freezing - please could you ensure that they bring track suits, hats and gloves with them next week so they can keep warm whilst training. Extra layers are always good !! Also some parents are not collecting their child at the correct time of 4.15 p.m. The coach has to go to another venue for a training session straight after ours and she is being delayed because children have not been picked up. Please arrive promptly at 4.15 p.m. to ensure she can leave in good time. Many thanks. Mrs Weatherhead |
27 January 2017 | Year 5 | French Trip | |
26 January 2017 | Year 1 | Email: Year 1 Homework (DB Primary Email) | |
25 January 2017 | Whole School | Chelmsford City Football Club February Half-Term Programme | |
24 January 2017 | Whole School | Kids Inspire Lunch Club (Feburary Half Term 2017) | |
23 January 2017 | Whole School | Springers Creche Update | |
23 January 2017 | Year 2 (Maple Bay) | Collection Arrangements for Tuesday during the Spring Term | |
23 January 2017 | Year 5 (Boys) | KEGS Tour (boys only) | |
23 January 2017 | Year 5 (Rowan Bay) |
Swimming (Rowan Bay): Dear Parents, Please note that FOR NEXT WEEK ONLY, Rowan Bay will swim on Wednesday (1st February) and NOT Thursday. Please ensure that your child brings their swimming kit in on the correct day. We will revert to swimming on Thursdays the week after. Many thanks Miss Caldecott Class Teacher |
23 January 2017 | Year 3 (Holly Bay) |
Swimming (Holly Bay): Dear Parents, Please note that FOR NEXT WEEK ONLY, Holly Bay will swim on Thursday (2nd February) and NOT Wednesday. Please ensure that your child brings their swimming kit in on the correct day. We will revert to swimming on Wednesdays the week after. Many thanks Miss Bishop Class Teacher |
20 January 2017 | Selected Children |
ESO Concert Rehearsal and Trip: Dear parents, Please make sure your child has their instrument in school on Monday 23rd January, for an in-school rehearsal. They will also need to remember it on Friday 27th January, for the trip to the ESO concert. Thank you, Miss Hawkes |
20 January 2017 | Foundation Stage | Homework: Tricky Words Information Sheet and Tricky Words Set 1 | |
19 January 2017 | Whole School | Termly Learning Conference Feedback | |
19 January 2017 | Whole School |
Springers: Dear Parents, Places are filling up fast for our February Half-Term holiday club with only 3 places left on the Tuesday and Wednesday. For more information please contact us on 01245 440943/07595 414627 or email springers@newlandsspring.essex.sch.uk. Many thanks Tracey Brown (Springers Manager) . An updated programme of activties may be found here. |
16 January 2017 | Year 5 | D & T Muffin Letter | |
16 January 2017 | Year 5 | Trip to St John Payne | |
16 January 2017 | Club members |
Dear Parents, Our after school Basket Ball Club will take place in the small hall every week and NOT in the playground. Please collect your child from the Front Office at 4.15 p.m. promptly at the end of the session. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
13 January 2017 | Year 5 | Meet the Teacher Letter | |
13 January 2017 | Foundation Stage |
Dear Parents, Your child will soon be bringing home a maths homework book in addition to their usual phonics ones. We will operate them in the same way, adding new work when you send them back and feel you child has completed the previous work and send them home on Fridays. Your child may also bring home a laminated name writing sheet. This is to keep at home for your child to practise as you feel appropriate. White board pens are available from the office for 50p if required. Many thanks for your continuing support Mrs Perry & Mrs Forwood |
13 January 2017 | Whole School |
Dear Parents, As many of you know, a parent of one of our children sadly passed away just before Christmas. His family and friends are organising a fundraising event at Chelmsford Football Club in order to raise money for crucial equipment at Broomfield Hospital. They are requesting donations for their raffle and please see the attachment for further details if you would like to help. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
13 January 2017 |
Years 2 to 4 |
Dear Parents, After School Football is cancelled today due to the weather and condition of the field. Please collect your child at the end of school at 3.15 p.m. as usual. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
12 January 2017 | Year 6 (selected) | Cross Country Letter (Chelmer Park) | |
11 January 2017 | Year 6 | Roald Dahl Topic Grid and Year 6 Meet the Teacher Letter (Spring 2017) | |
11 Janaury 2017 | Year 5 & 6 |
Dear Parent, As the days get longer our after school football will finish at 4.30 p.m. and NOT 4.15 p.m as was last term. Please collect your child from the back gate at 4.30 p.m. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
11 Janaury 2017 | Year 4 | Year 4 Meet the Teacher | |
11 Janaury 2017 | Year 3 | Year 3 Meet the Teacher | |
11 Janaury 2017 | Year 2 | Year 2 Meet the Teacher | |
11 Janaury 2017 | FS & KS1 | FONS: Skittleman (3rd February 2017, 3.30 to 5.00 pm) | |
11 January 2017 | Year 6 |
Dear Parents, As you are aware High 5s resume next week. Please note that for the time being all sessions will continue to finish at 4.15 p.m. Please collect your child promptly at this time from the back gate until advised otherwise. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
10 January 2017 | Year 3 | Colchester Castle Trip | |
10 January 2017 | Whole School | Quiz Night Poster: Fundraiser for World Challenge Trip by a former pupil | |
9 January 2017 | Whole School | Springers Creche Facility for the Spring Term | |
9 January 2017 | Years 1 and 2 |
Creativity Club: Dear Parents, Please note that Miss Forwood will not be in school this week and will have to defer the start of Creativity Club. Sessions will resume the following week on Thursday 19th January unless otherwise advised. We apologise for any inconvenience this will cause. Kind regards Mrs Weatherhead |
9 January 2017 | Whole School |
Springers Half-Term Holiday Club: Dear Parents, Springers are opening for the February Half Term and have a number of activities on offer during the week as well as having access to our indoor and outdoor equipment. These sessions are open to any primary school age children so please share with family and friends that may be interested in using our club. Give us a call or send an email if you are interested in making a booking so we can check availability and explain the booking process. Many thanks Tracey Brown (Springers, 01245 440943) |
6 January 2017 | Whole School | Meet the Teacher | |
6 January 2017 | Years 5 & 6 | Football Club (Tuesday) | |
6 January 2017 | Years 1, 2 & 3 | Football Club (Friday) | |
5 January 2017 | Years 4 to 6 |
Dear Parents, There are still a small number of places available for our Computer Explorers Club (Wednesday after school). I attach a copy of the letter given to all children before the end of last term and if your child is interested, please complete and return the slip at the bottom of the letter (along with payment). Places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. If enough children apply for a place and the club is oversubscribed, it may be possible to run a second session. Slips and payment must be returned by Friday 13th January to secure a place. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead Application form |
5 January 2017 | Years 3 to 6 | Glee Club | |
5 January 2017 | Selected Children |
Dear Parents, Unfortunately all the spaces for our lunchtime Construction Club have now been filled and your child has been placed on the waiting list - once a place becomes available I will revert to you. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead |
5 January 2017 | Selected Children |
Dear Parents, Your child has been allocated a place at our Construction Club which will be held in Miss Bishop's classroom on Wednesday lunch times between 12.15 - 12.45p.m. The club starts on 18th January and will run each week during term time with the last session being 22nd March. They will eat their lunch after the session finishes at 12.45 p.m. Regards Mrs Weatherhead |
5 January 2017 | Selected Children |
Dear Parents, Your child has been allocated a place at our Film Club which will be held in Mrs Coulson's classroom on Tuesdays after school between 3.15 - 4.15 p.m. The club starts on 17th January and will run each week during term time with the last session being 21st March. Children should be collected promptly at 4.15 p.m. from the front office. Regards Mrs Weatherhead |
5 January 2017 | Selected Children |
Dear Parents, Your child has been allocated a place at our Colouring Club which will be held in Miss Carpenter's classroom on Thursday lunch times between 12.15 - 12.45p.m. The club starts on 19th January and will run each week during term time with the last session being 23rd March. Your child may bring in felt tip pens / colouring pencils to use during the sessions if they wish. They will eat their lunch after the session finishes at 12.45 p.m. Regards Mrs Weatherhead |
5 January 2017 | Selected Children |
Dear Parents, Your child has been allocated a place at our Knitter Knatter lunchtime knitting club and this will start on Monday 9th January. Please ensure that your child brings their own needles and wool in with them to the introductory session next Monday. The club will run each Monday lunchtime during term time and will finish on Monday 20th March 2017. All sessions will be held in Mrs Perry's classroom. Children will be able to eat their lunch after the session has finished at 1.00 p.m. Kind regards Mrs Weatherhead |
4 January 2017 | Year 6 |
Dear Parents, Don't forget that it will be Roald Dahl Day on Friday 6th January and we are asking the children in Year 6 only to come to school dressed as their favourite Dahl character. This could be a simple mask or hat or using existing clothes to resemble a character. For example, for Matilda wear a purple dress, for Mr Fox wear a fox mask/ears. Many thanksMiss Carpenter & Mrs Goodfellow |
22 December 2016 | Year 5 & 6 | Rounders Club | |
22 December 2016 | Year 5 | Kwik Cricket Club | |
21 December 2016 | Year 1 & 2 | Nature Club Renewal Letter | |
21 December 2016 | Year 3 & 4 | Construction Club | |
21 December 2016 | Year 3 & 4 | Recorder Letter | |
21 December 2016 | Year 6 | Thank you | |
20 December 2016 | KS2 | Colouring Club: Dear Parents, Next term we will be offering a new lunchtime colouring club designed to teach and develop colouring skills. It will be run by Miss Carpenter and will take place between 12.15 - 12.45 p.m. in Miss Carpenter's classroom. The club will run from Thursday 19th January until Easter. There will be no chage for this club. If your child is interested, please email Mrs Weatherhead on reception@newlandsspring.essex.sch.uk. Spaces are limited and the deadline for responses will be Monday 9th January. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead | |
20 December 2016 | Year 6 | High 5 Club | |
20 December 2016 | Year 5 & 6 | Japanese Club | |
20 December 2016 | Year 6 | Knitter Knatter Club | |
20 December 2016 | Year 2, 3 & 4 | Film Club | |
20 December 2016 | Year 2 | Last Day Arrangements | |
20 December 2016 | Whole School | Springers Creche Facilities for the Spring term | |
20 December 2016 | Ensemble | Ensemble registration letter | |
19 December 2016 | KS2 | Djembe Club | |
19 December 2016 | Year1 and 2 | Creativity Club | |
19 December 2016 | Year 4, 5 & 6 | Belle Plate Club | |
19 December 2016 | Whole School | Lunch Boxes: Dear Parents, After school on Wednesday, could you please check that your children have their lunch boxes with them as any left on any of the trollies at the end of term will be thrown away. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead | |
16 December 2016 | Year 4, 5 & 6 | Gym Club (Monday) | |
16 December 2016 | Year 1, 2 & 3 | Gym Club (Friday) | |
16 December 2016 | KS 2 | Dodgeball Club | |
16 December 2016 | KS2 | Basketball Club | |
15 December 2016 | Whole School | Message from FONS: Christmas Bazaar | |
14 December 2016 | Year 2 Maple | After outdoor PE today, the children's kits are really dirty and they are bringing them home to be washed! We will be doing indoor PE on Tuesday next week so please make sure your child has a t-shirt and shorts for that day. We won't be doing outdoor PE on Wednesday as it is the last day of term. Many thanks Mrs Duiel | |
14 December 2016 | Year 1 | Party | |
14 December 2016 | Year 5 | Year 5 French Trip - Interest Letter | |
13 December 2016 | Whole School | Safeguarding Letter | |
12 December 2016 | Drum Students | Message from Mr Reyland: If your child is due a drum lesson still but did not have one today, I will be in school tomorrow to make up any missed lessons. Please ensure your child has their drum sticks and equipment with them. Many thanks Mr Tim Reyland | |
12 December 2016 | Whole School | Springers Creche Flyer Christmas 2016 | |
12 December 2016 | Year 3 | Email: Food Tasting and Allergies | |
12 December 2016 | Year 5 | Email: Spring Term Topic - Request for oversized white shirt | |
12 December 2016 | Year 4 Chestnut | Dear Parents, My class are going to be making their fajitas on Wednesday afternoon. I am in desperate need of parent helpers! If you are able to spare time and can help, please let me know as soon as possilbe as I would be very grateful. Many thanks Mrs Clifton | |
9 December 2016 | FS & KS1 | Whoops A Daisy Angel DVD | |
9 December 2016 | Ensemble | Please ensure that your child brings their instrument into school with them on Monday as the Ensemble will be performing at the Carol Service at St Andrews Church. I also look forward to seeing you tonight at 6.15 p.m. for our performance at the Christmas Bazaar. Many thanks Mrs Perkins | |
8 December 2016 | Choir | Due to unforeseen circumstances, the choir will be singing Christmas Carols in the Morrissons store on Wednesday 14th December and NOT Thursday 15th December. They will be escorted by Mrs Hydes and Miss Barnes and will be singing between 1.30 and 2.20 p.m. | |
8 December 2016 | Year 1 | Due to the show, there will be no homework set for the children this week. If your child would like to complete homework, they can continue to practise their common exception words. Many thanks Mrs Hydes & Mrs Coulson | |
7 December 2016 | Whole School | TLC Feedback Request and TLC Feedback Form | |
7 December 2016 | Whole School | FONS Infant & Junior Disco | |
7 December 2016 | Year 5 | Email: Briefing on Proposed Trips in 2017 | |
7 December 2016 | Year 4 | Email: Cooking: Request for Volunteers | |
7 December 2016 | Whole School | Email: Message about the new dodgeball, basketball and gym clubs for those who attend the current clubs | |
6 December 2016 | Whole School | Email: Christmas Post Box | |
6 December 2016 | FS and KS1 | KS1 Production - Collecting and dropping off arrangements | |
6 December 2016 | Years 3 to 6 | New Basketball Club (Tuesday 3.15 - 4.15 p.m.) | |
6 December 2016 | Years 4, 5 & 6 | New Early Morning Gym Club (Tuesday 8.00 - 8.45 a.m.) Interest Letter | |
6 December 2016 | Years 1, 2 & 2 | New Early Morning Gym Club (Fridays 8.00 - 8.45 a.m.) Interest Letter | |
6 December 2016 | KS2 | New Dodgeball Club (Friday) Interest Letter | |
6 December 2016 | FS and KS1 | Message from Mrs Edom-Baker | |
5 December 2016 | KS 2 | KS2 Carol Service: Request for Volunteers | |
5 December 2016 | Choir | Choir: Important News and update | |
5 December 2016 | Year 4 (Beech) | KS2 Carol Service: Request for Volunteers | |
2 December 2016 | Whole School | Christmas Bazaar: Request for Volunteers and Christmas Raffle Letter | |
2 December 2016 | Year 5 | DT Project | |
2 December 2016 | Selected Children | Little Stars Development Camp | |
2 December 2016 | Year 6 | Roald Dahl Letter | |
2 December 2016 | Whole School | Data Collection Sheets | |
2 December 2016 | FS and Year 1 | Phonics - How to Pronounce Phonemes | |
1 December 2016 | Year 6 | Urgent Request for Volunteers to help with Swimming on Tuesday 6th and 13th December. | |
1 December 2016 | Whole School | FONS: Mrs Claus' Kitchen | |
1 December 2016 | FS and KS1 | Email: Production Tickets | |
1 December 2016 | Year 4 (Beech) | Email: Beech Bay Termly Learning Conference | |
30 November 2016 | High 5 Club | Email: Notice about the High 5 Session on the 1st December 2016 | |
30 November 2016 | Year 6 Football team | Football Match: Please note that the CFFC Coach Alex, has asked that your child have football boots for the match against Lawford Mead on Thursday 8th December. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead. | |
29 November 2016 | FS | Outdoor PE: Dear Parents, PLease could all children have a tracksuit in school as the weather is much colder and the children will be continuing to do outdoor P.E. on Wednesday mornings. Many thanks Mrs Perry & Mrs Forwood | |
29 November 2016 | Glee Club | CANCELLED: Dear Parents, Please note due to the Termly Learning Conferences, there will not be a GLEE session after school tomorrow. Many thanks Mrs Weatherhead | |
28 November 2016 | Ensemble | Email: Performance at the FONS Christmas Bazaar | |
28 November 2016 | Choir | Please note there will be no choir session after school tonight. Choir will resume again next week (Tuesday 6th December). Many thanks Mrs Hydes & Miss Barnes | |
28 November 2016 | Year 6 (Football) | Football Match at Lawford Mead Primary School | |
28 November 2016 | Whole School | Termly Learning Conference Information Letter | |
28 November 2016 | Whole School | Springers Creche Flyer (updated) | |
25 November 2016 | Year 6 | Email: Request for volunteers to help with cooking | |
25 November 2016 | Creativity Club | Email: Cancelled creativity club sessions | |
25 November 2016 | FS and Year 1 | Springers Creche available forthe Phonics training session | |
24 November 2016 | Year 1 | Christmas costume Letter | |
24 November 2016 | FS and KS1 | Email: Xmas production tickets | |
24 November 2016 | FS and KS 1 | Pokemon Cards ban for FS and KS1 | |
23 November 2016 | Ensemble |
Ensemble Performance: Ensemble have been working extremely hard and would like to invite you all to a short performance of the festive pieces they have learnt this term. The performance will be on the 24 November in the new hall. Please arrive at 4.00 pm. I hope many of you can join us. |
22 November 2016 | Dance Club Members | Dance Competition for Years 5 & 6 | |
22 November 2016 | Whole School | Springers Creche (Wed & Fri) and Christmas Creche Sessions | |
22 November 2016 | whole School | RSPCA Appeal | |
22 November 2016 | FS & Year 1 | Reminder: Miss Hawkes will be running two identical sessions explaining how we teach phonics in FS and Year 1 The first one in this evening 6.00 - 7.00 pm in the small hall and the second session will be on Tuesday 29th November 9.00 - 10.00 am. You are welcome to attend either session. If possible, please let us know you are comming by emailing Mrs Weatherhead. | |
22 November 2016 | Year 2 Elm Bay | Email: Elm Bay swimming lessons have been cancelled tomorrow afternon due to the unavailability of a swimming teacher. | |
18 November 2016 | FS (Willow Bay) | Xmas Production: Costume Letter | |
16 November 2016 | KS1 | KS1 Production - Ticket Information | |
15 November 2016 | Choir | Royal Albert Hall Trip - Details for the day | |
14 November 2016 | Whole School | FONS Great British Bake Off competition | |
14 November 2016 | KS2 | Please note that from this week our after school Football Clubs on a Tuesday and Friday afternoon will finish at 4.15 p.m.. Please collect your child at the new time from the BACK gate. | |
14 November 2016 | Whole School | Springers Creche (Wed & Fri 10 - 11am) and Christmas Creche sessions Flyer | |
14 November 2016 | FS & Year 1 | Phonics Session | |
10 November 2016 | Selected Classes | Email: Year 2 (Maple), Year 3 (Holly), Year 5 (Rowan), Foundation Stage (Oak) - Swimming Spring Term | |
10 November 2016 | Whole School | Email: Individual Pupil & Family Photographs - Monday 14th November 2016 | |
9 November 2016 | Foundation Stage | Email: Welly Adventure | |
9 November 2016 | Year 1 (Lime Bay) | Email: Reading | |
8 November 2016 | Year 1 | Email: Year 1 International Song Contest | |
7 November 2016 | Year 1 (Lime Bay) | Lime Bay are urgently looking for parent volunteers to come in and help read with the children. If you can spare any time throughout the day we would be very grateful. Please let Mrs Hydes or Mrs Weatherhead known if you are able to help. | |
4 November 2016 | Whole School | TLC Online Booking Guide and Explanation Leaflet | |
4 November 2016 | Year 4 | International Song Contest | |
4 November 2016 | KS2 | Brookshaw Stuart Junior Netball Club Flyer | |
4 November 2016 | High 5 Particpants | From Thursday 17th November High 5 sessions will finish at 4.15 p.m. | |
4 November 2016 | Ensemble Participants | From 10th November all Ensemble sessions will finish at 4.15 p.m. | |
4 November 2016 | Whole School | FONS Fundraiser: Children's Artwork and Volunteers request | |
3 November 2016 | Foundation Stage | Springers Creche Facility | |
2 November 2016 | Year 5 & 6 (Participants) | Melbourne Cross Country | |
1 November 2016 | Foundation Stage | International Song Contest | |
1 November 2016 | Whole School | Email: Free tickets from Chelmsford City Football Club | |
1 November 2016 | Foundation Stage | Afternoon Tea Invitation | |
1 November 2016 | Whole School | Springers Creche Flyer | |
1 November 2016 | Whole School | Premier Sports Dodgeball Course | |
31 October 2016 | Year 2 | Email: Maple Bay Class Assembly | |
31 October 2016 | Whole School | British Legion Poppy Appeal | |
31 October 2016 | Whole School | FONS: Non-Uniform Day | |
20 October 2016 | Year 2, 3, 4 | CCFC After School Football Club (Fridays) | |
20 October 2016 | Year 5 & 6 | CCFC After School Football Club (Tuedays) | |
20 October 2016 | Year 1 | Volnteers are desperately in Year 1 need to help the children make a fruit salad tomorrow. If you are able to help please inform the school office or class teacher. We will be starting at 1:30 and finishing by 2:30 p.m. Many thanks Mrs Coulson & Mrs Hydes | |
20 October 2016 | KS2 | Djembi Club Spaces available: Letter and Flyer | |
19 October 2016 | Foundation Stage | Outdoor PE Kit | |
17 October 2016 | Whole School | Springers Creche Flyer | |
14 October 2016 | Year 1 | Email: Homework | |
14 October 2016 | Year 1 | Fruit Salad Letter | |
13 October 2016 | Foundation Stage | Library Tickets | |
12 October 2016 | Year 5 & 6 | Baddow Eagles Girls Basketball Flyer | |
12 October 2016 | Whole School | Stranger Danger | |
11 Ocotber 2016 | Foundation Stage | Superhero Dress Up Day | |
10 October 2016 | Foundation Stage | Email: School Uniform | |
6 October 2016 | Whole School | Springers October Holiday Club and NHS Head lice leaflet | |
5 October 2016 | Whole School | FONS Halloween Disco, FONS Autumn Newsletter and FONS Committee Poster | |
3 October 2016 | Year 4 | Big Write | |
3 October 2016 | Cross Country Team | Crosss Country Event: Hylands Park 13th October | |
30 September 2016 | Wole School | Important Information About Pupil Premium | |
30 September 2016 | Whole School | School Census: Nationality Data | |
29 September 2016 | Year 4, 5 & 6 (participants) | Belle Plate Club Letter | |
29 September 2016 | Year 2 | Mrs Dubiel is looking for volunteers to help escort the children to the Harvest Festival Service on Monday afternoon (3rd October) which will be held at St Andrew's Church. If you are able to spare time to assist with this, please let Mrs Dubiel know as soon as possible. The children will be leaving school at approximately 1.30 p.m. | |
28 September 2016 | Whole School | Chelmsford City Football Club Half-Term Programme | |
28 September 2016 | Year 6 | Request for swimming volunteers | |
27 September 2016 | Year 2 | Please ensure that your child arrives at school at 8.20 a.m. tomorrow to ensure that the children are registered and on the coach before the departure time of 8.30 a.m. Children should enter the school via the playground and go straight into class. | |
27 September 2016 | Year 5 & 6 (participants) | Dance Club | |
27 September 2016 | Year 1 & 2 (participants) | Nature Club | |
27 September 2016 | Year 5 & 6 (participants) | Japanese Club | |
27 September 2016 | Year 1 & 2 (participants) | Creativity Club | |
27 September 2016 | Foundation Stage | Harvest Festival 3rd October 2016 | |
26 September 2016 | Whole School | Harvest Festival Letter If you are able to help escort the children to and from the church please let your child's class teacher know as soon as possible. | |
26 September 2016 | Year 5 | Greek Themed Morning | |
23 September 2016 | Year 4, 5 & 6 | Music Theory Club Letter | |
21 September 2016 | Whole School | School Clubs Letter and List | |
21 September 2016 | Year 2 & 5 | Swimming: Due to the Year 2 trip next Wednesday (28th September), Elm Bay will swim on the Friday (30 September) and Sycamore will swim on the Wednesday (28th Wednesday). Classes will revert to the normal days from the week commencing 3rd October. | |
19 September 2016 | Whole School | Student Safety | |
16 September 2016 | Year 5 | Meet the teacher letter | |
16 September 2016 | Whole School | Head Lice Letter and NHS information | |
16 September 2016 | Whole School | Bed Bugs Information Letter | |
16 September 2016 | Year 4 | Colchester Zoo Trip | |
15 September 2016 | Year 4 | Meet the teacher letter | |
14 September 2016 | Years 5 & 6 | Mid-Essex Secondary Schools Open Evenings/Open Morning Dates 2016-2017 | |
14 September 2016 | Whole School |
Springers October Holiday Club: Places are still available and can be secured by returning the completed booking form with payment. |
14 September 2016 | Year 6 | Meet the Teacher Letter and Year 6 World War 2 Autumn Term | |
14 September 2016 | year 3 | Meet the Teacher Letter | |
14 September 2016 | Year 2 | Meet the Teacher Letter | |
14 September 2016 | Year 1 | Meet the Teacher Letter | |
13 September 2016 | Year 2 | Great Fire of London Trip | |
13 September 2016 | Tuesday Gym Club | Please be advised that the Gym Coach missed the session this morning and will instead take an extra session at the end. | |
13 September 2016 | Whole School | Termly Learning Conference (Amended Letter) | |
8 September 2016 | Year 4 (Chestnut) | Email: Parent helpers are being sought to assist with Chestnut Bay's swimming lessons. Please contact Mrs Weatherhead if you can assist. Thank you. | |
7 September 2016 | Years 3, 4, 5 & 6 | Reminder: Glee Club will restart next week | |
7 September 2016 | Year 6 (Spruce Bay) | Email: Parent helpers are being sought to assist with Spruce Bay's swimming lessons. Please contact Mrs Weatherhead if you can assist. Thank you. | |
6 September 2016 | Years 3 & 4 | Basketball club - Interest Letter | |
6 September 2016 | Choir | Email: Choir Practice restarts on Tuesday 20th September and will run until half-term in the small hall. Children should be collected at 4.15 pm. | |
6 September 2016 | Years 5 & 6 | Tuesday After School Football Club (CCFC) | |
6 September 2016 | Years 2, 3 & 4 | Friday After School Football Club (CCFC) | |
6 September 2016 | Year 6 | Year 6 Consent Form for mobile phones and walking home alone | |
5 September 2016 | Year 5 & 6 Cross-Country Team | Year 5 & 6 Cross Country Event 21st September 2016 | |
5September 2016 | Year 4 | Year 4 Trip: Colchester Zoo |
Date Sent | Relevant Year / Group | Subject Matter |
22 July 2016 | FS to Year 5 | Mathletics: Introduction Letter and Specification. (Starting September2016 for Years 1 to 6) |
21 July 2016 | Whole School | Free Parenting Program |
21 July 2016 | Whole School | Multi-Academy Trust (MAT) |
21 July 2016 | Whole School | Parental Questionnaire |
20 July 2016 | Whole School | Springers Holiday Club (October Half-term) |
19 July 2016 | Year 2 | Year 2 to Year 3 Transition Letter |
19 July 2016 | Years 3 to 6 | Bags in School |
19 July 2016 | Whole School | School Uniform |
19 July 2016 | Whole School | Summer Safety 2016 by the Essex Fire Service |
18 July 2016 | 11+ participants | Mock 11+ |