Friends of Newlands Spring Primary and Nursery School (FONS)

What is FONS?
FONS is a registered charity and was formed in 1982, over 40 years ago!
FONS is committed to improving the equipment and experiences of all children at our school. FONS is run by a dedicated and enthusiastic team of parents and staff in our school community who give up their own time to organise fundraising activities. Some members stay on FONS for many years whilst others help on an event by event basis.
As a parent/ guardian with a child at our school you are automatically a member of FONS. We also welcome Grandparents, Aunties, Uncles, Teachers and Members of the local community.
What do FONS do?
FONS organises various events and activities to raise funds for our school. These funds are used to improve both the learning experiences and recreational environment of our school. We also fund occasional activities for the children such as Panto in a Day and a Leavers BBQ for Year 6 children and their families. Most events are organised with the children and families in mind although we have the odd event for adults only. Further information about FONS and our events can be found on our Facebook page and our Website and Bookings page.
Events in 2023-24 included:
Non-Event fundraising in 2023-24 included:
Where do the funds go?
In 2023-24 we raised a whopping £20,978!!!
This amazing work by FONS enabled the school to purchase the following equipment and experiences for the school.
In the past we have also helped to purchase:
'Lets Work Together'
Multiple heads are certainly better than one, all FONS members work and have busy lives which is why we need support and ideas from all of you too. If you would like to join our brilliant team and get involved in some fun and exciting fundraising planning for our children, then please do get in touch.
Although FONS is always looking for additional members you do not need to be a committee member to contribute. There are other ways you can help including:
- Micro Volunteering: We will never ask for more time than you can give, the odd hour here and there when preparing for big events will make a huge difference to all of us. Without the help of parents many of our events could not be possible.
- Donations: Sending in donations to support raffles and non-uniform days requests, teddies (for the tombola), good quality uniform (for the 2nd Hand Uniform Shop), baking (for the café at Bazaar & Fayre).
- Contacts: Passing on good quality contacts, for example, do you work for or know a company that may be able to assist us? We have to buy various things for our events such as drinks, teas/coffee, lucky dip presents, wine and prizes - would your company be willing to sponsor us to help with these purchases? Does your company do £ for £ fundraising? Does it offer grants to charities for which we could apply?
- Skills: Do you have skills we could utilise? For example, an Accountant to do an Independent Examination of our Year End Accounts; a Fundraiser to help with grant applications, Social Media to help share information about of events and fundraising efforts, Public Speaker to host Quiz Nights and Bingo Nights.
Joining FONS
Joining FONS is very easy and open to anyone who has children at the school. To join simply email
FONS is a vital part of the school community. By joining, members can make a real difference to the lives of children and contribute to the success of the school. We are always excited to see new faces as new faces bring new ideas which are vital in ensuring our continued success.
FONS meet face-to-face at least once a term, usually in The Flyer or at Springers. We also use What’s App Community to help with the planning as we lead up to events.
Contacting FONS
If you would like to speak to a member of FONS please email
You can also get in touch with us through Facebook and Facebook Messenger.
We are all approachable and happy to chat face-to-face on the playground.
Any support you can give us will be extremely appreciated.