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Newlands Spring Primary and Nursery School

Residential Trip 2024

In October our Year 6 children enjoyed their residential trip to Bawdsey Manor.

Colchester Zoo

Year 4 had a fantastic trip to Colchester Zoo in October. The children were so well behaved and we had a lot of fun! We had an organised talk about rainforests which was very informative and engaging. The children got to touch real jaguar fur, snake skin and see the differences between toucans' and parrots' beaks. The speaker asked the children questions about the different layers of the rainforest (canopy; emergent; understory and forest floor) and she was impressed that the children could already name all of these! We then got chance to walk around the zoo and managed to see lots of different exotic animals. Some of us even had a ride on the Madagascar Express! Thank you to all of the wonderful parents who came to help - we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!

Hedingham Castle

Year 2 had a fantastic visit to Hedingham Castle which bought this term's learning about castles to life. During the day, we met the Lady of the castle and her servants, and learnt about their different jobs in the castle. We had great fun taking part in a jousting competition, and also practised our battle cries with the armourer. The archer talked to us about the different types of arrows used to defend the castle and gave us an exciting demonstration of firing arrows - they flew so quickly we could hardly see them!


Children at Newlands Spring Primary and Nursery School are given the opportunity to learn outside the classroom. We believe that these educational visits enhance the school curriculum.

Past trips have included:

  • Hanningfield (wildlife Trust) in Foundation Stage
  • Marsh Farm in Year 1
  • Hedingham Castle and Sealife Centre (Southend) in Year 2
  • Hyde Hall in Year 3
  • Colchester Zoo in Year 4
  • Jimmy's Farm in Year 5
  • PGL Bawdsey Manor in Year 6

We also have themed days run by external experts such as Great Fire of London day, Greek Day and a visit from a Planetarium.

In addition to arranging educational visits, the school regularly hosts visiting artists, musicians and authors who perform to the children and lead workshops.

Charging and Remission

Parents are asked to make a voluntary contribution towards the cost of the school visits, covering the cost of visits, travel and admission charges. Without such contribution educational visits would not be financially viable. However, the school is keen that no child misses a visit due to their parent's inability to play. Should this be a concern parents can contact the Business Manager or Pastoral Manager to discuss this. All conversations will be dealt with in confidence.

A full copy of the school's charging policy is available here

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