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Newlands Spring Primary and Nursery School

Working together towards success for all

 Welcome to Newlands Spring Primary and Nursery  School Website.

 We are a member of Attain Academy Partnership and   the lead school in the Chelmsford Teaching School   Alliance (CTSA).

We are a happy, successful school that combines high academic expectations with a child-centred approach and we seek to find and develop the potential in every pupil. Our mission statement is ‘Working together towards success for all’ and we truly believe that a team approach between children, parents and staff is the best way to educate children for their lives ahead.

Our website contains a wealth of useful information which will tell you about Newlands Spring and the way that our school community supports the education of our children.

Newlands Spring Primary and Nursery School has excellent facilities and a friendly, caring and supportive ethos where our children are happy, engaged and focussed on their learning. Our creative curriculum and high expectations mean that children enjoy their learning whilst working to achieve their best. Our extensive range of extra-curricular activities offers opportunities for children to develop specific interests beyond the classroom and we provide 'wrap around care' at "Springers", our breakfast and after-school club.

Friends of Newlands Spring (FONS) is our parents’ association which works tirelessly to raise funds for the school through a variety of fayres, discos and other events through the year. 

This website is designed to help you if you are considering Newlands Spring Primary and Nursery School as a school for your child, however nothing can replace a visit in person. We are always happy to meet you and show you our school. We are very proud of our learning community and the opportunities we provide for each child.

Mrs Lindop and Mr Troughton

Acting Heads of School

School Calendar

Embedded Calendar

Today's Events

Embedded Calendar


  • School Tours for New Starters
One of the best ways to get to know the school is to have a tour of the school.  
If you would like to visit in person small tours may be arranged,  For further information on how to book a tour please click here or contact the school office on 01245 442031.  
  • Residential Trip: The  year 6 children are currently enjoying their residential trip to Bawsey Manor. Pictures can be found here.
  • Nursery Class: For further information on the  nursery please click here.
  • Vacancies: Click here for our latest job vacancies
  • Young Carer Support Award: The school has been awarded the Young Carer Support Bronze award for its work in ensuring pupils don't miss out on an education because they are young carers.
  • Primary Admissions Offer (Video): We are looking forward to welcoming our new Foundation Stage children in September.  If you were not successful in gaining a place at a school of your choice, Essex County Council has made this video to help with any questions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9nnRicMHOk&feature=youtu.be.
  • Emergency Closure Procedures: In the event of school closure due to bad weather or other unforeseen circumstances we will do our best to notify parents and carers as soon as possible at the start of the day via SchoolComms. If you are not registered for SchoolComms please enquire at the school office. 

In the event that we are unable to send out a SchoolComms notification, school closures will also be updated on the Essex County Council Website mentioned below, Twitter and the school website.  To download the school's Emergency Closure Procedure please click here

  • Community News: Click here to view information about events within the local community that might be of interest to parents and children. 
  • E-Safety: Please click here to access the latest e-safety magazine (#Ditto  Magazine Edition 14, September 2018) by Alan Mackenzie (www.esafety-adviser.com)
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