Admissions Consultation for 2026 - 2027

In line with our statutory duties and the Schools Admissions Code we have made a minor change to our admissions arrangements for 2026 - 2027 which we must now consult on ahead of the changes being determined.
These changes are to the over subscription order criteria, which we propose to amend to include children of staff.
A copy of the Admissions Arrangements is attached here.
This consultation will run from midday on 21st October 2024 for six weeks. We are inviting stakeholders and members of the local community to respond. These are namely, but not limited to:
- Parents and Carers at each school
- Members of school Staff
- Governors and Trustees
- The Local Authority
- Local primary schools
- Members of the local community
You are invited to submit comments in a number of ways:
- By completing this short online survey
- By completing Appendix 1, which is attached here, and
- emailing to (please use ‘Admissions CONSULTATION’ in the subject heading)
- posting to:
Newlands Spring Primary & Nursery School
Dickens Place
If you require a paper copy of any of these documents, please email the office or call (01245 442031).
Following the consultation period, the Local Governing Board and Trust Board will consider any comments received.
Any comments must be sent no later than midday on 2nd December 2024.